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Consumers reporting big problems about returning faulty goods to retailers: ACCC

The law is clear. When you buy a product, whether a toaster or a car, it comes with guarantees that it will work and last for a reasonable amount of time.

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What are your consumer rights?

When are you eligible for a repair, replacement or a refund? The Australian Consumer Law gives you more rights than you might know.

For example, if your two-year-old Ultra HD television stops working for no apparent reason, you're most likely entitled to a repair, exchange or refund.

But tens of thousands of consumers in possession of a faulty product and attempting to exercise their rights are encountering resistance and false information.

In the first quarter of this year, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission received more than 9000 complaints from shoppers in relation to consumer guarantees; it received 20,000 last year.

Most of the complaints (24 per cent) were in relation to electronics and appliances, followed by motor vehicles (17 per cent), services, clothing and accessories, and furniture.


"Some contacts were about wanting to know their rights, but others were about stores not doing the right thing and not responding appropriately," said ACCC's acting chair Delia Rickard.

"If the store is not responding to your claim, I'd go and explain that I know my Australian Consumer Law (ACL) rights, explain the problem, and ask for a remedy," she said.

"Make it clear you know the law, and if they contest that, show them the ACCC website, because they would've heard about the ACCC."

It appears many businesses are failing to comply with the ACL and offer a free repair if the problem is minor, or give the customer the choice of a repair, exchange or refund if there's a major fault.

In response to the rising tide of complaints, the ACCC has launched an online "complaint letter" tool that consumers can use to assert their rights.

It had noticed that its original "how to write a complaint letter" was being viewed frequently but was infrequently downloaded. 

"Instead of downloading a copy, we thought we'd build a tool that guides you through what you should say to get the best response," said Ms Rickard.

Under the law, purchases come with guarantees that it will be of "acceptable quality" (safe and durable), fit for purpose, and match the description, sample or demonstration model.

Any warranties are in addition to these guarantees.

The latest ACCC figures show that 70 per cent of the 9000 complaints were in relation to issues of "acceptable quality".

But retailers say there needs to be more guidance about what exactly "acceptable quality" and "reasonable durability" mean, because everyone has different expectations.

Russell Zimmerman, executive director of the Australian Retailers Association, said its members were concerned about the varying opinions on what is "reasonable and fair wear".

"For example, a product that's worn by a child everyday and it becomes faulty. The consumer sees that as highly important and wants a replacement now, whereas the retailer might say 'I can get that repaired, and under the circumstances, it doesn't warrant a replacement'," he said.

"Then you get into a difference of opinion about what is reasonable wear, because the retailer might think 'You've had that for six to eight months and we think a repair is enough'."

The final report of the review of the Australian Consumer Law was released in March, and among the recommendations was for the development of guidance on "reasonable durability".

One of the proposed changes was that if a product fails to meet the consumer guarantees within a short specified period of time, such as 30 days, the consumer should be able to get a refund or an exchange without needing to prove a "major failure".

This was based on Australian Consumer Survey results which found that most problems became apparent in the first week or month of purchase.

For electronics, it said 43 per cent of problems were detected in the first week and another 15 per cent in the first month, and for motor vehicles, 41 per cent were detected in the first week and another 16 per cent in the first month.

"it is inherently likely to be a major failure because a reasonable consumer would not have purchased the good had they known it would fail quickly," the report said.

"Accordingly, [we consider] that the consumer guarantee remedies of a refund or replacement should apply to a short specified time period, such as 30 days."

Consumer affairs ministers will vote on the proposals in August.

The ACCC has prosecuted the likes of Apple and Harvey Norman for misleading consumers about their rights.

Check out the ACCC's new Complaint Letter Tool.