Anarchist Writers


Updates from Anarchist Writers about anarchism & current events

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  1. Anti-Ulises : A Day In the Life of a Simmering City - The Epic 2008 Struggle for Another

  2. Generation Kill and the reality of war | Writers

  3. criminalisation and the tragic deaths it causes reduction not

  4. Roots of the conflict in - Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association

  5. What parts of do particularly misrepresent?

  6. From Russia with Critique: Why bother with the Russian Revolution? The Soviet Union, rightly, has been classe...

  7. "Markets, Marx and Mutualism A review of Socialism After Hayek by Theodore A. Burczak "

  8. "Black Flag: Syndicalism, Marxist Myth and Anarchist Reality | Anarchist Writers "

  9. What do eco-anarchists propose instead of capitalism? | Anarchist Writers

  10. An Anarchist explains the problems with Paul Avrich�s The Russian Anarchists #1917

  11. Concentrating our forces on the left to be effective

  12. Some footage of our bloc on yesterday's in Dublin

  13. The numbers and energy of the leap out of our photo - we will be posting video of the speeches over the next days

  14. Can and be separated from each other? | Anarchist Writers

  15. now no1 item trending in and it's not even 10am - by 14.00 volume at will break twitter

  16. "Didn't refute in ""On Authority""? "

  17. Remembering the Resistance to

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