Federal Politics

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The endangered elephant in the energy room

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We are in the middle of a cappuccino-led transformation.

The ABC's War on Waste program has recently drawn Australians' attention to the fact that disposable coffee cups are not recyclable. And that one billion of the things go to landfill and litter each year. 

So, appropriately horrified, environmentally-conscious coffee drinkers are doing something about it.  

I've noticed a change in the lineup at the coffee stall near my office in recent weeks. The people who bring their own brightly coloured, plastic cups are starting to outnumber those who stump for the evil, non-recyclable paper kind. Earlier this month, KeepCup​ - a company that sells reusable coffee cups – was reporting a 400 per cent increase in online sales

There is a direct relationship here between knowledge and action. And it shows there is a large chunk of us who really care about the impact we have on our world.  

But when it comes to other, more existential environmental issues, there is a frightening disconnect.  


The climate change debate has hung around federal politics for 10 years now, tying leaders and party rooms in knots and getting us nowhere. And as Federal Parliament once more (with feeling) tackles these issues in the wake of the Finkel​ Review into the national electricity market, there is a deafening silence about how it relates to the environment. 

The rhetoric from the Turnbull government is focused on household electricity prices and energy reliability. The closest Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg​ get to talking about the pressing environmental need to fix our energy supply is sterile references to "emissions reduction" and "international targets". 

Labor is also focusing on power prices, while seizing on Coalition divisions over Finkel's proposed clean energy target. The media is focused on whether Turnbull's leadership will survive trying to implement something less ambitious than John Howard's plans a decade ago.  

Meanwhile, Tony Abbott speaks of the need to protect coal as if it is a rare and precious breed of dolphin, not something that actively pollutes the planet.  

The federal Department of Environment and Energy's own website says the climate is changing due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal and gas), which has lead to ice melting and sea levels rising, influenced rainfall and wind patterns and makes the ocean more acidic. It adds that scientists agree the "worst effects" can be "largely avoided" if carbon dioxide emissions are reduced. 

Australians also largely agree climate change is real.  According to the Ipsos 2016 Climate Change Report, 81 per cent of the 1000-plus Australians surveyed agree climate change is at least partly caused by human activity, while 58 per cent say the "burning of fossil fuels" is a top cause of climate change. More than half say climate change is already destroying the Great Barrier Reef and causing more frequent and extreme floods, storms, droughts and bushfires. Almost 60 per cent say Australia should be "doing more" to address the problem. 

But there is not even a puff about this in Canberra. Indeed, there is huge concern about whether our children and grandchildren will be able to buy a house. But not whether said house will be under water or impossible to insure because of the frequency of extreme weather events. 

Perhaps this is because while people are worried about climate change, it is not front and centre of their minds or votes. 

Ipsos research director Stuart Clark says climate change peaked in 2007 as a "top environmental issue for action" circa Kevin Rudd's "great moral challenge", before taking a dive during the global financial crisis. Concern has tracked up since then, but is still below 2007 levels. 

"People are concerned about climate change but the economy is probably equally just as much of a concern," Clark says. 

Maybe people are also exhausted by the years of angry politicians, doomsday prophecies from both sides of the debate and ultimately no real change. Maybe the big picture is too scary to engage with. And it's easier to just buy a reusable coffee cup and feel you've done your bit. 

The Australia Institute's executive director Ben Oquist (a former chief-of-staff to Greens leaders Bob Brown and Christine Milne) adds that while people accept climate change is real, "there is a denialism​ of the significance of it". 

So Parliament will continue to fuss about political careers and compromises and throw jargon around as if it's the smartest thing to do. 

And the environment will continue to be the silent, endangered elephant in the room, making idiots of us all.