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    • Palestinian activists break Ramadan fast at Hebron checkpoint

      The restrictions on movement between different neighborhoods of Hebron meant that a number of Palestinian activists, who were on their way to an iftar meal in Tel Rumeida, were compelled to break their fast sitting on the ground at a checkpoint instead. Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims across the world, is a time for family get-togethers, especially around the Iftar meal, which breaks the day-long fast every evening. Extended families gathering for a meal — what could be more trivial than that? Except if it happens in Hebron, where nothing is as trivial as it seems. [tmwinpost] Several members of…

    • Kafr Qasim killing shows police threat to Palestinian citizens

      As long as police continue to see Palestinian citizens of Israel as 'the enemy,' the deadly shootings — and the ever-deepening crisis in relations — will continue. By Yael Marom, with Orly Noy An Israeli security guard shot and killed 28-year-old Mahmoud Mahmoud Salim Taha, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, in Kafr Qasim on Monday night. Disturbances had broken out while police were arresting another resident of the town, and in the course of the clashes, a security guard at the police station opened fire on Taha. [tmwinpost] Below are three comments on the incident. Where else have protesters been shot and…

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    • LGBTQ Israelis come out against occupation and homophobia

      In response to online homophobic attacks, over 50 LGBTQ left-wing activists and NGO workers in Israel-Palestine release a statement condemning the occupation, racism and pinkwashing. By Yael Marom The week before last a notorious extreme right-wing Israeli rapper posted another homophobic status on his Facebook page. The post, which was not the from a right-winger to put LGBTQ members of human rights organizations in the crosshairs, was the catalyst for an initiative to bring together LGBTQ left-wing activists ahead of the Tel Aviv Pride march this week. [tmwinpost] As part of his post, the rapper attached pictures of five of our…

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    • Don't blame the education system for Israel's occupation denial

      Ignoring Palestinians, whether the refugees from the 1948 War or those who remained under military rule in the occupied territories, is part and parcel of our Zionist outlook. By Gil Gertel We love to talk about the occupied territories. Because they are silent and they do not throw rocks at us. We have developed a large arsenal of justifications and explanations that we love to repeat to ourselves: this land was promised to us, we were expelled from them, we always yearned for them, they were empty, we bought them with money, we made them bloom, we protected them with…

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    • Half a century of occupation threatens our international legal order

      Israel's policy of cherry-picking legal obligations vis-a-vis Palestinians undermines the credibility of our legal order established in the aftermath of World War II. This could have dangerous implications for the rule of law beyond the region. By Gerard Horton On June 7, 50 years ago, Israeli military forces occupied the West Bank and imposed martial law over the Palestinian population living in the territory. At the time, this measure was legal under the Fourth Geneva Convention (the Convention) which permits the use of martial law under specific circumstances and on a temporary basis. To this day, the military authorities continue to…

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    • Even forensics can't stop Palestinian teen's killer walking free

      Nadeem Nuwara and Mohammad Mahmoud Odeh Salameh Abu Daher were shot dead by Israeli Border Police officers during a 2014 protest. Forensic evidence didn’t stop the Israeli authorities from failing to adequately prosecute the killings. By Brad Parker On Sunday, May 28, I spent the morning with Siam Nawara, the father of a 17-year-old Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank in 2014. We were headed to the Israeli High Court of Justice for a hearing over a petition the Nawara family filed in late February. The family was challenging the Israeli prosecution’s proposed plea deal with…

    • PHOTOS: Hundreds call for release of Ethiopian-Israeli held in Gaza

      Hundreds gathered in Tel Aviv on Saturday to call for the release of Avera Mengistu, who has been missing in Gaza for 1,000 days. In nearby Petah Tikva, hundreds demonstrated against police brutality and threats to freedom of expression. Photos: Oren Ziv / Activestills (Tel Aviv), Orly Noy (Petah Tikva) Hundreds of people marched down Tel Aviv’s Rothschild Boulevard on Saturday evening in solidarity with Avera Mengistu, an Ethiopian-Israeli who entered Gaza in September 2014 and has been missing ever since. He is presumed to be in Hamas captivity. Marking 1,000 days since his disappearance, protesters wore t-shirts bearing his…

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    • PHOTOS: Who is and isn't allowed into Jerusalem on Ramadan

      Tens of thousands of Palestinians crossed through Israeli checkpoints Friday morning to pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque. Photos and text by Oren Ziv/ Thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank crossed through Qalandiya checkpoint on their way to Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday to mark the first Friday of Ramadan. This year, the Israeli authorities allowed entry to women and girls of all ages, as well as men over 40 and boys under the age of 11. According to various sources, restrictions were eased due to pressure by the Trump administration. Additionally, small groups of teenagers — who are barred from crossing the checkpoint…

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Illustrations: Eran Mendel