- published: 19 Jan 2017
- views: 18743
Banyuwangi Regency is located at the easternmost end of Java Island. It serves as a port between Java and Bali. It is surrounded by mountains and forests to the west; by sea to the east and south. Banyuwangi is separated by Strait of Bali from Bali.
With an area of 5,782.4 km2, this regency is the largest in East Java. It had a population of 1,488,791 according to the 2000 Census; by the 2010 Census it had risen to 1,556,078; and the latest official estimate (for January 2014) is 1,599,788. The city of Banyuwangi is the administrative capital. The name Banyuwangi is Javanese for "fragrance water", connected to the Javanese folklore of Sri Tanjung.
One Banyuwangi native group is the Osing community which has a Hindu culture although they can be considered as a Javanese sub-ethnic group. They live mainly in the central part of Banyuwangi and they sometimes consider themselves as Majapahit descendants. Other groups are Javanese (living mostly in the south and west), Madurese (mainly in the north and coastal area) and Balinese (scattered but more concentrated in the east). Other smaller groups include Chinese, Buginese, and Arabs.
Kanggo Riko - Demy Banyuwangi 2015
Kumpulan Lagu-lagu Banyuwangi terRomantis
Demy Full Album | Lagu Banyuwangi Terbaru 2017
Adu Sound Sistem 2017,BATTLE of the SOUND Indonesia Banyuwangi Sumbersewu
MY TRIP MY ADVENTURE - Banyuwangi Beautiful (25/06/16) Part 1/6
Lucunya Sound Sistem Gantung Miniatur 2017 Sumber Sewu Banyuwangi
Mahesa Ft. Vita Alvia - Lungset - [Official Video]
Lagu Terbaru Banyuwangi VITA ALVIA BISANE MUNG NYAWANG Credit To : Banyuwangi Record
Kanggo Riko - Demy Banyuwangi 2015 dangdut koplo terbaru
Thanks to : Sandi record, Aneka Safari Record, Harmoni Record, Samudra Record, One Nada dan lainnya, Kalau Ingin karaoke dan visualnya monggo beli CD Originalnya. yang tidak bisa mendengarkan suara vokal penyanyinya, silakan anda gunakan Sound atau Headset Stereo. yang gak paham Suara Stereo artinya Stereo (atau suara stereoponis) adalah reproduksi suara yang menggunakan dua atau lebih channel audio mandiri dengan cara menciptakan kesan suara terdengar dari berbagai arah, seperti dalam pendengaran alami. Teknologi stereo adalah salah satu teknologi yang sudah sangat umum terdapat pada produk-produk audio. Efek teknologi stereo membuat respons frequensi cenderung merata sehingga membuat suara yang dihasilkan mempunyai detail yang begitu tinggi (akurat). Bagi penikmat musik detail suara a...
Perayaan gema takbir menyambut datangnya Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 Hijriyah dirayakan gembira oleh warga Desa Sumbersewu, Kecamatan Muncar, Banyuwangi. Tak seperti daerah lain, perayaan malam takbir di tempat ini dirayakan dengan penuh gegap gempita. “Perayaan malam takbir kali ini, kita rayakan meriah dan spektakuler,” kata Nanang Susiyono, salah satu panitia kegiatan. Ratusan peserta dengan iring-iringan mobil dan truk bak terbuka lengkap dengan susunan sound system siap menggelegar di bumi Muncar. Tak hanya sekadar keliling, mereka seraya melantunkan takbir bersama. Uniknya lagi, setiap lantunan suara sound itu ternyata ada yang menilai alias diperlombakan. “Sudah beberapa kali kami dan panitia sengaja merayakan gema takbir dengan menggelar lomba sound system,” ujarnya. Mohon di LIKE...
===================================================== PROGRAM INI TAYANG SETIAP HARI JUMAT PUKUL 10.00 WIB DAN HARI SABTU - MINGGU PUKUL 08.30 WIB ===================================================== Program ini merupakan petualangan wisata yang mengeksplorasi daerah wisata di Indonesia. My Trip My Adventure diharapkan mampu memberikan inspirasi tersendiri bagi para petualang sejati dan ikut melestarikan cagar alam dan budaya Indonesia. PART 1 : https://youtu.be/jwwHY7HMGXQ PART 2 : https://youtu.be/zfJcTMtf4Pk PART 3 : https://youtu.be/1UYc2oCmnBs PART 4 : https://youtu.be/Uumyggm9iuM PART 5 : https://youtu.be/__aAQcabyR4 PART 6 : https://youtu.be/qmtWjf4If3w
Mohon di LIKE dan di SUBSCRIBE ya,,, terimakasih by http://banyuwangidiscovery.blogspot.co.id/ IG:discoverybanyuwangi https://twitter.com/DiscoveryBwi BBM : d1942FzA Video DB = = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8a9... Video Kuliner Bwi = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtAfLOKm-4Ac-vE72bcydDQ http://discoverybanyuwangi.blogspot.com/ Lintank Ternak,Shop ,Ps3,Cell,Net & Truk Jual Ayam Kalkun-Ketawa,Matrial Pasir ,Batu dll Call=081358222229
Lungset Mahesa Ft. Vita Alvia Official Music Video Title: Lungset Artist: Mahesa Ft. Vita Alvia Album Melon Band Duet Romantis: https://goo.gl/3N72t5 Aktifkan NSP lagu Lungset : XL : ketik 10336540 kirim ke 1818 Telkomsel : ketik XFPDC kirim ke 1212 Indosat : ketik MG 5307168999 kirim ke 808 Download MP3 Mahesa Ft. Vita Lungset : https://geo.itunes.apple.com/id/album/melon-duet-romantis/id1055251131?app=itunes Reference song by the movie Fly Me To Polaris Song: Xing Yu Xin Yuan Samudra Record Production Website: https://www.samudrarecord.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SamudraRecordID Twitter: https://twitter.com/SamudraRecordID Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+SamudraRecordOfficialID Informasi kode RBT: http://goo.gl/GS37t8 Produced by Samudra Record Published by PT. Samudr...
My recent trip to Indonesia, where we hiked a active volcano!!! This place is still quite remote and "undiscovered". I was pretty surprised to see LOADS of people there though. Both locals and foreigners. Place is quite hard to get to, you definitely need a local driver/tour guide. Many go from Bali to Banyuwangi, its a lot closer than from Surabaya or Jakarta. DEFINITELY recommend this hike, although if you are deathly scared of heights and get out of breath easily this might be a little challenging. Feel free to comment with questions and I'll try to respond! ------- All music in this video are royalty free. Tracks: 1. Mr. Suicide Sheep - Valesco - Stay With Me 2. Valesco - Cloud 9 3. Bensound - Energy
Beauty of Islam. Banyuwangi, Java This could well have been the highlight of my trip. I found myself having reached the southern tip of Java Island. The best and most memorable moments of this trip come from spontaneous unplanned encounters. As we cruised on a motorbike across the city towards the harbour we spotted a sign that said “Daar Al-Yatim” (Orphanage). Amine and I quickly realised we had to make a visit to this orphanage, we stopped at the nearest store, bought bags of sweets and walked straight into the orphanage. Despite our unplanned arrival we were welcomed with open arms by teachers and was immediately greeted with a delicious cup of coffee. We spent the day with children taking pictures, playing, laughing and praying. Whilst in the orphanage we had met sister Masruroah, sh...
As shared by http://Indonesia.travel, Banyuwangi, being the east-most city on Java, is where the dawn first rises in the morning throwing its welcoming rays over Java, this lush green but also most densely populated island. Not yet quite popular as a tourist destination, the regency of Banyuwangi, in fact, hides many secret gems, from looming mountains, natural game reserves to rolling surge of waves, that are the dream of surfers all over the world. Here also live the Osing ethnic sub-group, believed to speak the oldest Javanese language from which evolved Java’s most sophisticated civilization over the centuries. Music: Hémisphère by Paradis I do not own this song, it belongs to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.
Banyuwangi is the eastern part of East Java province which has a lot of nature destinations. In recent years, Banyuwangi has suddenly emerged as the new hot destination for tourists in Indonesia. Located in East Java, the district’s natural beauty has rivals it’s more popular neighbor, Bali, as it retained much of the pristine nature that is increasingly rare on Bali due to rapid commercialization. The district capital is also named Banyuwangi. The layout of the district. Banyuwangi is most tip of Java island. The town is bordered by several areas such as Situbondo regency in the north, the Strait of Bali in the east, the southern Indian Ocean and Jember. More info visit: http://banyuwangi.eastjava.com
A surprisingly pleasant place away from the beach dwelling crowd.
Banyuwangi is a wonderfully varied area which hosts activities to suit every level of adventure. Rise at dawn to release tiny baby turtles with the help of a park ranger at the remote Sukamade Beach. Hike up Ijen Crater at night to see its famous blue flames and then stay to watch the sun illuminate the largest highly acidic lake in the world. Hikers can purchase pieces of sulfur that have been hand cut and carried out of the crater by traditional miners. After the hike, be sure not to miss the many waterfalls near the base of Ijen. Blawan Falls is easy to access and still a relatively unknown gem. Go on safari in the 25,000 hectare Baluran National Park, a forest preserve with miles of savannah grasslands and wild animals. travel to banyuwangi,banyuwangi ijen,banyuwangi beach,banyuwangi ...
Banyuwangi district is a district in East Java province, Indonesia. Its capital is Banyuwangi. This district is located on the easternmost tip of the island of Java, in the area of horse hooves, and Situbondo regency in the north, the Bali Strait in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south and Jember and the regency in the west. Banyuwangi district is the largest district in East Java as well be the largest in the island of Java, with total area reaching 5782.50 km2, or larger than the island of Bali (5636.66 km2). Banyuwangi on the coast, there is the Port of Ketapang, which is the main nexus between the islands of Java and Bali (Gilimanuk Harbor).
Bali Driver & Private Tour Guide MADE SUDARSANA Wa / Line +62816581787 Email: madesudarsana2002@yahoo.com www. MadeBaliDriver.com My name is Made Sudarsana. I am the second child of ten brothers and sisters. A native of Bali, I am from Tabanan regency, about 65 km northwest of the Bali airport. I now live in Denpasar. (IN CAR FREE WIFI) I have more than fifteen years experience as a Personal Bali Driver or Private Bali Driver, and I will do my best to help you have a wonderful time while in Bali. While working as a driver with the Astra car rental company and as a "stand-by" driver at the Four Seasons Resorts at Jimbaran Bay and at Sayan, freelance driver at Hard Rock Hotel in Kuta and now freelance driver at The Mulia resort Nusa Dua. I have escorted guests from all over the world. I c...
pantai wedi ireng terletak di kecamatan pesanggaran (banyuwangi) jawa timur, tepatnya di dusun pancer dan tidak terlalu jauh dari pulau merah (red island). pantai ini bisa di tempuh melalui dua jalur yaitu melalui jalur laut dengan menyewa perahu nelayan atau jalur darat dengan sedikit mendaki bukit dan di butuhkan waktu +- sekitar 1 jam.
Because if you ain't there we're getting foreplay,
Girl let's kick... like Jorge!
You have fun in this house call it horse play.
She like a nigger with some tag like a birthday,
Now the little scronny little niggers doing...
But don't get me wrong, it's... where...
This girl... niggers' got to the bigger dicks,
Because that that... won't give a shit.
I never speak highly...
And when I say little, I'm talking big kids.
... let you talk since you wear lipstick,
You girl told me ice cream cause...
I wonder why I got a nickname and you didn't,
She said she barely even hit it, I get read of...
Man you live for this chick, you feel for this chick,
But when I come around... ain't on this chick.
Yeah, you wanna get active or wanna get chill,
I don't really care lil momma what's the deal!
You've got a nice body, you're looking like a meal,
I'm hungry, baby tell me how you feel!
You try to run from me,
You brought it back for me!
You try to run for me,
Yes you brought it back for me!
You try to run for me,
Yes he brought you back for me, O.K.!
Yeah! Shit banging bitch, active!
Put your fly in the cold when you're in the mattress.
Can't fuck a shit, cause she's crazy like my last bitch,
I ain't let you get a chance, go and tell your girlfriend!
So... I really wanna put her arm when it's no hands.
Oh when... of the same...
Back to the...
So famished, eat it if it's Spanish.
No bandana, bang my hamma.
The girls getting gooey and the Gucci oh, wow!
... really fucking when you're all gone!
Ay,... in a Rolls Royce... she a devil with a...
Last... mother fucker in the game,
This niggers ain't...
Yeah, you wanna get active or wanna get chill,
I don't really care low momma what's the deal!
You've got a nice body, you're looking like a meal,
I'm hungry, baby tell me how you feel!
You try to run from me,
You brought it back for me!
You try to run for me,
Yes you brought it back for me!
You try to run for me,
Yes he brought you back for me, O.K.!
She gotta watch it if she sket on these
I got that under rated dick cause she sleep on me.
I closed the curtain she go nuts, don't common sense,
She going German on that blow job like... and shit.
If you're got it... we could do it in your car,
She said my...
The quiz I made her take it, the... I made her taste it,
I went down and get the same shit that...
You can tell me I'm a... well done!
... now go and get me something!
She said her name was...
... cause you're my... like... 23.
Yeah, you wanna get active or wanna get chill,
I don't really care low momma what's the deal!
You've got a nice body, you're looking like a meal,
I'm hungry, baby tell me how you feel!
You try to run from me,
You brought it back for me!
You try to run for me,
Yes you brought it back for me!
You try to run for me,
Yes he brought you back for me, O.K.!