A portrait of
Ruth W. Messinger Champion of dignity, justice and equality

We all have heroes—individuals whose words and deeds stir and inspire us. Many of them are icons from the past or larger-than-life figures we only get to know from afar. Occasionally, we’re lucky enough to have one who walks among us.

At American Jewish World Service (AJWS), that hero is Ruth.

She is a visionary leader whose energy, passion and commitment to justice know no bounds. For 18 years, she has been at the helm of AJWS, furthering the pursuit of global justice, honoring the inherent dignity of all people and leading American Jews to repair the world. Prior to joining AJWS, she was a luminary of New York City government, leading her school board, serving on the City Council and eventually serving as the Borough President of Manhattan—always with an unshakable conviction that all of New York City’s diverse citizens must be heard and respected.

This collection pays tribute to this truly extraordinary leader, AJWS’s former President, its first Global Ambassador and our very own Messinger of Hope.

-Robert Bank, AJWS President and CEO

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