Cops Stop Colleagues From Stealing Their Milk In Very Over The Top Way

13/06/2017 9:48 PM AEST | Updated 13/06/2017 9:48 PM AEST

Police in northern England are using padlocks to stop light-fingered colleagues from pinching their milk.

A trainee officer tweeted a snap Sunday showing the extreme measures that some cops at the Halifax Police Station in West Yorkshire are taking to protect their plastic containers of the white stuff in the communal fridge.

One was even wrapped in biohazard warning tape to scare possible pilferers away.

"When he said find one without a padlock, thought he was joking..!" wrote the trainee officer, identified only as PC Sharp.

The image is now going viral, with many commenters lightheartedly registering their disgust that even police departments can be affected by milk theft.

Some have also pointed out how determined milk thieves could get around the makeshift devices:

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