Are You Visually Intellectual? This Quiz Will Tell You

13/06/2017 9:26 PM AEST | Updated 13/06/2017 9:26 PM AEST

The internet can't get enough of optical illusions: there was that dress, those strawberries, and most recently, the Caesar in the salad.

But just because you can distinguish black and gold from blue and black (it was obviously not gold guys), it doesn't mean you're 'visually intellectual'.

Visual intelligence is defined as your ability to visualise, remember images and details, have an awareness of your surroundings.

In the last century many theories about intelligence have emerged, one of the more famous theories was from psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983.

Gardner proposed that intelligence is made up of eight parts - musical, naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical, linguistic, bodily, and lastly visual intelligence.

So want to test if you have visual intelligence? Then take this test created by Christina Yang on Playbuzz. The quiz asks you to differentiate coloured squares from others in a grid, and will give you a 'visual intelligence' score at the end.

If you manage to hit all the centered squares correctly, it means that you have a good ability to understand what you see, analyse and calculate it immediately.

On top of that, you've got to be pretty patient in order to concentrate and not just give up and pick a random solution.

Once you have your visual intelligence score, try out these optical illusions to really test your eyes!


To find out how your eyesight ranks at colour vision, take this online test. All you have to do is look at a set of squares and highlight which one differs in colour.

The test, created by iGame, sounds easy enough, but a few rounds in and the odd boxes get a lot more difficult to see.

And if that isn't enough torture for your eyes, then check out these.

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