Half Circles

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Sydney, NSW

This painting was inspired by images of fabric or wallpaper from the 1950s.


  • Oil on canvas 
  • Original signed painting
  • Height 92cm x width 92cm 
  • Sold unframed

Mary Shackman has been painting full time since 1990 and has had 18 solo exhibitions. Before that, Shackman concentrated on textile design and produced a fashion range after graduating from the National Art School, Darlinghurst, in 1963.

Painting is Shackman’s passion and she interprets the patterns she sees underlying everything around her. Sometimes, her work is more free-form, drawn from interstellar space and themed from nature or social comment, but mainly it is focused on pattern and colour. Shackman’s work is reminiscent of 1960s psychedelic Pop art and geometrics, but it is always fresh and new.

Shackman believes that painting links her to her inner self and gives her life relevance.

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