Fairfax Media Network

Kalumburu Daily Summaries

June 2017
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Date Min to 9am Anomaly Max from 9am Anomaly Rain to 9am  
°C °C °C °C mm
Thu 01/06/2017 17.9 +3.5 31.1 -0.5 0.0  
Fri 02/06/2017 19.2 +4.8 32.0 +0.4 0.0  
Sat 03/06/2017 21.6 +7.2 32.3 +0.7 0.0  
Sun 04/06/2017 19.7 +5.3 32.2 +0.6 0.0  
Mon 05/06/2017 16.9 +2.5 34.2 +2.6 0.0  
Tue 06/06/2017 18.2 +3.8 31.8 +0.2 0.0  
Wed 07/06/2017 13.8 -0.6 31.1 -0.5 0.0  
Thu 08/06/2017 14.0 -0.4 29.9 -1.7 0.0  
Fri 09/06/2017 12.6 -1.8 29.5 -2.1 0.0  
Sat 10/06/2017 16.8 +2.4 29.6 -2.0 0.0  
Sun 11/06/2017 17.4 +3.0 28.9 -2.7 0.0  
Mon 12/06/2017 12.3 -2.1 29.5 -2.1 0.0  
Tue 13/06/2017 15.2 +0.8 29.6 -2.0 0.0  
Wed 14/06/2017 8.3 -6.1 31.1 -0.5 0.0  
Thu 15/06/2017 9.4 -5.0 31 -1 0.0  
Fri 16/06/2017 12 -2 - - 0.0  
June 2017 Average 15.3 +0.9 30.9 -0.7    
Jun 1999-2016 Average 14.4   31.6      
Jun 1999-2016 Highest 23.9 6th 2016 37.3 4th 2016    
Jun 1999-2016 Lowest 4.5 14th 2011 20.9 20th 2007    
June 2017 Total         0.0 0 day(s)
Jun 1999-2016 Average Total         2.8 0.8 day(s)
Jun 1999-2016 Wettest Total         33.4 2007
Jun 1999-2016 Wettest 24hr Total         14.6 25th 2007
Jun 1999-2016 Driest Total         0.0 1999
Jan-Jun 2017 Total         1038.0 60 day(s)
Jan-Jun 1999-2017 Average Total         901.6 64.3 day(s)
Highlights the coolest minimum or maximum temperature during the period.
Highlights the warmest minimum or maximum temperature during the period.
Highlights the highest daily rainfall during the period.
A yellow cell indicates a probable monthly record for this site (sites with ≥ 10 years of records only). The number of years of records available for the relevant field for this month is indicated in black. See the station's climate page for full details.

Station Details

Kimberley, Western Australia
14.2964°S 126.6453°E 23m AMSL
Commenced 1997
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Weather News

Enticing southern lights

12:28 EST

The Aurora Australis may be visible from Australia's southern latitudes tonight.

Crews haul in almost double the amount of banana prawns compared to last year

11:36 EST

After a dismal catch last year, the northern prawn fishery's banana prawn season has bounced back, with crews hauling in almost double what they did last year.

Does a red sunrise mean rain?

09:47 EST

There was a golden sunrise in Victoria this morning, so does this mean it's going to rain today? The adage 'red sky in the morning, shepherd take warning' is based on the premise that a colourful sunrise often precedes rain.