API & Custom
Weather Feeds

Accurate Weather Feeds Customised for your Business

Weatherzone can provide Custom Weather Feeds to suit many applications, including our developer-friendly XML and JSON web service API, along with custom CSV, RSS and JSONP formats.

Weatherzone’s delivery of weather information and content is made easy for developers and analysts, across industries ranging from broadcast television to energy generation. Those who derive the most benefit from Weatherzone’s Custom Weather Feeds are; website content managers, mobile/tablet app content managers, energy load forecasters, insurance risk managers, construction project managers, mining operations and environmental staff, and television broadcast engineers.

Media & Online Products

White Label Sites

Fully hosted mobile, responsive and desktop sites in your look and feel can easily be created leveraging existing solutions from Weatherzone.

Weather Engine

Weather Engine is a self-managed desktop or adoptive hosted solution, allowing minimisation of set up time and costs.

API & Custom Feeds

Weatherzone’s Application Programming Interface is a developer-friendly way to deeply integrate weather information into your website or application. Postcode / Location search functionality is included.

Weather Widgets

Weather widgets for Intranets, Apps and websites can be created by Weatherzone’s development team based on your specific project scope. Let our experienced weather experts create a products that is engaging and reliable for your users.

Find out how Weatherzone can empower your decisions





+61-2-9955 1536
For inquiries regarding our public website or any of our apps, please use this form.