Budapest: Report from AK57

See also:

Report from Squatting in Budapest with AK57

Already over half a year ago the first attempt of political squatting in Budapest since years started. Even though the house was evicted after only 2 weeks and this without any big resistance from the inhabitants (surely due to their lack of experience) we feel that it was a very important step. Also some of the squatters got “infected” by the spirit of communal living & acting, so they went on with a legal house/center project: AK 57. We hope that this project will go on and others (also new squats) will emerge. (ABB)

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Osaka, Japan: Declaration of Protest Against the Evictions


*Declaration of Protest Against the Evictions of Park Squatters in Utsubo and Osaka-jo Park*

On January 30th, 2006, mobilizing nearly 700 city employees, guardsmen and police against around 20 squatters in Utsubo Park and Osaka-jo Park, Osaka city forced through its eviction through so-called ‘administrative action’.

In the process of eviction, one person was illegitimately arrested on suspicion of ‘assault’, three were taken away in ambulances (of which one was a guardsmen with a broken bone that should take a month to heal), with many suffering contusions and other wounds. Until the last, our comrades who tried to defend their own tents and huts were pulled out as the city refused all discussion, and surrounded just steps away as their homes were shredded and smashed, forced to witness the eviction of all their belongings.

With rage in our hearts, we denounce this city’s inhuman violence.

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Freiburg (Germany): D.I.Y. – against the State

An intergalactical activist & anarchist convention in South Germany from 26th to 30th July 2006.

Squatters, artists and truckers from all over the world welcome!

D.I.Y. against the state – an intergalactical artist, activist, dirty squatter – and – trucker anarchist convention
and Reclaim The Streets

Freiburg (Ger) 26. – 30. July 2006

Freiburg is a small medieval town in the Black Forest in southern germoney, not far from what they call the Swiss and French borders. Especially during summer, it’s the perfect location for subversive activities of all kinds.

For quite some time you can find there the same disgusting tendencies as in any place: State control and police repression keep getting worse, free spaces are getting smaller or evicted. The local autonomous centre KTS could all too soon be the last auto–organized, non–commercial venue in the south of germoney, and it’s only safe until 2007. The wagon site “Schattenparker” has a 12 – year – history of evictions, and three month ago, 30 trucks and trailers have been confiscated by the cops, leaving more than 30 people homeless.

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