- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 105194
Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology often deals with questions concerning what entities exist or may be said to exist, and how such entities may be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences. Although ontology as a philosophical enterprise is highly theoretical, it also has practical application in information science and technology, such as ontology engineering.
In analytic philosophy, ontology deals with the determination whether categories of being are fundamental and discusses in what sense the items in those categories may be said to "be". It is the inquiry into being in so much as it is being ("being qua being"), or into beings insofar as they exist—and not insofar as (for instance) particular facts may be obtained about them or particular properties belong to them.
What is ontology? Introduction to the word and the concept
Ontology, Epistemology, Methodology and Methods in Research Simplified!
What is an Ontology
Ontology X Epistemology
Professor Daniel C Dennett: ‘Ontology, science, and the evolution of the manifest image’
What is Ontology? (Definition)
04 - 01 Ontology as Central Concept in Philosophy
How could your ontology and epistemology affect your research report structure?
The Meaning of Ontology (Heidegger & Sartre)
1.5 What Is Ontology?
Seeing Things - OOOIII
Ontology Project
In a philosophical context 0:28 Why ontology is important 1:08 Ontological materialism 1:34 Ontological idealism 1:59 In a non-philosophical context 2:24 Information systems 2:40 Social ontology 3:25 The word ontology comes from two Greek words: "Onto", which means existence, or being real, and "Logia", which means science, or study. The word is used both in a philosophical and non-philosophical context. ONTOLOGY IN A PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXT In philosophy, ontology is the study of what exists, in general. Examples of philosophical, ontological questions are: What are the fundamental parts of the world? How they are related to each other? Are physical parts more real than immaterial concepts? For example, are physical objects such as shoes more real than the concept of walking? In terms of ...
When you are just starting to learn about research it helps to have simple definitions of Ontology, Epistemology, Methodology and Methods in Research! More videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs4oKIDq23AdTCF0xKCiARJaBaSrwP5P2 http://youstudynursing.com/ Research eBook on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1hB2eBd Check out the links below and SUBSCRIBE for more youtube.com/user/NurseKillam For help with Research - Get my eBook "Research terminology simplified: Paradigms, axiology, ontology, epistemology and methodology" here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GLH8R9C Related Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs4oKIDq23AdTCF0xKCiARJaBaSrwP5P2 Connect with me on Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youstudynursing https://www.facebook.com/NursesDeservePraise Twitter: @Nurs...
Description of an ontology and its benefits. Please contact info@spryinc.com for more information.
Professor Daniel Dennett BA (Harvard), DPhil (Oxon) is Visiting Professor of Philosophy at New College of the Humanities. http://www.nchlondon.ac.uk/ Daniel is also University Professor and Austin B Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. He has held visiting positions at Harvard University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Oxford, the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, and the London School of Economics.
An explication of Ontology, or the study of existence and what it means to be ontologically committed to something. Also included the difference between ontological deserts and jungles.
Explaining different research paradigms, ontology, epistemology, methodology, and theory development. then how these philosophies affect your way of writing.
READ: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0791449009/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag;=corant-20 see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzIh1ohwDVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uept0czP2U4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5P7PC5KR3I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XySezY9pEsM & I thank Electronic Phone for the following link http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=1906978475
"ontology" refers to the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature or existence of being. Consider the ontology of the “camera”: questioning our notions about reality or ‘being’ generally relate to (or be helped by) questions about the cinematic apparatus and our place within it.
This work draws its inspiration from the idea of a geological core sample, cross-referenced with the graphic qualities of op - art.
My short talk from the Third Object-Oriented Ontology Symposium (Sept 14, The New School), on the photography of Garry Winogrand. I had to miss the symposium because I was in China, so I submitted this short video instead of giving a presentation in person.
The Ontology Project is an amazing new collection of routines and a revolutionary new approach to card magic. Consisting of five pieces of professional magic, the Ontology Project also includes utility tools capable of creating countless effects, limited only by your imagination. Whether you are a professional magician, performing mentalist or card enthusiast, the Ontology Project will provide you with mind-blowing magic, diabolical methods, and will inspire an entirely new way of thinking about card magic. You will receive an elegant booklet and a collection of 54 cards that allows you to perform the following effects: DEEPEST SYMPATHY: Arguably the cleanest and most deceptive version of the Sympathetic Cards plot ever devised. TRIUMPHANT: An unbelievable addition to Dai Vernon’s t...
This is a resource to explain what Ontology means. It is simply a light hearted poem to give an insight what an Ontological stance means
SONIC ACTS Festival - The Geologic Imagination Graham Harman: Anthropocene Ontology 26 februrary 2015 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, the Netherlands --- The proposed Anthropocene Epoch is not an Anthropocentric Epoch, for the obvious reason that it highlights the fragility of the human species rather than human supremacy. This split between the Anthropocene and the Anthropocentric compels us to recognise an important philosophical distinction that is seldom acknowledged. Namely, the fact that humans are involved as ingredients in the creation of some entity does not entail that the entity has no autonomous reality apart from humans. The Anthropocene climate is generated by humans and independently mysterious to us, and the same holds for other fields that have been ‘anthropocene’ from the start: h...
This was a project for a Theories of Integrated Media Class. My assignment was to create a video response to a scholarly article about film. I chose Andre Bazin's "The Ontology of the Photographic Image." Equipment: Canon 5D Mark II
Stephan Beyer, Ph.D. “Ayahuasca, Cognitive Psychology, and the Ontology of Hallucination” There is no doubt that the sacred plant ayahuasca can produce hallucinations under just about any definition of the term — visual experiences that are solid, detailed, three-dimensional, animated, interactive, and embedded in ordinary perceptual space; auditory experiences that are immediate, external, directional, locatable in space, and often coordinated with visual experiences. These experiences are similar in striking ways to lucid dreams, DMT journeys, scopolamine overdose, out-of-body experiences, false awakenings, waking dreams, apparitions, eidetic visualization, and active imagination — what we can call “visionary experiences,” all characterized to a lesser or greater degree of presentness,...
One of the differences between the analogue and the digital filmloop is that the digital process has no physical evidence. Therefore we cannot film it. With the work Ontology, I have tried to make a technical crossover between analogue and digital filming...
Para amarte
Necesito una razón
Y es difícil creer
Que no exista una más que este amor
Sobra tanto
Dentro de este corazón
Y a pesar de que dicen
Que los años son sabios
Todavía se siente el dolor
¿Por qué todo el tiempo que pasé junto a ti
Dejó tejido su hilo dentro de mi?
Y aprendí a quitarle al tiempo los segundos
Tú mi hiciste ver el cielo aún más profundo
Junto a ti creo que aumenté más de tres kilos
Con tus tantos dulces besos repartidos
Desarrollaste mi sentido del olfato
Y fue por ti que aprendí a querer los gatos
Despegaste del cemento mis zapatos
Para escapar los dos volando un rato
Pero olvidaste una final instrucción
Porque aún no se como vivir sin tu amor
Y descubrí lo que significa una rosa
Me enseñaste a decir mentiras piadosas
Para poder verte a horas no adecuadas
Y a reemplazar palabras por miradas
Y fue por ti que escribí más de cien canciones
Y hasta perdoné tus equivocaciones
Y conocí más de mil formas de besar
Y fue por ti que descubrí lo que es amar