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Energy & Environment

“Do you believe?” is the wrong question to ask public officials about climate change

French President Macron said US climate researchers should come to France. He wasn’t joking.

Apple, Google, and California are rebuffing Trump and trying to stay in the Paris climate deal

How climate change helped Lyme disease invade America

How Republicans came to embrace anti-environmentalism

Exiting Paris “probably our most consequential error since the Iraq War,” economist says

3 winners and 5 losers from Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement

Trump decided on the Paris climate agreement with virtually no science advisers on staff

The 5 biggest deceptions in Trump’s Paris climate speech

Trump doesn’t believe in climate change, but it’s going to drown Mar-a-Lago

French President Emmanuel Macron responds to Trump: “Make our planet great again”

Trump wants a better deal than Paris on climate. What’s better than “nonbinding”?

Corporate America finally got on board to fight climate change. Then came Trump.

Foreign leaders to Trump: there is no "better deal" than Paris

The Weather Channel has a hot take on Trump pulling out of the Paris climate agreement

Obama on Paris agreement decision: the Trump administration “rejects the future”

9 questions about climate change you were too embarrassed to ask

Trump's Paris climate decision shows the threat rising tribalism poses to the planet

4 things to know about the Paris climate agreement

History will not judge 2016’s ratio of email coverage to climate coverage kindly

Quitting the Paris climate agreement is a moral disgrace

Trump is pulling the US out of the Paris climate agreement. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

What's at stake in Trump's looming decision on the Paris climate agreement

How Trump policy will affect US carbon emissions, in one graph

Donald Trump appears set to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement

Scientists are testing a “vaccine” against climate change denial

Bannon is pulling one over on Trump. There is zero reason to exit the Paris climate accord.

Rick Perry’s “review” of the energy grid is just what it looks like: a bid to save coal

The Arctic “doomsday” seed vault is supposed to ensure our future. Its architects are worried about climate change.

Unless we share them, self-driving vehicles will just make traffic worse

The fight to rethink (and reinvent) nuclear power

The “fake but accurate” climate change news delivered to Trump? It’s fake all the way down.

By 2020, every Chinese coal plant will be more efficient than every US coal plant

“Fake but accurate” is the Trump administration’s new defense of its lies

A new book ranks the top 100 solutions to climate change. The results are surprising.

Food waste is the world’s dumbest environmental problem

The Trump administration just dismissed a dozen of the EPA’s top science advisers

The face of environmentalism isn’t so white anymore. That’ll define its success today.

Why your old phones collect in a junk drawer of sadness

California is about to revolutionize climate policy … again