'She loved every second': 12-year-old helps deliver baby brother

12-year-old Jacee delivers her baby brother, Cason.
12-year-old Jacee delivers her baby brother, Cason. Photo: Facebook/Nikki Smith

It's a moment Jacee Carraway will never forget.

The 12-year-old girl from Jackson, Mississippi, helped to deliver her baby brother, Cason, and the joyous photos are quickly going viral.

As mum Dede Carraway prepared to give birth to her third child her doctor Walter Wolfe saw Jacee watching on, reports Fox News.

When Dr Wolfe asked the tween if she wanted to help, she eagerly agreed - donning scrubs and even cutting the umbilical cord.

​​"I don't even know if there are words to describe how it felt," Ms Carraway told Fox News. 

"Never in a million years, if you would have told me 12 years ago she [Jacee] would be delivering my last born, I would have told you – you're crazy!"
Photos of Cason's birth were posted to Facebook by family friend Nikki Smith, who wrote: "This 12-year-old helped deliver her baby brother and the emotions on her face is too amazing not to share! You're a superstar Jacee!"

The post has been shared over 150,000 times, and has garnered over 14,000 comments.

"I helped deliver my niece when I was 14. It inspired me!" writes Tiffany Fournier. "I'm now 21 and in college to become a midwife."

"Wow," had me in tears," wrote Rebecca Tyler. "The look on her face is priceless. This is a moment she will never forget."

Along with the praise, however, the photos also drew backlash, with some commenters questioning whether it was appropriate to have a 12-year-old present during the birth.

"At 12 years old depending on the maturity of the child this could be a traumatic experience," Marcia Kulow. "There's other ways to share this bonding experience besides seeing and participating in the actual delivery."

In an updated comment, Ms Smith addressed the criticism, advising those who didn't agree with the family's decision to simply "keep scrolling".

"This beautiful moment will always be remembered by both her mother and herself," she said.

"Birth is a natural process and there is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing her daughter to witness this beautiful moment. It's not for everyone but Jacee was a rockstar and helped deliver a newborn! I don't know about you but I wouldn't have when I was 12! Mother and baby are being discharged home today and Jacee is ecstatic about the feedback she's getting."

Jacee's parents also confirmed that their daughter "loved every second" of Cason's birth.

"This is her other brother meeting him for the first time also ... we are so blessed!" They wrote.

Congratulations to the family!