- published: 22 Feb 2017
- views: 4438357
Mas, Más or MAS may refer to:
Nick Rivera Caminero (born March 17, 1981), known by his stage name Nicky Jam, is a singer and songwriter. He is best known for the hit "El Perdón".
Nicky Jam was born in Boston, Massachusetts to a Puerto Rican father and a Dominican mother, however he later moved with his family to Barrio Obrero in Puerto Rico when he was ten years old. He has been in reggaeton since his youth. The name "Nicky Jam" was jokingly given to Caminero by a homeless man. Caminero's family was low-income and as a minor he performed illegal work in a grocery store in order to help support them, in his free time improvising in front of his workplace. One day a music executive noticed his talent and signed him, and at the age of fourteen he recorded his first album "...Distinto A Los Demás". The album was not successful, but it did gain him recognition in the music industry, and warranted the attention of some music producers such as DJ Joe, DJ Playero and DJ Chiklin.
Clor was a short-lived five-piece band from Brixton, England, formed by Barry Dobbin and Luke Smith in 2003 and which signed to the Parlophone record label after only six gigs. The band released a self-titled first album, in 2005 to critical acclaim. The album was placed first in a list of the "Greatest Albums You've Never Heard" by the NME in 2010.
The genesis of Clor began with a club night entitled Bad Bunny, run by Dobbin and Smith, who wanted to incorporate their own music into their DJ sets. They began recording in Smith's apartment and soon invited associates from the club night into their fold, expanding to a five-piece. Dobbin came upon the name Clor as it "...sounded raw, primitive, and futuristic at the same time". The demo Welcome Music Lovers was recorded in 2004, initially with the idea of being sent out to other clubs to book shows. However, word of mouth saw the offer of a record deal with label Parlophone after just six gigs. The Welcome Music Lovers EP saw release later in 2004, with singles Love + Pain and Outlines preceding debut album Clor in 2005. In May 2006, the band announced that it had split. Their manager stated that the future paths of Dobbin and Smith were unclear, though would likely involve musical pursuits.Smith has since produced Shitdisco's album, Kingdom of Fear (released April 2007), Foals album Total Life Forever (released May 2010), as well as both albums by singer-songwriter frYars. Dobbin went on to form and front a new band called Barringtone.
Ramón Luis Ayala Rodríguez (born February 3, 1976), known by his stage name Daddy Yankee, is a Puerto Rican reggaeton singer, songwriter, producer and actor. Ayala was born in Río Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and was raised in the neighborhood of Villa Kennedy Housing Projects.
Ayala aspired to be a professional baseball player, and tried out for the Seattle Mariners Major League baseball team. Before he could be officially signed, he was hit by a stray round from an AK-47 rifle while taking a break from a studio recording session with reggaeton mix tape icon DJ Playero. Ayala spent roughly one and a half years recovering from the wound; the bullet was never removed from his hip, and he credits the shooting incident with allowing him to focus entirely on a music career. Since then, he has sold over 18 million albums.
Daddy Yankee first appeared on the 1992 DJ Playero's Mixtape, Playero 34, with the song "So' Persigueme, No Te Detengas". Ayala was originally going to become a professional baseball player but he was shot in his leg while taking a break from a studio recording session. The bullet was never removed and he credits this incident with allowing him to pursue a musical career. He made a few songs talking about the shooting incident, but his most "complete" song about it was "6 De Enero", released in 2012. His first official studio project as a solo artist was No Mercy, which was released on April 2, 1995 through White Lion Records and BM Records in Puerto Rico. Early in his career he attempted to imitate the style of Vico C. He went on to emulate other artists in the genre, including DJ Playero, DJ Nelson, and DJ Drako, taking elements from their styles in order to develop an original style. In doing so, he eventually abandoned the traditional model of rap and became one of the first artists to perform reggaeton.
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KAMALEON - MAS [Official Video]
Los 10 Maquillajes más FEOS del Planeta! Yo Estoy!!! LOL #TopTen - SandraCiresArt
Los 8 rituales matrimoniales más raros y enfermos del mundo
Top 10 Animales Más Grandes de la Historia
Los 8 Inventos más asombrosos de Nikola Tesla
10 Sumideros Masivos Más Sorprendentes Del Mundo
El colegio más caro del mundo
"Mas" disponible ici: https://Kamaleon.lnk.to/Mas-Single
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The Best Reggaeton And Latin Pop Mix 2017 [Reggaeton Music Live Stream 24/7] Lo Mas Nuevo Reggaeton Mix 2017 [Música En Directo 24/7 En Vivo] Ozuna, Maluma, J Balvin, Nicky Jam & Mas. Suscribete Ya Para Que Recibas Estrenos: https://www.youtube.com/user/ReggaetonMusikUrbano?sub_confirmation=1 Descarga Los Temas Aquí: http://elgenero.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReggaetonDiarioOficial Romeo Santos, Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam - Bella y Sensual (Audio) Romeo Santos - Sobredosis (Audio) ft. Ozuna Ozuna Ft. Almighty – Por Ti Nacho, Kevin Roldan - Teddy Reykon - Pa Eso ft. Bryant Myers (Video Oficial) La Despedida - Brytiago (Video Oficial) Bad Bunny - Me Llueven 4.0 (Remix) Ft Anuel AA, Bryant Myers, Almigthy, Farruko, Darell, Ñengo Prince Royce - Ganas Locas (Official Video) ft. Farr...
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Desde Elite Tops, le presentamos el top de los 10 animales más grandes del mundo y de la historia. Animales gigantescos, caballos enormes, medusas gigantes, insectos muy grandes, perros más grandes, avance tecnológico, cría selectiva, tecnología.
Todos los animales tienen habilidades especiales, sin embargo hay animales que tienen habilidades físicas extraordinarias.Tal es el caso de la capacidad que poseen algunas criaturas para dar altos y largos saltos que, por un momento, nos puede parecer incluso que pueden volar. Principalmente Hay dos formas de saber que especie tiene el salto más alto de todo el reino animal. La primera es medir la altura que puede alcanzar, aunque claro este criterio solamente favorece a los animales grandes. Así que la combinaremos con la segunda opción que es tener en cuenta también la altura del salto en relación con el tamaño del cuerpo.Y es por esto, que en este vídeo os mostraré: Los 10 animales que más saltan del mundo. Si te ha gustado el vídeo, dale a Me Gusta y Compártelo, Suscríbete para no per...
El genio de la electricidad, el hombre más visionario del siglo XIX, un inventor inigualable, pero cuyas ideas y ambiciones fueron opacadas por el bajo potencial económico que veían aquellos avariciosos empresarios de la época Nikola Tesla, una leyenda cuyos inventos han definido nuestro día día en la actualidad. Hoy te muestro sus 8 inventos más increíbles y asombrosos. _ ¿Quieres más vídeos así? - ¡Suscríbete! http://bit.ly/SirTesla Y sígueme en mis redes sociales para estar al tanto del nuevo contenido... Facebook: http://fb.me/SirTesla Twitter: http://bit.ly/TW_Tesla Music by: Purple Planet
Los sumideros son básicamente agujeros en el suelo causados por un colapso de la tierra. El más impresionante de estos abarcan diámetros y profundidades increíbles. La actividad humana también puede crear sumideros, y a menudo estos son causados por la minería, u otros procesos de excavación. Música de fondo : Divider de Chris Zabriskie está autorizado la licencia Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Fuente: http://chriszabriskie.com/divider/ Artista: http://chriszabriskie.com/ https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music Suscríbete para continuar recibiendo mas videos interesantes. Gracias.
Por ahora la nostalgia no me sienta bien
En el fondo submarino de mi corazón
No hay muertes, solo un poco de amor
No se vale acobardarse una y otra vez
Las batallas que se pierden de algo han de servir
Parece que puedo ser feliz
En las calles olvidadas de mi juventud
Siempre odiaba presentarme tal y como soy
Pero ahora ya no siento esa necesidad
Aunque a veces te lastime sin quererlo yo
Más, dame un poco más
Dame más de ti
De tu voluntad
Dame, dame más
De tu libertad
Yo sigo en el mismo lugar
En mi arrecife de coral
Deshazte pronto de tus dudas
Más, dame un poco más
Dame más de ti
De tu voluntad
Dame, dame más
De tu libertad
De tu libertad
No hay muertes, solo un poco de amor
Parece que puedo ser feliz
Si me das más