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Gonski Review panellist Kathryn Greiner joins calls to back school funding changes

Gonski Review panel member Kathryn Greiner says it would be a "disaster" if the Senate voted down the Turnbull government's new school funding model, making her the second panellist in two days to throw their support behind the changes.

On Tuesday, former NSW and South Australian department of education boss Ken Boston said Parliament was on the "threshold of a new deal of historic national importance" and it would be a "tragedy" if the opportunity were allowed to pass.

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'Gonski 2.0' education push

Education Minister Simon Birmingham has introduced legislation and detailed modelling to states under the new 'Gonski 2.0' proposal.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham and Senate kingmaker Nick Xenophon seized upon Dr Boston's comments as evidence the current funding system needs to be overhauled.

Ms Greiner, who recently conducted an internal review of the NSW Catholic school system, told Fairfax Media: "I agree 100 per cent with what Ken said - it would be a disaster for Australian education if this doesn't pass.

"This is the first time a government in this country has drawn a line in the sand, removed the funding anomalies and got everybody on the same page."

She praised the government for cutting funding to private schools - including her alma mater, elite Sydney girls school Loreto Kirribilli - deemed significantly over-funded according to the needs-based formula. 


"The Labor Party deserve credit for setting up the Gonski Review but they squibbed it when they said no school would lose any funding," she said.

"Gonski 2.0 delivers what the Gonski report wanted: an accountable, transparent, equitable, sector-blind funding formula." 

Last year, Ms Greiner conducted a review of Catholic school governance and funding for the NSW and ACT bishops that questioned the practice of redistributing funding from poor dioceses to more popular schools.

She said the Catholic sector should end its campaign against the government and instead tackle the "enormous waste" in its administrative structures.

"It is a disgrace that this has been allowed to go on so long," she said of the 11 separate Catholic school authorities in NSW.

"A lot of money is being spent on administration that should go to children who need it."

Ms Greiner served as a Liberal-aligned member of Sydney City Council for almost a decade and has sat on many company and non-profit boards.

A spokesman for the Catholic Education Commission of NSW said the authority had instituted a new funding distribution model after Ms Greiner's review which sees 30 to 60 per cent more funding flow to schools in rural and regional areas than in the cities.

The commission was also streamlining its organisational structure, he said.

"The fact that the Bishops proactively requested such a review demonstrates their determination to ensure Catholic school administration and governance is modern, efficient and focused on achieving the best outcomes for our 258,000 students," the spokesman said.

Senator Birmingham said: "It's an indictment on [Opposition Leader] Bill Shorten to have the likes of Ken Boston out there saying this is fair, needs-based funding and the legislation should pass yet Labor continues to stand against it."

Senator Birmingham said the government was pursuing two paths to pass its bill next week - a deal either with the Greens or 10 members of the Senate crossbench.

Senator Xenophon said: "I like to think that with some sensible compromises we can get this through because this is an increase in funding." 

He added: "We think the package ought to be improved, there needs to be some greater transparency and accountability measures, we need to make sure that the states can't crab walk away from the increased Commonwealth funding to put less state money into it.

"And, of course, it's due to be rolled out over 10 years, I think something over eight years."

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