Telstra chief defends redundancy push amid union 'ambush' accusations

Telstra CEO Andy Penn said the widespread job cuts were necessary for a company in transition.
Telstra CEO Andy Penn said the widespread job cuts were necessary for a company in transition. Nic Walker

Telstra chief executive Andy Penn has blamed an urgent need to transform in the face of digital disruption and transition to a post NBN-world for a decision to slash up to 1400 jobs, in a move union bosses described as an "ambush".

The nation's largest telecommunications company informed staff on Wednesday morning that it was restructuring a number of its divisions and would lay off workers from across the organisation over the next six months.

In a note to employees, Mr Penn said the company was pursuing proposed restructures in its operations, retail, Global Enterprise and Services and media and marketing divisions, which would allow it to deliver simpler end-to-end services, reduce its overall operating costs and enable it to compete more effectively.

"We are consulting with our people on proposed changes that would ultimately result in up to 1400 roles no longer being required over the next six months," Mr Penn said. 

Telstra announced a restructure of its divisions in a note to employees about the redundancies.
Telstra announced a restructure of its divisions in a note to employees about the redundancies.

"This impacts positions from most parts of the business, at all levels of seniority and from all states and territories and, in some cases, internationally."

Telstra is not alone in cutting staff to reposition itself for the new telecommunications era. Its main local rival Optus announced a smaller redundancy round of 320 jobs in April, which it said related to a need to shift to become a mobile and multimedia business.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Penn told a hastily arranged media briefing that the staff cuts would not impact customer service, and that the restructure and greater digitisation of the company would make it easier to deal with.

"It is about creating more simplicity within the business and eliminating a number of hand offs, so we have much better alignment end to end and are providing a much better customer service," he said.

"I have a great degree of empathy with the impact on people; I have been through this sort of situation personally myself, I know what it is like. We have to treat people with respect, we have to consult with them and we have to be very thoughtful in the process."

Communications Electrical Plumbing Union secretary Shane Murphy however told The Australian Financial Review that Telstra employees had been taken completely by surprise by Wednesday's announcement and accused Telstra management of an ambush.

He said the first official communication from Telstra came in the form of a letter at 2pm, three hours after staff were told to assemble for an 11am teleconference, where they learnt about the job losses.

"The union has not been informed one iota on this matter; this has obviously been months in the planning by Telstra and there has been absolutely no indication whatsoever," Mr Murphy said.

"The first we heard was when we were getting concerned calls from our members, who had receive text messages late this morning about a major announcement at 11am. Our members and the union itself was ambushed today with this announcement and it is appalling."

Mr Murphy said the union would be meeting with Telstra executives at 2pm on Thursday, where they would seek to get information for workers about the possibility for redeployment in other roles. He said it was disingenuous for Telstra to flag a post-NBN transition for the layoffs when huge parts of the country would not be on the NBN when workers left.

Telstra has previously spoken about the need to restructure its business and fill a $2 billion to $3 billion hole in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation following the completion of the rollout of the national broadband network in 2020.

In his note to staff Mr Penn sought to position the changes as part of a positive evolution for the company, whereby it was moving into new areas, that would be working on next generation technology.

"Some of the jobs we do today will no longer exist and new roles will need to be created to focus on new technology driven by expansion into digitisation, software, robotics and artificial intelligence," he wrote. 

"This evolution of roles is not exclusive to Telstra or our industry – it is something that is happening worldwide and across almost all industries."

Investors appeared to take the news in their stride, but saw little to get optimistic about in the restructure and job cuts. Shares closed Wednesday down 2¢ or 0.46 per cent at $4.36.