Microsoft Surface Laptop review: hang in there, you'll love it

Microsoft's Surface Laptop offers a free (and pretty vital) upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.
Microsoft's Surface Laptop offers a free (and pretty vital) upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.

They say you can hang from your thumbs for five days.

Or maybe it's three days. And maybe it's your fingers. I saw it in a movie once and I don't quite remember the exact details, OK? Searching for it on Bing hasn't helped. Remind me to try Googling it before this review is done ...

Anyway, I've been thinking about that fact a good deal these last five days, while we've been reviewing Microsoft's newest invention, the Surface Laptop, a simple, elegant, clamshell-style notebook PC that we think will take over where Apple's much-loved, sadly missed MacBook Air left off.

I'll get into the hardware side of the Surface Laptop in a moment. Suffice to say, it's in keeping with Microsoft's recent practice of building stylish, highly desirable Surface machines that show off the best that Windows 10 have to offer.

The many colours of the Surface Laptop: Cobalt Blue (left), Platinum, Graphite Gold and Burgundy
The many colours of the Surface Laptop: Cobalt Blue (left), Platinum, Graphite Gold and Burgundy

Indeed, from a hardware perspective, the Surface Laptop is in many ways Microsoft's best effort yet, which is saying a great deal. Apart from one initial concern we had about the build quality of the keyboard (something that has concerned us less and less as the days have worn on), the Surface Laptop is probably the most elegant laptop we've ever reviewed.

But it's the software that has had me hanging from my thumbs for five days.

You see, the Surface Laptop comes with a brand new version of Windows known as Windows 10 S. In large part it's pitched at the education community – the Surface Laptop is being sold as a notebook for students – but such are the charms of the Surface Laptop, Windows 10 S is going to be of some considerable interest to grown ups, too.

The idea behind Windows 10 S is a good one. It's a locked-down, highly optimised version of Windows that gives you a great battery life (we're getting up to 14 hours of light usage on a single charge, down to 8 hours of very heavy usage) and great performance throughout the life of the device.

Where Windows 10 eventually gets bogged down by having too many apps demanding too many resources, so it's more sluggish a year after you bought it than it was the day you bought it, Windows 10 S remains pristine.

You just can't clog up Windows 10 S by installing a lot of sh*t on it, the way you can on the regular Windows 10.

Everything you install on 10 S has to come through the Windows app store, where it's been carefully vetted to make sure it behaves nicely: that it installs and uninstalls cleanly, without messing up the Windows registry; and that it doesn't trigger any stupid boot-time plugins that slow down the boot speed.

If every Windows app followed all of the Windows app store rules, the world would be a better place. But they don't.

Hardly any of them do, and almost none of the ones I need every day do. Which means they're not in the store. Which means you can't run them on Windows 10 S.

Now, Microsoft knows this. It knows Windows 10 S is in its infancy, and so built into the Surface Laptop is the ability to upgrade it, free of charge at the moment, to Windows 10 Pro and install any app you like.

Of course if you do that you eventually lose the battery life and boot speed advantages of an always pristine Windows installation, so it's a trade-off.

Which is where the thumbs come in. These past five days, I've refused to flip that switch, thinking that if people can hang from their thumbs for five days or three days or whatever the quote is, then I can stick with Windows 10 S and not flip the switch.

But it hasn't been easy, and I've had to stand on a box a few times.

Chrome and Firefox don't run on Windows 10 S. Microsoft would love them to, but it's not up to Microsoft. Instead there's Edge, which is a great, modern browser but it lacks a lot of plugins, and the plugins that are there that I need the most, such as LastPass, don't yet seem to work properly.

And Edge seems to run Javascript a little differently from Chrome and Firefox, too. This newspaper's web-based content management system doesn't run properly on Edge, for instance, and I had to cheat and switch to a Windows 10 Pro machine, with Chrome, just to add the pictures you see.

I suppose I could have used Internet Explorer, which does work in Windows 10 S, but who wants to go back to that? I'd rather be hung by my eyelids for a year.

Edge also ate this entire review. It's the second time I'm writing it, which hurts more than being strung up by your thumbs or your eyelids, let me tell you.

Worse than all of that is the fact that Edge on Windows 10 S doesn't allow you to change the default address bar search engine. You have to use Bing. It's such a woeful idea I'm convinced Microsoft will reverse it soon enough, but right now, if you like to search from the address bar like I do, you're probably not going to find what you're looking for.

Fingers or thumbs? Bing is mute.

And then there are the other apps that aren't in the store, that won't run on Windows 10 S. Adobe Creative Cloud, Docker, Atom, the command prompt (yep! There's no command prompt and no Powershell either), all the things I do every day, I can't do on the Surface Laptop under Windows 10 S.

If I owned a Surface Laptop, I'd switch it over to Windows 10 Pro in a heartbeat and never look back. Battery life and boot speed be damned.

And in truth I would dearly love to own a Surface Laptop. It may be a simple clamshell and not a fancy two-in-one, but it's simple and elegant.

The keyboard is covered in some sort of vinyl fabric, and is very nice to type on. The keyboard does have a bit of flex to it, probably because the speakers are hidden under it, meaning its base can't be as thick as it probably needs to be, but after five days of using it I hardly notice that flaw at all.

It could probably do with a USB-C port or two, but really, the Surface Laptop is as nice a laptop as you could hope for, at least from a hardware perspective.

And in terms of software, it's terrific too, once you flip the switch to Windows 10 Pro. And flip it you will, sure as eggs, within minutes or hours of you booting the machine.

I found the quote on Google. It's from The West Wing, and yes, you can indeed hang from your thumbs for five days, apparently.

But you can't hang in there with Windows 10 S for that long. No way. No how.