Ten Network situation overrun with conflicts

Network Ten in trading halt

Ten Network Holdings is obviously the poisoned chalice of the Australian media sector with a long track record of destroying the money invested by some of the country's smartest and richest business people.

It would be a miracle if the business does not go into voluntary administration on Wednesday. Directors will have little choice given the combination of bank debt, poor cash flow and onerous programming agreements.

Voluntary administration would provide the company with an opportunity to continue trading while the directors, management and financial advisers work out a recapitalisation plan.

Insolvency would provide a platform for rebuilding a network that has a governance structure overflowing with conflicts of interest. The Australian Shareholders Association was right on Tuesday to highlight the deficiencies in Ten's governance, including the lack of independent directors.

James Packer Bruce Gordon Lachlan Murdoch Ten network billionaire backers
James Packer Bruce Gordon Lachlan Murdoch Ten network billionaire backers David Rowe

There appear to be conflicts between the interests of Lachlan Murdoch as a private investor in Ten and the interests of Foxtel, which is an investor in Ten, and the interests of News Corp, which owns half of Foxtel and is chaired by Murdoch. Murdoch was a guarantor of Ten's debt. Foxtel is represented on the board by Peter Tonagh, who is the CEO of Foxtel.

There also appears to be conflicts between the interests of Murdoch and 21st Century Fox, which is a supplier of programs to Ten. Murdoch is executive chairman of 21st Century Fox.

Siobhan McKenna, a representative of Murdoch's private company Ilyria, stepped down from the Ten board in March.

There also appears to be a conflict between the interests of Bruce Gordon as owner of Win TV and his guarantee of Ten's debt. He has a representative on the Ten board, Andrew Lancaster.

If the directors decide that the company can't meet its debts as they fall due, this can be sheeted directly back to the decisions by Murdoch and Gordon to end their guarantees of the company's debt to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

James Packer has also made it clear he would not maintain his guarantee of the debt.

Ten has a $200 million loan facility with CBA to provide working capital. It has been drawn by about $66 million. The CBA could immediately override the voluntary administrators with the appointment of a receiver but it is hard to see how that makes sense.

Appointing a receiver would only complicate matters and increase the costs to CBA. In effect, the bank would have to start providing the cash flow to fund the business.

By standing back and allowing the voluntary administrators to do their job, CBA can monitor the situation and allow a commercial solution to be worked out in an efficient manner. Chanticleer understands several interested parties have lobbied CBA to not "act precipitously".

Voluntary administration would still represent a significant blow to the credibility of Murdoch, Packer and Gordon. They would join the ranks of those who have lost out trying to make money out of Ten.

Another who would join this not-so-elite club is Gina Rinehart, who is represented on the Ten board by Andrew Robb. She can take heart from the fact that another loser from backing Ten in the 1990s was shopping centre billionaire Frank Lowy. He lost about $500 million punting on an industry he knew nothing about.

Another loser from the 1990s was former ABC broadcaster and satellite TV entrepreneur Steve Cosser.

The buyers who bought the business from Cosser did well. They came in after Westpac called in then banker and now Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to negotiate a way out of its $255 million loan.

The motley crew of investors who took Ten off Westpac's hands for about $90 million in cash and $140 million of debt watched their asset grow in value at least eightfold, according to estimates at the time.

The investors included John Singleton, Izzy Asper from Canada, Sydney businessman Robert Whyte, Melbourne businessman Isi Leibler, and Canadians Sheldon Berney and Jack Cowin.

Others to have made money were professional fund managers Brian Sherman and Laurence Freedman, and astute investor Charles Curran.