Daily Life


Your stars with Lilith

If intense midweek Scorpio full moon evokes explosive emotions, it's worthwhile taking the time to unwind fact from opinion and understanding from anger…

ARIES: Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Aries razzle up an enthusiastic dazzle of ideas and information, not all reliable or accurate.  Fortunately simplification's your forte: a warp-speed ability to sort the usable from what's non-applicable, making you unbeatable this week - just so long as you let diplomatic Venus in your sign call the shots.  

TAURUS: Your prima planet Venus in the sign of rambunctious and raunchy, egged on by mischievous Mercury and unpredictable Uranus?  Toss in the Molotov cocktail of midweek Scorpio full moon, and if you're thinking this spells trouble you're probably not wrong.  It certainly won't be a boring week, so buckle up for a wild ride…

GEMINI:  Celestial timing's ripe for a personal purge, followed by a refurb in your house of friendships and affiliations.  Because right now a healing Venus/Chiron alliance assists, if you're willing, in easing the heat out of feuds and grudges, forgiving shame or blame as they surface for resolution and closure.

CANCER:  It's that time of month again, and this week's full moon in Scorpio isn't likely to disappoint in the drama department.  If startling announcements or sudden unsettling news find you having to deal with volatile reactions, treat flare-ups, dummy spits and hissy fits as the cry for help that at heart they really are.

LEO:  After what astrologer Hunter Reynolds dubbed April's "barrage of backwardation", this week pumps up the volume with an intense full moon, an unstable Mercury/Uranus connection and some powerful Mars/Jupiter synergy.  All in all a strong jolt to the collective gestalt, so take things slowly.  Speak less.  Be kind. Offer more.  


VIRGO: This week could be "landmined", so tread gently. Do people want more from you than you're able to give? Then re-evaluate responsibilities and establish priorities for how you want to invest time and money, and where to divest it from energy-draining people and/or time-wasting endeavours.  There now, doesn't that feel better?

LIBRA:  This week's argumentative and belligerent bickering mightn't be your style, especially if someone telling the truth brutally rips the bandaid off with superficial answers, glib lip service and politically correct politeness. Which may prove, when the dust settles, to be just the tough love needed to make a breakthrough.  

SCORPIO: This week's tempestuous Scorpio full moon, plus a bunch of other celestial pressures, could see your tolerance levels rock-bottoming.  But hey, mistakes are a fact of life and our response to them where learning occurs.  If you've let a temporary solution become a permanent problem, rather than getting angry, give the situation some love.

SAGITTARIUS: Setbacks can sometimes be blessings in disguise.  But enough's enough, and after weeks of back and forth, stop and go, to and fro, the good news is this month finally gets its groove on again.  Despite plenty on your plate, don't miss spending the rich resonance of late week Sagittarius moon with nearest and dearest.

CAPRICORN:  Capricorns, like fellow earth-sign Virgos, like to be prepped in advance for all eventualities.  This week could surprise you with something unexpected, unplanned and so not your style.  But you know what?  It could actually be tremendous fun if approached with a balanced mix of Saturnian structure and Uranian improvisation.

AQUARIUS:  Retrograde energies have hopefully slowed us all down long enough for deeper self understanding and insight.  Because the gap between thought and action, emotion and articulation could shrink to infinitesimal this week, and it's important not to let tension-generating situations pressure or compel you into less than ideal speech, action or commitments.

PISCES: For the past eighteen months the moon's north/south nodes in Virgo and Pisces have been conducting what some astrologers call The Final Clearing.  Which to you might be The Cleansing Adventure or The Glorious Sorting.  Naturally it's the stuff goodbyes are made of so existence can bless you with new experiences.  Beginning this week…


Originally published on smh.com.au as 'Your stars with Lilith'.