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Australian Chart Summary

Friday - Latest

Troughs in the east and moist onshore winds are generating a few showers about the QLD and northern NSW coast. A trough in the south is causing patchy rain in eastern SA. A belt of high pressure in the south is keeping much of VIC and WA dry and is leading to a chilly night.

Saturday 22:00 EST

Troughs will cause a few showers and the odd storm in eastern SA, northwestern VIC, NSW, QLD and northeastern NT. A front will bring showery winds to TAS and light showers to the south coast of WA. A high will encourage fogs and light frosts in the south and keep most areas dry.

Sunday 22:00 EST

A low will form over the Pacific Ocean, maintaining showers and causing wind to increase on the NSW and southern QLD coasts. A weak front will cause light showers in southern VIC and TAS. A high will lead to a dry day elsewhere in Australia after chilly morning in the south.

Monday 22:00 EST

Winds between a low and high will remain fresh in eastern Australia and cause showers on the east coast. A high will bring a chilly morning and dry day to much of inland QLD, NSW and VIC and SA. A front will cause wind to increase and showers to develop in southwest WA and TAS.

Tuesday 22:00 EST

A front will bring colder winds and showers to southern WA. An associated trough will cause the odd shower in SA and TAS, mainly later in the day. A high will bring a chilly morning and dry day to much of VIC and NSW and confine showers in QLD to the coast and northern tropics.

Wednesday 22:00 EST

A front will bring colder winds and showers to SA, TAS, VIC and southern NSW and possibly snow to the Alps later. A high will clear most showers from southern WA and confine showers in QLD and the NT to the coast and northern tropics.

Thursday 22:00 EST

A high will clear most showers and cause wind to ease in SA, TAS, VIC, NSW and the QLD coast during the day. A front should bring cool winds and showers to the south coast of WA and help maintain dry, gusty winds over northern WA and central Australia.

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Weather News

Market kangaroo meat better or watch them starve as numbers explode, landholders say

16:58 EST

Landholders in far west New South Wales say if there are not more incentives for professionals to hunt kangaroos their numbers will become unsustainable.

Winter rain yet to show

16:29 EST

A lack of strong cold fronts so far this season has left many parts of Australia longing for rainfall.

Enticing southern lights

12:28 EST

The Aurora Australis may be visible from Australia's southern latitudes tonight.