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The great Australian illusion

August 5, 2003

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Australia is becoming a nation of landlords and renters as income disparities widen, writes Tim Colebatch.

The Productivity Commission's inquiry into first home ownership is really a bit late. Had it come even 18 months ago, it could have led to reforms that prevented inflation of house prices getting out of control. Now its job will be to work out what went wrong.

In two years, the Commonwealth Bank reports, the median price paid by first home owners has risen by 50 per cent. That's one hell of an inflation rate, when average income per household rose just 6.25 per cent.

Despite mortgage rates at historic lows, the bank and the Housing Industry Association say that buying into the housing market is now less affordable than at any time since 1990. The benefit young Australians should have got from low interest rates has been blown away by massive inflation.

This is not just an economic statistic. It is a social trend. Young Australians today are not a generation of savers. Credit cards, mobile phones, cars, technogizmos, cafe culture, peer group pressure, HECS repayments: all these are combining to create a generation that probably saves less than any generation before it.

Last year University of Canberra economist Simon Kelly projected these trends into the future. By 2020, he estimates, barely 20 per cent of people in their early 30s will own their own home, a massive change from more than 50 per cent now. Australia will become a nation of landlords and renters, as income disparities widen, while the tax laws redistribute income from renters to landlords.

This is not the way rising house prices are viewed by most Australians, the media, the Government and even Treasury. When house prices rise, we think that makes us more wealthy: we cheer it on. But that rising wealth is an illusion.

As one analyst pointed out in 1995: "The enhanced wealth is in a form which is unlikely to be realised - how many of us sell our house and live in something of lower quality in order to 'cash in' the higher wealth for use on some other form of expenditure?" (And note: unless home owners do that, the only impact of house inflation is to raise their council rates.)

"Moreover," he added, "while periods of strong increase in house prices make the present owners of housing richer, they also make those next in the queue poorer... It is not too much of an exaggeration to suggest that a significant rise in the real price of housing, in effect, makes some people better off at the expense of their children."

That analyst was Ian Macfarlane, then deputy governor of the Reserve Bank, and now its governor. People were complaining then about stagnant house prices. Macfarlane challenged the assumption that house price inflation was a general "good", concluding that abrupt rises in prices, at least temporarily, thrust "real hardship upon the generation trying to achieve home ownership".

Macfarlane recently has been equally cogent in pointing out why house prices have risen so rapidly. While the first wave of price rises from 1996 to 2001 was driven by owner-occupiers borrowing more money at lower interest rates, he argues, since then the growth in home lending - and hence in prices - has been driven by investors, who in turn are "largely tax-driven".

The investors were getting out of a falling stockmarket (and by getting out, exacerbated the fall). Housing appealed to them because house prices have not collapsed for 70 years. The Coalition and Labor have changed the tax laws so that landlords and other investors making capital gains pay only half the tax rate their tenants pay on their wages. And negative gearing rules allow them to write off any losses against tax, so other taxpayers share their losses.

Sydney's Sunday papers last weekend show where this has led us. A three-bedroom fibro cottage in Sydney's south was sold to an investor for $1.21 million. A tiny derelict cottage in Leichhardt sold for $530,000. It's not as mad as that in Melbourne yet, but it's heading that way - until the investors decide to get out and cash in their gains on a rising stockmarket. Then the crash will come, and many will be hurt.

This is the main game that explains why young home buyers have been priced out of the market, and it is what the Productivity Commission will inevitably focus on when it comes to grips with the issues. This is not to say that other issues such as home building regulations, planning laws, and state and federal taxes are not important - the Housing Industry Association estimates that taxes add $88,700 to the cost of a new house and land package in Melbourne, and $43,900 in country Victoria - but they are secondary.

While Peter Costello directed the commission to specifically examine issues run by the states, the terms of reference he set are broad enough for this inquiry to be fair dinkum. The commission is free to investigate whatever it thinks relevant. And the focus on the inquiry makes it a test of objectivity the commission would not want to fail.

It should be wary of claiming expertise in issues such as urban planning and home design rules. While limiting urban sprawl imposes obvious costs on outer-suburban development, it also brings less obvious economic benefits by encouraging redevelopment of established areas where services already exist.

The supply side matters. But this boom was driven by speculative demand, and it is futile to pretend otherwise.

Tim Colebatch is economics editor of The Age.

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