
Indices Index

S&P ASX Indices

Updated: June 9, 2017 - 4:34PM
Code Index Value Change % Change Turnover ($A) Volume
XAO ALL ORDINARIES 5715.5 00.7rise 0.0 4,341,867,220 776,328,833
XJO S&P;/ASX 200 5677.8 01.2rise 0.0 4,214,531,969 611,955,136
XKO S&P;/ASX 300 5624.1 00.8rise 0.0 4,308,105,859 696,792,605
XBW BUY WRITE 95294.5 139.9rise 0.1 N/A N/A
XTL S&P;/ASX 20 3202.7 -02.4fall -0.1 1,816,304,489 110,481,219
XFL S&P;/ASX 50 5633.7 -01.5fall -0.0 2,919,124,428 276,112,006
XTO S&P;/ASX 100 4711.9 01.0rise 0.0 3,710,565,793 436,873,496
XMD S&P;/ASX MIDCAP 50 6167.3 20.4rise 0.3 791,441,365 160,761,490
XSO S&P;/ASX SMALL ORDS 2334.6 -01.1fall -0.0 597,540,067 259,919,109
XAF ALL AUSTRALIAN 50 5572.8 -01.2fall -0.0 2,900,296,264 273,867,124
XAT ALL AUSTRALIAN 200 5615.3 01.5rise 0.0 4,173,241,844 612,158,189

GICS Sectors

Updated: June 9, 2017 - 4:34PM
Code Index Value Change % Change Turnover ($A) Volume
XDJ CONS DISCRETIONARY 2187.7 -03.7fall -0.2 337,640,069 78,332,761
XEJ ENERGY 8910.2 -153.3fall -1.7 229,634,619 34,496,132
XFJ FINANCIALS 6287.6 -01.9fall -0.0 971,132,559 58,687,743
XHJ HEALTH CARE 23347.3 -59.5fall -0.3 283,824,743 40,075,540
XIJ INFO TECHNOLOGY 858.1 -01.8fall -0.2 53,502,039 9,665,152
XMJ MATERIALS 9787.0 87.8rise 0.9 1,134,633,713 179,491,268
XNJ INDUSTRIALS 5791.6 38.9rise 0.7 356,349,225 56,838,455
XPJ A-REIT 1378.3 -06.1fall -0.4 300,199,568 67,467,526
XSJ CONSUMER STAPLES 9061.3 -32.8fall -0.4 228,403,024 21,428,669
XTJ TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1537.2 -07.1fall -0.5 172,697,700 40,852,016
XUJ UTILITIES 8755.6 33.0rise 0.4 103,764,927 19,140,104
XXJ FINANCIAL-X-A-REIT 7012.8 -02.1fall -0.0 971,132,559 58,687,743

Global Indices

Updated: June 10, 2017 - 9:16AM
Index Value Change % Change Volume
Hang Seng 26030.3 -32.8fall -0.1 2,978,758,079
Shanghai Composite 3158.7 08.4rise 0.3 160,136
Nikkei Stock Average 225 20013.3 104.0rise 0.5 149,811
Dow Jones Industrial Average 21272.0 89.4rise 0.4 397,196,391
S&P; 500 2431.8 -02.0fall -0.1 N/A
DAX 12815.7 102.1rise 0.8 93,323,514
CAC 40 5299.7 35.5rise 0.7 82,360,206
FTSE 100 7527.3 77.4rise 1.0 1,113,134,032
FTSE ASFA Australia 300 Index 6278.2 01.1rise 0.0 N/A
FTSE ASFA Australia 200 Index 6344.1 01.1rise 0.0 N/A
FTSE EPRA NAREIT Developed Index AUD 1663.9 06.6rise 0.4 N/A
FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global Rental Index AUD 1217.8 05.0rise 0.4 N/A

Stock Watch

Energy was the week's worst performing corner of the ASX.

ASX suffers worst week of 2017

Shares suffered their worst weekly loss of the year, as investors were kept on the back foot amid gathering unease around the Australian economy and after another shock poll result in the UK.