Reha is a village in Bhuj Taluka of Kutch at a distance of about 15 km from Bhuj town, the capital of Kachchh District of Gujarat in India.
About the history of Reha it is one of the 18 villages founded by Mistri community of Kutch in late 12th century.These group of warriors were also skilled architects and have contributed to the erection of many historical monuments of kutch.
During the years of laying of Railway lines in British India around 1850-1930 many members of Mistris moved out and made themselves into big Railway contractors throughout British India. Some of them entered into Coal mines business as well. The Mistris of these villages have built and developed the old infrastructure around the villages in late 1890 from their earnings during those time. However, majority of old houses of Mistris with unique architect were destroyed in the earthquake of 26 January 2001.
Notable Persons
Some of the Mistris who hailed from this village and made it big during early years of railway construction in India in decades of 1860-1940.