
Westpac hits back at ASIC responsible lending claim

Westpac says ASIC has not established that its sample of seven loans were unsuitable.

Westpac has rejected the corporate watchdog's claim it broke responsible lending laws in the mortgage market, saying the regulator has failed to prove that a group of loans it made were unsuitable for consumers.

Former Westpac planner cops five-year ban

Westpac said is welcomed the ban imposed on its former planner.

A former Westpac financial planner has been slapped with a five-year ban after it was revealed 177 clients had been charged fees without receiving all the services they had paid for.

NAB sees 'extraordinary' opportunity in regions

Opportunities: National Australia Bank chairman Ken Henry and NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn.

National Australia Bank chairman Ken Henry says the nation faces an "extraordinary" economic opportunity to develop regions outside the capital cities, as the bank bets on a long-term lift in rural Australia.

NAB to reveal realtime currency costs to travellers

The bank says new features on its app will tell customers what exchange rate they will get if they pay on their Visa ...

National Australia Bank will advise customers who are overseas on the Aussie dollar cost of making purchases in foreign currency, including fees, as banks try to design apps that can adapt to what their clients are doing.

Are the good times ending for Aussie fund managers?

Local fund managers have found it increasingly difficult to deliver excess returns.

Australia's $2.8 trillion fund industry is one of the last havens for fund managers relying on human judgement for their investment calls. That may be about to end amid the global onslaught of low-cost, index-tracking funds.

Bellamy's capital raising and changes welcomed by analysts

Citi has lifted its target price for the Tasmanian-based company's stock to $5.75, a jump of 34 per cent.

Market analysts have welcomed moves by infant formula company Bellamy's to stabilise the business, saying the steps resolved significant uncertainties surrounding the company and gave it a clearer pathway for sales into China.

Executive Style

Small Business

'We never got close to making the GST threshold'

Running a bed and breakfast didn't turn out to be as lucrative for this reader.

The Goods and Services Tax has been a part of the Australian business landscape for almost 17 years now. There have been some changes over that time, such as the increase in the income threshold requiring compulsory GST registration up to $75,000, but in many ways the GST system is largely unchanged.

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