Federal Politics

Tony Wright

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald

Shelburne Bay: A new generation of Wuthathi celebrate winning back their ancestral land.

Drawing a line in the whitest of sand

More than 1200 square kilometres around Shelburne Bay near the tip of Cape York Peninsula, including the only untouched area of pure-white sand dunes in Australia, has been handed back to the Wuthathi Indigenous people

Clive Palmer

The highlights, lowlights and lowlifes of Parliament 2016

It was the year a freshly recycled Liberal leader, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, took his Coalition to an election and suffered a near fatal gutser. Herewith are some of the awards for achievements – both above and mostly below the call of political duty in 2016.

Senator Pauline Hanson is not as happy as she appears on her Christmas poster.

Diversity in One Nation, where views collide

One Nation is a very democratic party. So democratic, indeed, that its parliamentarians apparently don't discuss with each other what the party's stance might be on legislation, and then publicly disagree..

Paul Keating

'The ABC is letting Australia down': Keating

Former prime minister Paul Keating is the latest public figure to lay into the besieged ABC, saying it it is failing as a news gathering organisation and was letting Australia down.