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Why Anthony Albanese benefits from Jeremy Corbyn's success in the UK election

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Conservative British Prime Minister Theresa May's decision to call a snap early election was a shocker. It was Britain's worst electoral blunder since the year the first word processor was introduced, Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin and the world population hit 4 billion. That is, the worst since 1974, 43 years and three billion people ago, when the then Conservative prime minister Ted Heath called a snap election that ended in a hung parliament. "We didn't shoot ourselves in the foot," declared Conservative MP Nigel Evans, "we shot ourselves in the head."

The result shocked all the parties and signals a realignment of British politics to the left. Robin Archer, a London School of Economics political scientist, says that the election "feels transformative".

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While Theresa May hangs on in a minority government and tries to muddle through amid much recrimination, the question arises of whether the experience holds any lessons for Australia. Six suggest themselves.

One of the most striking features was not that May's Conservatives did so badly – they polled much as expected – but that the Labour opposition did so well. Labour enjoyed a big and unexpected surge. The scruffy socialist Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, much mocked and dismissed by the political experts, proved to be a real force.

Labour's share of the vote soared from about 30 per cent to about 40. No one is laughing at Jeremy Corbyn any more. The question is, why was Corbyn so successful?

First, he preached an old-time religion of redistributive left-wing politics. And this galvanised the people who, under the conventional wisdom, were impossible to galvanise. Younger voters. In the words of The New Yorker magazine's Anthony Lane, the Labour leader came as "a prophet, whose name was Jeremy". He didn't look like the smooth politicians from Tory or New Labour central casting: "His beard was as the pelt of beasts, and his raiments were not of the finest. And he cried aloud in the wilderness and said, 'Behold, I bring you hope.' And suddenly there was with him a host of young people."


Corbyn promised to abolish university tuition fees and offered more generous health care, among other new spending initiatives. "And," Lane continues, "The young people said unto him, 'How shall these things be rendered, seeing that thou hast no money in thy purse?' And he spake unto them in a voice of sounding brass and said, 'Soak the rich.' And again, 'Pull down the mighty from their seats.' And the young people went absolutely nuts."

The Brexit referendum last year jolted Britain's younger voters into political consciousness. And Corbyn mobilised them for last week's general election. Among 18 to 24 year olds, voter turnout was 66 per cent. That's a surge of an extraordinary 23 percentage points since the last general election, just two years ago. And this new generation voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour over Tory, by a factor of two-to-one. Robin Archer breaks down Corbyn's appeal into several elements. First was the raw popular appeal of more spending on popular initiatives. Archer notes: "There was surprisingly little criticism of Labour's tax increases and anti-austerity position."

Another was "a more general sympathy for the idealism and integrity of Corbyn". "Authenticity," says Archer, "definitely played a role. Surveys showed that 'honesty' was the word most associated with Corbyn. There is something of Bernie Sanders about it."

While Theresa May operated a highly risk-averse, stage-managed campaign and even refused to appear in a televised debate, Corbyn held huge rallies, appeared spontaneous and drew great chants of "Jezza, Jezza!"

The lessons from this phenomenon? In Australia, there is no need to mobilise younger voters. Compulsory voting does that. But Corbyn's experience will present Labor in Australia with two temptations. The Labor left here will argue that the party can win over many more young voters with a more generous redistributive policy offering, paid for by "soaking the rich", and perhaps allowing the deficit to blow out. In short, to bring back "class warfare".

The Corbyn experience will also be used by allies of the Left faction's Anthony Albanese to put him forward as the candidate of "authenticity" in contrast to the scripted Labor leader Bill Shorten.

Shorten has put Labor consistently ahead in the polls and is not under any imminent challenge, but Albanese and his allies will start to organise if Shorten appears to be failing at any point.

The Conservatives' misfire, on the other hand, has given Australian politicians some negative lessons. First, the British experience shattered the assumption that terrorist attacks will boost support for conservatives, and especially incumbent conservatives, the party that's supposedly "tough on terrorism". Corbyn was able to turn it around, casting blame on May's decision as Home Minister to cut police numbers.

Second, May offered a very old-fashioned lesson – don't pretend to be one thing, then show that you're actually the opposite. May's entire political persona was built on toughness. But she completely reversed a key policy – the so-called "dementia tax" – when it proved to be unpopular. The backlash was savage. She suffered much more from the appearance of fakeness than from the promise of harshness.

Third, May's disaster is a cautionary tale on the dangers of political cynicism. Her snap election call was seen as sheer political opportunism, and her campaign was heavily negative and fear-based. Corbyn, like Barack Obama in his first election, offered a message of hope. Finally, the British election thoroughly marginalised the minor parties. The two main parties together won the biggest share of the vote in half a century. Meaning? That when the main parties sharpen the contrast and offer voters a starker choice, the voters will respond.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.