

Mystery behind French 'ghost' motorcycle solved

A mysterious video of a "ghost motorcycle" driving along a motorway in France has been solved.

The bizarre video published by French newspaper Le Parisien showed a riderless motorcycle driving along on the outside lane of the A4 Autoroute, before riding out of view.

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French riderless motorbike mystery solved

Was a ghost riding a motorbike down a French highway? No, and it's not a rare thing for motorcycles to ride off on their own.

With the rise of autonomous cars, was it possible the French had just invented the first autonomous motorcycle?

Unfortunately not, as Le Parisien shed some light on the abnormal scene. 

The newspaper tracked down the rider of the bike, who was reportedly involved in a collision with another vehicle seconds before the video was recorded.

Unfortunately for the owner, his motorcycle opted to keep on cruising the streets without him.


The rider, who injured his arm in the crash, tried searching for his bike but found no trace of it and eventually headed to the hospital for treatment.

Stunt motorcyclist Jean-Pierre Goy told The Sun that riderless bikes can run for more than 600 metres before toppling over.

"I've seen motorcycles ride like this even longer, especially with the cruise control blocked."
