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Interior designer gave the profession outstanding leadership

Joanne Cys

Published: June 6 2017 - 12:12PM

Madeline Lester rose to the highest office in the international interior design profession and her memory will live long in the Australian industry for which she was such an outstanding advocate.

Madeline Lester, who has died aged 68, made an exceptional contribution to the design profession, academia and design practice in Australia and internationally.

Although it is now an established field, the interior design profession is relatively young with the first professional interior designers only emerging in the early to mid-1900s. As president of IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects/ Designers) from 2005-07, Madeline attained the highest office possible for a practitioner in her field. She was the first (and to date the only) Australian to hold this position.

Madeline joined the IFI board in 2002 and was IFI president-elect (2003-05), IFI president (2005-07), and IFI immediate past-president (2007-09). Her involvement as an IFI board member and senior office-bearer can be identified as the most significant contribution of any individual to the internationalisation of the interior design profession in Australia.

Madeline was an exemplary and generous role model for all interior designers. On many occasions, she personally funded young designers to travel to national and international design events and conferences, and also personally funded Australian designers to speak at international design conferences to ensure that Australian design is represented in important international forums.

In 2006, she initiated and convened an important international roundtable conference, Interior Design: The State of the Art, that brought together interior design leaders from academia and practice from around the world to discuss professional issues and the contribution of professional interior design practice to the community.

Madeline was a key strategist and contributor to the development of IFI's historic Interiors Declaration in New York in 2011. In 2013 she was instrumental in arranging the City of Sydney's adoption of the declaration by the Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore.

Madeline was also a champion of Australian interior design in the Asian region.  She was a long-term member of the Asian Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA), the regional design advocacy group that includes membership from the national interior design associations of 13 nations in the Asia-Pacific region. 

A true international ambassador, Madeline generated powerful and lasting connections between Australian and Asian designers.

In addition to her international work with IFI she contributed nationally to the Design Institute of Australia as national president (1996-99) and NSW state president (1995-96). As DIA national president, Madeline presided over unification of the DIA (bringing together representation of all design disciplines under one professional body) and was director of Sydney Design '99, Australia's first major international design conference, exhibition and congress.

Parallel with her work for the profession, Madeline maintained a multi-award-winning private interior design practice (Interni, Madeline Lester Design Management and more recently, Madeline Lester + Associates). She was regularly invited to judge in national and international design award programs in including the Good Design Australia Awards and the Australian Interior Design Awards.

Madeline undertook the role of adjunct associate professor in interior architecture at the University of NSW and the University of Tasmania, where she was involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and provided significant professional support for staff.

In recognition of her outstanding contribution to her field, both nationally and internationally, Madeline was inducted into the Design Institute of Australia's Hall of Fame in 2006. In 2011, she received the Australia Medal in recognition of her services to the design profession.

Madeline Lester AM LFDIA contributed selflessly and strategically to the global design profession. She advised, supported and mentored many. Her memory will live on in the profession to which she gave so much of herself and for which she was such an outstanding advocate.

* Dr Joanne Cys LFDIA is Professor and Head of School: Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia.

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