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Former movie star survived Hitler's vengeance

Mal Walden

Published: June 12 2017 - 2:28PM

Eve Esnouf was a member of one of Germany's most distinguished families, but when her uncle tried to assassinate Hitler, her life changed dramatically.

I have long held the belief that everyone has a story to tell if you are prepared to listen. But nothing prepared me for the story told by 87-year-old Eve Esnouf during a chance meeting at a South Yarra social function in 2008.

It began with her simple question: "How have you spent your day?"

I replied that my wife and I had been to the movies, but before I could continue further, her calm demeanour perceptibly changed. "I refuse to go to the movies since my row with that silly little film man." 

Slightly bemused, I asked who the "silly little film man" might be.

'Tom Cruise," she replied without a moment's hesitation. The Tom Cruise, I asked. "Yes, he has made a film about my family and we are not very happy."

"May I ask why Tom Cruise would make a film about your family?"

"It's about my uncle, Claus Von Stauffenberg. He was the man who put the bomb under Adolf Hitler." 

For the next 30 minutes, I sat spellbound as this sprightly octogenarian with a slightly aristocratic air recounted her uncle's failed attempt to assassinate one of the world's most despotic dictators. As I sat next to the niece of the would-be assassin the horror of Hitler's retribution was clearly showing on her face, 64 years later. 

It would take another nine years to discover the rest of her amazing life story. A life as an award-winning European film star before the war, alongside such names as Marlene Dietrich and Ilse Werner. Her survival from Hitler's henchmen and an incredible escape from invading Russians. Becoming an interpreter to Field-Marshal Montgomery in postwar Germany; and finally a love story that led to her starting a new life in Melbourne.

During our initial encounter, she spoke with a strong German accent clipped by a recent stroke, yet her long-term memory for detail was astounding. "Yes, I remember that night all so clearly, and most certainly the events that followed."

Born on December 14, 1919, Ruth Eva (Eve) Esnouf was about 21 at the time her Uncle Claus carried the briefcase bomb into the wooden barracks of the German high command in what was code named "Operation Valkyrie".

The Stauffenbergs were one of the oldest and most distinguished Roman Catholic families in southern Germany and Eve was related on her father's side through marriage. Claus Philip von Stauffenberg, the third of three sons, had risen to the rank of colonel and was one of the few who had direct access to the Fuehrer.

"I met Hitler on the several occasions he visited our family," Eve recalled, "but Uncle Claus saw no other alternative for the future of Germany than in his assassination."

On July 20 that year his briefcase contained two small bombs, only one of which would be activated. He slid it under the conference table, as close to Hitler as he could, and made an excuse to leave.

He waited nearby as the blast ripped through the building, killing four people and injuring many others, including his intended target, who was shielded from the full blast by the heavy oak table.

Hitler's retribution was as swift as it was violent. Recounting the event 64 years later, Eve visibly stiffened at the horror that followed. "He ordered the execution of all the male members of my family."

At the time of our conversation in the South Yarra apartment Eve was still under the impression her father had been shot along with Uncle Claus. It was only recently the family discovered Eve's father had escaped execution, only to die some time later in a Russian jail.

Eve was one of the survivors but the war would leave its pain. In 1942 her brother Fritz, a Stuka pilot in the Luftwaffe, was shot down in France but survived only to be killed 18 months later in the battle of Stalingrad.

After the failed assassination attempt on Hitler, the execution of her uncle Claus and the disappearance of her father, Eve's home was overrun by the Russians, who used the Schloss as their command post in what would become East Germany.

While her mother and sister decided to stay, Eve smuggled herself in a truckload of motorcycles and made it to the British-controlled city of Hanover where, according to family records, Eve used her charms and schoolgirl English to become an interpreter to Field Marshal Montgomery, who was running the Allied Information Control Unit.

There she met and married the dashing Scottish/Italian Hector Pelman, conceiving a son, Ashley, before migrating to Melbourne in 1951. Their marriage soon ended and Eve met Stuart Esnouf, an East Melbourne doctor. Hector also remarried and so began a very amicable blended arrangement with both families that lasted a lifetime.

In 1966 travel regulations in eastern Europe relaxed and Eve became a regular attraction on the Melbourne speaking circuit, describing life behind the Iron Curtain. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s she was on the Lady Mayoress' committee, heading many charity and fundraising events in Melbourne.

In later years health became an issue. But according to her loving daughter Durelle, "no kidney stone, nor three strokes, diabetes, heart disease or the loss of an eye through melanoma, interfered with her life".

She said: "Mum was a pack-a-day smoker until her tennis friends at Kooyong refused to share her room on overnight tournaments, and only then did she give them up. Not her friends. The cigarettes."

At 92 Eve became part of a successful world trial for an aortic heart valve; now a common procedure.

Despite many attempts since our meeting in 2008 Eve refused all requests for a further interview. According to her daughter she was a very pragmatic woman: "What's done is done, she would say. Forget the past and look to the future."

As a journalist I was more interested in her past: the irony of her own history as a European film star in the 30s and her issue with Tom Cruise.

While Operation Valkyrie had already been well documented at the time I met Eve, the family in Germany had lodged strong objections to the choice of Tom Cruise, an avowed Scientologist. The film came and went without breaking any box office records, but I doubt Eve ever saw it.

She passed away in a Melbourne nursing home on May 10, just short of her 98th birthday. 

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