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Early organic farming enthusiast made things happen

David Holmgren and Jason Alexandra

Published: June 6 2017 - 1:29PM

Fourth-generation farmer Rod May's experience as a student in the US convinced him that Australian farming had to adopt a more sustainable approach.

One of the pioneers of ecological farming in Australia, Rod May, died aged 63 on May 29   after a motorbike accident on the road between Ballarat and his home at Blampied.

Rod was a fourth-generation farmer, who lived and worked on the family's 80 hectares at the foot of Kangaroo Hills in central Victoria. In the late 1970s Rod returned to the family farm motivated by his interests in self-reliance, organics and tree crops. Influenced by his experience as an exchange student to the US, he became convinced of the need to develop alternatives to large-scale, chemical-intensive agriculture. He converted part of the family farm to organics, planting shelter, fodder, timber, fruit and nut trees. 

In 1982, Rod helped found the Central Victorian Tree Planting Co-op, Australia's first contract tree-planting business, organised as a worker-owned co-operative. He was also elected to Creswick Council. Over the next four decades, Rod remained active in promoting a more sustainable future as an influential leader in local politics, landscape restoration and organic farming. 

The Landcare movement emerged simultaneously in several regions across Australia in the early 80s. One of those places was central Victoria, where Rod played a leading role.  In 1983 an innovative revegetation scheme, Project Branch Out, was funded by government to employ hundreds of people planting trees on demonstration sites across the Campaspe, Loddon and Avoca catchments in response to the threat of salinity.  Possibly the first large revegetation initiative, Project Branch Out was a forerunner of subsequent Landcare employment programs, such as the Greencorps and Green Army, adopted by successive governments. Rod was employed as its managing director. He shared the project's bold, holistic vision, communicating easily with public officials, conservative farmers and the previously unemployed workers putting the trees in the ground. Importantly he had credibility with dirt under his nails as both a farmer and tree planter.

Rod read widely. The latest copies of New Scientist were always lying around his owner-built mudbrick house.  The leader of a generation of organic farmers, he worked tirelessly to integrate ecological theories into farming practices.

In his role as an early president of the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (founded in 1986) he was at the forefront of linking sustainable development and organic farming systems. His interest extended to community development and ecological restoration of entire landscapes, leading the revegetation of the Captains Creek Catchment that includes the family farm.

As organics grew in the 1990s, Rod spent an increasing amount of time in meetings around the country and around the world, making important global linkages through the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM). He did some of the early organic certification inspections in Australia and helped certify coffee growers in East Timor.

His human skills were complemented by a keen intellect, strong observation skills and a sharp memory for facts, figures and protocols of organic standards. His commitment, generosity of spirit and easy-going manner made him a natural diplomat. He brought people together including the diverse and disparate organic and biodynamic groups, who had to work together with government to establish protocols for organic exports. Rod's understated diplomacy allowed him to work with the idealists and pragmatists of the organic movement.

Rod was married to Vivien Hodgins, a gifted drama and media teacher at Mount Clear Secondary College in Ballarat, who died tragically in the Samoan tsunami of 2009. Together they raised two strong young women, Stephanie and Carla.

During many years of globe-trotting, Rod juggled his off-farm commitments and farming operations with the help of his father, Morris, who supported the farm's organic production methods, also adopted by brothers Greg and Doug. Like his father, Rod was a big bloke who loved hard work. In the paddock there would be few that that could work day in day out like he did.  He even claimed that picking spuds was great for fixing a bad back.

In his later years, his knees gave him trouble after years working across the mounds and furrows of his abundant crops of irrigated vegetables. For some years he sold these wholesale but in recent years he focused on suppling local markets using methods he had seen working in Europe, Japan and the US. Rod produced mixed produce boxes, supplying customers with boxes overflowing with mixed unwashed vegies, fruits and nuts that he delivered to pick up houses, for collection by groups of local customers. 

A natural teacher, Rod had a seamless grasp of soil and landscape ecology, agricultural and tree crops, organic marketing and the mechanical gadgets involved in farming. He held numerous field days, workshops and farm walks and delivered impressive lectures and public talks.

Rod always had a strong interest and natural inclination for politics. This cumulated with his time as a popular mayor of the Hepburn Shire. He also stood as the Greens candidate for Ripon in 2014. He was motivated to take on political roles to bring about fundamental change.

Rod had vision, always seeing options to make the world a better place, but he also made them happen – on the farm, in the community and through the organic farming movement.

Rod is survived by Stephanie and Carla, his partner Annie and his brothers Greg and Doug and their families.

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