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slackbastard Anarchy and apathy battle it out on @ndy’s blog.
slackbastard · 2W ago

Spanish Revolution 80th Anniversary 1936–2016

July 19, 1936 is the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War and Revolution. Next week, the ASF-IWA has organised a meeting to commemorate the occasion: On the 19 July 1936...
slackbastard · 3W ago

(Return Of The Son Of) Lenin ~versus~ #ausvotes

While results have yet to be finalised, I thought I may as well take note of how Socialists and communists fared at the federal election … As one of 20 Ungrouped candidates in the NSW race f...
slackbastard · 1M ago

VOTE 1 FORTITUDE! #ausvotes

G’day patriots, Announced with much fanfare last November (Michael Safi, Far-right United Patriots Front to form political party ahead of federal election, The Guardian, November 24, 2015; B...
slackbastard · 1M ago

Dispatches From Occupied Rigaer94

[fwd] Dispatches From Occupied Rigaer94 It has now been over a week since our doors were first cut off, cops and security intruded into our housing project, installing themselves in our stai...
slackbastard · 1M ago

Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair 2016 : Sunday, August 14 @ Brunswick Town Hall

For the sixth year in a row, this time at a new location: Brunswick Town Hall. • books • pamphlets • zines • films • workshops WHEN : 10am-5pm, Sunday, August 14, 2016 WHERE : Brunswick Town...
slackbastard · 1M ago

Lenin ~versus~ #ausvotes

Zap! Ka-pow! A brief guide to the parties on the left contesting the federal 2016 election: Communist League In NSW, Ron Poulsen (one of dozens of Ungrouped Independents) is once again havin...
slackbastard · 1M ago

June 26, 2016 : True Blue Crew & Co ~versus~ Melbourne

Briefly: They lost. Again. Otherwise: Despite S C R E A M I N G ! headlines, the day was relatively uneventful, with relatively small crowds (a few hundred people in total), very few, minor ...
slackbastard · 1M ago

Floating Anarchy on The SUWA Show (June 2016)

>>> This SUNDAY, JUNE 26 /// 11am /// Victorian State Parliament /// Say NO to Racism in Melbourne
slackbastard · 1M ago

antifa notes (june 23, 2016) : nazis, patriots, islamophobes, bigots, elections …

>>> This SUNDAY, JUNE 26 /// 11am /// Victorian State Parliament /// Say NO to Racism in Melbourne
slackbastard · 1M ago

antifa notes (june 9, 2016) : australian far right + #ausvotes

[Updated June 30, 2016] With the federal election rolling around soon, I thought I may as well take note of the electoral efforts of the far right. A mixed bunch, common themes are oppositio...