
On recent events around SiCobas in Italy


Two articles by Battaglia Comunista translated from Italian analysing two stories which demonstrate some of the limitations of base (rank and file) unionism. The first concerns the split in SiCobas which has seen the formation of Solcobas and the second on a classic sting targetting of Aldo Milani, chief spokesperson for SiCobas.


IKEA strike 2012

“仓库工人无所畏惧”——这是一路贯穿7月26日由基层工会(base unions)S.I. Cobas和ADL Cobas发起的反宜家(IKEA)全国运动中的口号。

Trade union leader released after three days of protests across Italy

Aldo Milani, SI Cobas national coordinator.

The national coordinator of the Si Cobas trade union was released on bail yesterday after his lawyer stated that the accusations against him are beginning to collapse.

Italian base union organiser arrested: strike across Italy!

Aldo Milani.

Following the arrest of Aldo Milani, national coordinator for base union SiCobas, by police in Modena, strikes have started in the logistics warehouses of Emilia Romagna and Milan, awaiting the spreading of the mobilisation to other regions.

Calling all junglists: a short report from Amazon Hemel Hempstead

A good friend and former colleague of ours from west London worked at Amazon in Hemel Hempstead in the run up to Christmas 2016.

The whole of Italy stands with Abd Elsalam

Demonstration, among the people a man with a microphone beside the vehicle with

Video summary of the demonstrations for GLS-workers Adb Elsalam who was killed in Piacenza on September 14, 2016 during a strike. By Clash City Workers.

Logistics worker killed while on strike in Piacenza, Italy

Banner reads: "Abdelsalam lives in the struggle for the rights of everyone".

During the night between September 14 and 15, Abdelssalam Eldanf was killed while he was on strike with other workers in front of the GLS logistic plant in Piacenza.

Package Handler’s Report and Analysis

In this essay, IWW organizer Coeur de Bord analyses the first year of organizing at a United Parcel Service hub in Minneapolis outside of the preexisting trade union structure. They show how even a small core of organizers can engage large numbers of workers and mobilize them around concrete demands.

Hot August at H&M in Italy

The strike wave of migrant logistics workers in Italy has spread to the warehouses of H&M.

Neither labor nor law: Infopacket from the movement in France

A packet of texts and news translated from the movement currently underway in France. Many of the texts are from Lundi Matin but it also includes links to many other movement resources. This was assembled by La Onda, a communist group in LA.