Stories by David Ferguson

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Posted on: Jun 12, 2017, Source: Raw Story

The president has reportedly called for a massive staff shakeup.

Posted on: Jun 11, 2017, Source: Raw Story

If Comey is to be believed, Sessions has been under FBI scrutiny for months.

Posted on: Jun 9, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Yet another Trump appointee blunder.

Posted on: Jun 9, 2017, Source: Raw Story

New findings indicate the children's cancer fund diverted donations to Trump family businesses.

Posted on: Jun 5, 2017, Source: Raw Story

The former editor of the New York Observer dishes on her former boss.

Posted on: Jun 5, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Rogers will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Posted on: Jun 4, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Uber is being criticized for charging riders inflated rates during the attacks.

Posted on: May 27, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Cleese issued a scathing indictment of U.S. conservatism.

Posted on: May 14, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Comey's dismissal has generated a firestorm.

Posted on: May 8, 2017, Source: Raw Story

They never expected that their friend Roberto Beristain would be one of the people shuttled out of the country.

Posted on: Apr 30, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Ferrell slammed Fox News and offered a bit of well-meaning fashion advice for President Trump.

Posted on: Apr 30, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Trump claimed that people were lined up outside to get in, but the stadium wasn't even full.

Posted on: Apr 24, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Former Fox News contributor Debbie Schlussel said Hannity propositioned her after a taping.

Posted on: Apr 23, 2017, Source: Raw Story

"She never wanted this, and never had any interest."

Posted on: Apr 16, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Witnesses identified the man as a member of a white nationalist group.

Posted on: Apr 15, 2017, Source: Raw Story

According to CNN, Berkeley Police issued a statement that said, “A large number of fights have occurred and numerous fireworks have been thrown in the crowds,"

Posted on: Apr 2, 2017, Source: Raw Story

"A lot of people don’t want to talk about" impeaching Trump—but she does.

Posted on: Apr 2, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Kushner is arguably the president’s closest adviser.

Posted on: Mar 26, 2017, Source: Raw Story

CNN national security analyst Juliette Kayyem discussed the possibility in a panel discussion Friday.

Posted on: Mar 18, 2017, Source: Raw Story

This isn't the first time Trump has not shown up for vets.
