- published: 26 Feb 2016
- views: 1047
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
The Monster Hunter (モンスターハンター, Monsutā Hantā) franchise is a series of fantasy-themed action role-playing video games that started with the game Monster Hunter for PlayStation 2. The series is developed and published by Capcom. As the title suggests, the player takes the role of a hunter in a fantasy environment and completes quests by hunting out specific kinds of monsters to kill or capture. The series has branched out into PlayStation Portable games and a massively multiplayer online game. In Japan, the Monster Hunter series is immensely popular, and it has gained a cult following in the west, with the port Monster Hunter Freedom (known in Japan as Monster Hunter Portable) and its sequels, Monster Hunter Freedom 2 / Monster Hunter Portable 2nd, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite / Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and an online game called Monster Hunter Frontier Online selling millions of copies, and Monster Hunter Tri becoming the highest-selling third-party Wii game in Japan. Since the series debuted, it has sold 28 million units as of March 31, 2014. As of February 17, 2015, the series has sold 32 million units. There is also an anime based on the spin-off game Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village and a book called Monster Hunter EPISODE (モンスターハンター EPISODE~).
Monster Hunter Frontier Online (モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン, Monsutāhantā Furontia Onrain) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for Microsoft Windows and is the first spin-off in the series to appear on the platform. Monster Hunter Frontier has also been released on the Xbox 360 in Japan on June 24, 2010, where it sold 93,000 copies during the launch week. It is also continually updated through expansion packs.
Capcom announced in February 2010 that the game would be ported to the Xbox 360. Monster Hunter Frontier was available for the Xbox 360 in Japan on June 24, 2010. There were rumours for a western release.
Capcom announced that there will be three available system requirements to meet the computer specifications for a wide audience. The first is known as "Heavy mode" which is the best graphics, audio etc. settings, "Medium" which has average settings, and "Low" which has the minimum settings.
Capcom makes use of nProtect GameGuard to help prevent cheating. On July 30, 2013, Capcom confirmed Monster Hunter: Frontier G for PlayStation 3 and Wii U.
【太鼓さん次郎】 古代の息吹き ★9 【MHX古代林戦闘BGM】
MHF-G 生命育む森の息吹 森丘(G級) 戦闘BGM Extended for 30 minutes
【太鼓さん次郎】 黒レイア戦闘BGM(UNKNOWN) ★10 【創作譜面】
MHF-G 生命育む森の息吹 森丘(G級) 戦闘BGM Extended
【MHF-G】シングル狩り!#6 命息吹かぬ煉獄に遺る熾火 - ディスフィロア1体の討伐(G級 Lv.1) | Dhisufiroa
[MHF-G] 命息吹かぬ煉獄に遺る熾火 - 熾凍龍ディスフィロア 4PT Lv.5824 (笛時点)
【MHF-G】OST Disc 1 - 5 ~ 生命育む森の息吹 / 森丘 (G級の狩猟曲)
Monster Hunter Frontier - Unknown Black Dragon Battle Theme
MHF-G 命息吹かぬ煉獄に遺る熾火Lv1【夫婦ハンターの軌跡】ディスフィロア初見プレイ
【MHF-G】嫁と狩る!#23 至禍凶刻 - アンノウン1頭の討伐(黒レイア覇種) | Unknown(Black Flying Wyvern)
出展:モンスターハンタークロス ★x9 518コンボ BPM140 ~オートプレイです~ 譜面配布先(DLパス - shilasu2000) http://ux.getuploader.com/shilasu13/download/78/%E5%8F%A4%E4%BB%A3%E3%81%AE%E6%81%AF%E5%90%B9%E3%81%8D.zip 最近狩りゲーやらなんじゃらで忙しめだったため、またもやお久しぶりなうpでございます(^^; …ちゃんといろいろ作ってますよええ。 クロスの新規戦闘BGMは、パケモンス四体とこの古代林戦闘BGMが非常に良いですね~(^^) 次回はタマミツネ譜面ドーンを予定していますよ~
Monster Hunter Frontier G - Forest and Hills battle theme (G-rank) extended
Monster Hunter Frontier G - Forest and Hills battle theme (G-rank) extended
(」゚∇゚)」< 「目標は尻尾切断」 ■シングルプレイの狩猟スタイルでお送りしております。 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdNVwwla-bqCFckha1ZCmG7KB-5GpYEGr 今週の極征クエストはディスフィロアです。尻尾剥ぎ取り回数の不具合とかで緊急メンテとかあったみたいですけど、報酬ブーストの補償があるみたいですね。 ディスフィロアの尻尾の剥ぎ取り回数の不具合 http://cog-members.mhf-g.jp/sp/news/7471.html
パーティーメンバー構成 : 1笛 2水大銃仙 1大劍 しっぽを切らなくて残念です
© Capcom ~ All Rights Belong To Capcom I do not own any of it, but to only share with the rest of the hunters who do not have access to the music. Disc 1 - Track 5 "生命育む森の息吹 / 森丘 (G級の狩猟曲)" (Seimei hagukumu mori no ibuki / morioka ( G kyū no shuryō kyoku ) Raising Life with a Breath / Forest and Hills (G Class Hunting Music) Composed By: Hideyuki Fukasawa Music can be heard when hunting in the Forest and Hills for G Rank Soundtrack can be bought @: http://www.e-capcom.com/ec/srDispProductListProductLink/doProductLink/1/1/A10004590/10/10/srDispProductList/ MHF Site: http://cog-members.mhf-g.jp/
My name is Alex, I'm a Monster Hunter Master very known in MH japanese, chinese and korean forums. Now I bring you my fave and the full battle theme of Unknown from Monster Hunter Frontier. Includes the 1st and 2nd battle phases, and the trailer music '' Testament of a Hero '' which plays when the monster is at 80 % HP and you're near victory. ( You must know very much japanese to be able to play this game, or else, the game becomes nearly impossible for playing. )
命息吹かぬ煉獄に遺る熾火 ディスフィロアLv1の状態で既に混沌状態(^-^; シャンティエンが可愛く思えます(^-^;; ブログ【夫婦はんたーの軌跡】 http://couplehunter.blog.fc2.com/
(」゚∇゚)」< 「時間ギリギリ」 ■夫婦ハンターでお送りしております。 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdNVwwla-bqDPL0mcFfhbNWHEjVo6nbAR 今回は相方と黒レイア覇種を狩ってきました。相方のヘビィ秘伝防具が完成との事で、試し撃ちと言う軽い気持ちで出発しましたw
Cosara of Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens blows at hay. It is unknown whether he is collecting hay or just playing with it. 東山動物園のコサラが乾草に息を吹きかけています。 コサラは乾草を集めるために息を吹きかけているのか、遊んでいるだけなのかはわかりません。