WA Police Excellence Awards are now open

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This was published 7 years ago

WA Police Excellence Awards are now open

By James Mooney

Nominations for the 2017 WA Police Excellence Awards are now open.

The awards provide recognition to police officers who demonstrate exceptional dedication in service excellence to the people of WA.

Roeburne Police won the Police Team Award in 2016.

Roeburne Police won the Police Team Award in 2016. Credit: Twitter/@RoeburnePol

Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan said that with the awards now coming into their fourth year, he continued to be impressed with the standard of nominations received.

"The diversity we're seeing from these awards show the depth of policing and the level of positive interaction the public now has with police officers. It also highlights the varying roles our officers have in keeping our communities safe" Mr O'Callaghan said.

In 2016, 120 nominations were received – many coming from members of the public.

Last year's winner of the team category was Roebourne Police Station which is a regional police station in the Pilbara District comprised of 17 officers.

Constable Courtney Roberts from Murdoch Police Station was the 2016 winner of the individual officer category for her high arrest rates, community engagement and assistance to victims of crime.

Nominations can be completed online at www.police.wa.gov.au or by contacting the WA Police media and corporate communications division on 9222 1202.

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