
The early Christian communists

Agape Feast

The early Christian Communities practiced communism, here's how we know.

Zionism against Jews - Jews Against Zionism

Text by 'Jews Against Zionism'.

Electricity protests in Gaza: Hamas suppresses the working class

Power shortages in Gaza, are leading to social unrest. On Thursday 12th January, Hamas security forces broke-up a demonstration that erupted in Jabalya, northern Gaza Strip. But more are likely to occur as the situation deteriorates.

COUNTER INFORMATION no.58 Winter 2003/2004

COUNTER INFORMATION was a news-sheet produced by an independent collective based in Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland. Their aim was to assist in the struggle to overthrow all oppression and exploitation and create a co-operative world without relationships of domination and submission

Various statements and leaflets - Jewish Anarchist Committee

Miscellaneous statements and leaflets by the Jewish Anarchist Committee. Primarily covering the early 1980s period of the Lebanese Civil War, Israeli and Syrian excursions into Lebanon. The JAC aim was to promote an anarcho-syndicalist, anti-zionist, and non-national libertarian point of view on matters pertaining to the Israeli invasion and within the broader political scene in New York and elsewhere on these and other matters. The JAC was heavily supported by the New York / New Jersey based Libertarian Workers Group (LWG).

We want freedom for all: a Jewish anarchist statement - Libertarian Workers Group

This early 1980s statement was published by a number of youthful, 20-something, mostly Jewish born members of the New York and New Jersey based Libertarian Workers Group (LWG). The LWG was a very active group of young anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and libertarian communists.

The goal was to proffer a libertarian worker anti-zionist, anti-nationalist point of view.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 4

The Volume 3, Number 4 (April 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 9-10

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 9-10, September 1936

Worldwide Intifada #1

The first intifada

We are reproducing here a long extant pamphlet that is referred to in the Aufheben article, Behind the 21st century intifada. It was published in 1992.

The proletariat and the Israeli-Palestinian question

The proletariat & the Israeli-Palestinian Question

The conflict in Palestine is tragic in many respects - it seems eternal, and it has lasted a long time and seems to have no end. The whole ruling capitalist world including its mass media machinery creates extremely close attention, but very little is done to stop open barbarism that is about the super strong Israeli side that continually oppress and humiliate its weak counterpart, i.e., Palestinian semi-sate. However, the heavy price for these militaristic demos is normally paid by the masses, mainly from Palestinian side.