
The British camps

Frongoch concentration camp, north Wales, 1916

Though it reached its horrific heights at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, the British, not the Nazis, pioneered the concentration camp.

The early Christian communists

Agape Feast

The early Christian Communities practiced communism, here's how we know.

Zionism against Jews - Jews Against Zionism

Text by 'Jews Against Zionism'.

Auschwitz or the great alibi

Article from Communist Left, No. 6, July – December, 1993; translated from La Gauche Communiste, no. 13., 1987. Original in Programme Communiste, N. 11, 1960. Although attributed to Amadeo Bordiga, it was probably written by the French-Jewish Bordigist Martin Axelrad (1926 – 2010), once a refugee, his parents died at Treblinka.

Pepper to throw at fascists: the forgotten women of Cable Street

A woman is arrested during the Battle of Cable Street

As we commemorate the Battle of Cable Street, it's important to recognise the role women played – and their legacy today.

Prophets of deceit: a study of the techniques of the American agitator - Leo Löwenthal & Norbert Guterman

Part of the 'Studies in Prejudice' series sponsored by the American Jewish Committee in the 1940s/50s. Löwenthal and Guterman's 1949 text provides a detailed study of the figure of the right-wing demagogue and their techniques, with an introduction by Max Horkheimer.

A history of the 62 Group

A member of the 62 group is arrested in Victoria Park, London, 1962

A special feature on the 1962 Committee, more commonly known as the 62 Group, a militant, Jewish-led anti-fascist organisation formed in London. Containing detailed personal accounts and extensive information on the far right at the time.

Various statements and leaflets - Jewish Anarchist Committee

Miscellaneous statements and leaflets by the Jewish Anarchist Committee. Primarily covering the early 1980s period of the Lebanese Civil War, Israeli and Syrian excursions into Lebanon. The JAC aim was to promote an anarcho-syndicalist, anti-zionist, and non-national libertarian point of view on matters pertaining to the Israeli invasion and within the broader political scene in New York and elsewhere on these and other matters. The JAC was heavily supported by the New York / New Jersey based Libertarian Workers Group (LWG).

We want freedom for all: a Jewish anarchist statement - Libertarian Workers Group

This early 1980s statement was published by a number of youthful, 20-something, mostly Jewish born members of the New York and New Jersey based Libertarian Workers Group (LWG). The LWG was a very active group of young anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and libertarian communists.

The goal was to proffer a libertarian worker anti-zionist, anti-nationalist point of view.

Review: Economic and social relations in the Israelite-Jewish empires - Arkady Erusalimsky

Историк-марксист Аркадий Ерусалимский

Review of a 1927 booklet on ancient Jewish empires by Moishe Lurje.