Martin Glaberman

Punching out and other writings - Martin Glaberman, edited by Staughton Lynd

A great collection of the writings of former-auto worker Martin Glaberman, edited and introduced by Staughton Lynd, published in 2002. Covering topics such as life on the production line, the unions and methods of struggle.

Letter from Marty Glaberman to Zerowork

A critical letter from Martin Glaberman in 1977 to one of the Zerowork collective about the journal and its politics.

Punching out - Martin Glaberman

Seminal text by Marty Glaberman detailing his experiences of wildcat strikes and union policing of the workforce during the heyday of the UAW in Detroit's auto factories.

For a new workerism: Glaberman, Weir and Lynd

Alex Erikson reviews “Punching Out” by Marty Glaberman, “Singlejack Solidarity” by Stan Weir, and “Wobblies and Zapatistas” by Staughton Lynd and Andrej Grubacic.

Unions and black liberation - Martin Glaberman

A critical review by Martin Glaberman of the book, The Negro and the American Labor Movement. Originally appeared in Radical America (September-October 1968)

Martin Luther King, Jr

A short article by Martin Glaberman about MLK's legacy of nonviolent tactics.

Voices from the rank and file: remembering Marty Glaberman and Stan Weir

a month before oakland general strike

Staughton Lynd remembers two socialists who wrote extensively about life on the job and struggles at work, Martin Glaberman and Stan Weir.

Wartime strikes: The struggle against the no-strike pledge in the UAW during World War II - Martin Glaberman

Martin Glaberman's examination of American car industry workers wildcat strike wave, despite their own union's no strike pledge, during World War 2.