14 June 2017

The Sessions hearing: Another anti-Russian diversion while the social counterrevolution in America deepens

By Patrick Martin, 14 June 2017

Not one Democratic senator sought to question Sessions about the actual policies of the Trump administration toward immigrants or victims of police violence.

Bipartisan deal in US Senate for new sanctions against Russia, Iran

By our reporter, 14 June 2017

What is in Trump’s $200 billion infrastructure plan?

By Gabriel Black, 14 June 2017

Trump’s still inchoate plan will incentivize local governments to sell off infrastructure to private companies, imposing new road tolls and transportation fees on the public.

US Senate Republicans moving forward on Obamacare repeal bill

Trump administration rolls back “joint-employer” labor provision in favor of big business

Flint, Michigan home fire kills father and two children

By Carlos Delgado, 14 June 2017

A father in his 50s and two teenage children are the latest victims of fatal house fires in the economically ravaged city.

After election setback, UK Conservatives close to agreement with Democratic Unionist Party

By Robert Stevens, 14 June 2017

Prime Minister Theresa May only remains in place largely because the Tories believe removing her would cause further political instability, prompting a general election which they would almost certainly lose to Labour.

UK food bank usage at record high

By Alice Summers, 14 June 2017

While a record 1.2 million food parcels were handed out this year by the Trussell Trust, research reveals that true food bank usage is much higher.

Reports of fraud continue in State of Mexico gubernatorial election

By Alex González, 14 June 2017

Allegations of vote buying, illegal campaign spending, and inconsistencies tallying up the vote cast doubt on the PRI’s narrow victory.

China, Japan take tentative steps to revive relations

By Kurt Brown, 14 June 2017

China’s top foreign policy official held three days of talks with senior Japanese officials, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Australian media widens campaign against Chinese “influence”

By James Cogan, 14 June 2017

A witch-hunt against alleged Chinese interference in the country is assuming ever-more anti-democratic and sinister dimensions.

India and Pakistan admitted to Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 14 June 2017

Despite India and Pakistan becoming full SCO members, there has been no de-escalation of war tensions between the two nuclear-armed South Asian rivals.

New in Turkish

Saray darbesi mi, sınıf mücadelesi mi: Washington’daki siyasi kriz ve işçi sınıfının stratejisi

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi Siyasi Komitesi adına Joseph Kishore ve David North, 14 Haziran 2017

Egemen sınıf ile halkın her türlü toplumsal sıkıntıya katlanan ve siyasi yaşamdan tümüyle dışlanan geniş kitlesi, işçi sınıfı arasında, üçüncü ve tamamen farklı bir çatışma gelişiyor.

New in Spanish

El mítin electoral del Nuevo Partido Anticapitalista en París: la pseudo-izquierda sin salida

Por Alex Lantier, 14 junio 2017

A pesar de la crisis de la guerra y de la ira social creciente entre los trabajadores, el dirigente del NPA, Alain Krivine, insistió en que la oposición al capitalismo no encontraría apoyo popular.

Lo que hemos dicho:
El World Socialist Web Site y los obreros de Maruti Suzuki

Por Usman Khan, 14 junio 2017

Los muchos artículos publicados por el WSWS antes y después de la brutal condena de los trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki constituyen una valiosísima crónica de esta lucha clave y de sus lecciones políticas.

New in French

Révolution de palais ou lutte des classes : la crise politique à Washington et la stratégie de la classe ouvrière

Joseph Kishore David North pour comité politique du Parti de l’égalité socialiste, 14 juin 2017

La classe ouvrière ne peut rester un spectateur du conflit entre Trump et les démocrates. Au contraire, elle doit développer sa lutte contre Trump sous sa propre bannière et avec son propre programme.

Les législatives françaises démasquent la faillite politique de Mélenchon

Par Alexandre Lantier, 14 juin 2017

L'abstention majoritaire et la montée des soutiens de Macron est le verdict sans appel des masses sur la politique de Mélenchon depuis les présidentielles.

Les manifestations s'étendent au Maroc suite à la grève générale du Rif

Par Anthony Torres, 14 juin 2017

Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont défilé dimanche à Rabat, la capitale du Maroc, en solidarité avec les grèves et les mobilisations dans le Rif.

Les forces spéciales américaines impliquées dans l’imposition de la loi martiale aux Philippines

Par Joseph Santolan, 14 juin 2017

Washington utilise la loi martiale pour discipliner le président philippin et réorienter les liens géopolitiques de Manille loin de Pékin et de Moscou, et de retour dans le camp de l’impérialisme américain.

Paul Mason, du Gardian, conseille Jeremy Corbyn du Parti travailliste sur la façon de se préparer au gouvernement

Par Chris Marsden et Julie Hyland, 14 juin 2017

Les conseils proguerre de Mason à Corbyn incluent une « évaluation stratégique de la défense et de la sécurité » qui tient particulièrement compte de « la diplomatie russe qui pourrait pousser au bord de la confrontation ».

Augmentation record des décès par overdose aux États-Unis

Par Genevieve Leigh, 14 juin 2017

De nouvelles données analysées par le New York Times révèlent que le nombre de personnes tuées par overdose de drogue a augmenté de 19% en 2016, en grande partie à cause d'une épidémie d’opiacé qui s'aggrave.

New in German

Palastrevolte oder Klassenkampf: Die politische Krise in Washington und die Strategie der Arbeiterklasse

Von Joseph Kishore und David North, 14. Juni 2017

Im Kampf zwischen Trump und den Demokraten darf die Arbeiterklasse nicht abseits stehen. Sie muss unter ihrem eigenen Banner und mit einem eigenen Programm gegen Trump kämpfen.

Bundesregierung veranstaltet große Afrika-Konferenz in Berlin

Von Johannes Stern, 14. Juni 2017

Vor dem G-20 Gipfel in Hamburg im Juli arbeitet die Bundesregierung systematisch an der Ausweitung ihrer weltweiten politischen und wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen.

Juraprofessor bescheinigt Baberowski Rechtsradikalismus und Geschichtsrevisionismus

Von Peter Schwarz, 14. Juni 2017

Trotz seiner Niederlage vor Gericht verteidigt das Präsidium der Humboldt-Universität bis heute den rechtsradikalen Historiker Jörg Baberowski. Der Bremer Juraprofessor Andreas Fischer-Lescano wirft der Universitätsleitung deshalb vor, sie mache sich „zur Komplizin rechter Wissenschaft“.

Kosovo: Militante Nationalisten gewinnen Parlamentswahl

Von Markus Salzmann, 14. Juni 2017

Das bitterarme Land gleicht einer tickenden Zeitbombe, die wieder die ganze Region in Brand zu setzen droht.

Trump-Besuch in Polen: Washington kehrt zur Intermarium-Strategie zurück

Von Clara Weiss, 14. Juni 2017

Das Weiße Haus hat am Freitag bestätigt, dass US-Präsident Donald Trump am 6. Juli noch vor dem G20-Gipfel in Hamburg Polen besuchen wird.

Indische Behörden planen Inhaftierung weiterer Maruti-Suzuki-Arbeiter

Von Shannon Jones, 14. Juni 2017

Die Regierung des Bundesstaats Haryana legt unter fingierten Vorwürfen Einspruch gegen die Freisprechung der 117 Maruti-Suzuki-Arbeiter ein und fordert ein härteres Urteil für weitere achtzehn Arbeiter.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
12.–18. Juni: Kongress der Betriebskomitees in Petrograd stimmt für Resolutionen der Bolschewiki

14. Juni 2017

Arbeiterdelegierte, die direkt von der Werkbank kommen, stimmen mit großer Mehrheit für die Resolutionen der Bolschewiki. Die Arbeiter erklären, dass sie bereit sind, ohne die „Hilfe“ der Kapitalisten und Grundbesitzer zu regieren.

New in Urdu

دہشت گردی کی جیو پولیٹکس کا ادراک

8 June 2017

جبکہ مغربی ذرائع ابلاغ معمول کے مطابق دہشتگردی کی توضیع ’’شیطان‘‘ یا پھر کسی پاگل انسانوں کی کارروائی کے طور پر پیش کرتے ہیں جبکہ دہشتگردی اور جیوپولیٹکس کے درمیان بنیادی رشتے ہیں جنکے خاص سیاسی مقاصد ہیں

Other Languages


Marching toward a wider war in the Middle East

14 June 2017

Behind the bitter political warfare in Washington and the endless claims of Russian interference in the election, very real wars in the Middle East are threatening to coalesce into a regional or even global conflagration.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Comment

Palace coup or class struggle: The political crisis in Washington and the strategy of the working class

By Joseph Kishore and David North on behalf of the Socialist Equality Party Political Committee, 13 June 2017

The working class cannot remain a bystander in the fight between Trump and the Democrats. Rather, it must develop its struggle against Trump under its own banner and with its own program.

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Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin: When the White House fixed a Russian election

By Alan Gilman, 14 June 2017

One fairly recent election stands out for the brazen and open manner in which the United States government, directed from the White House, intervened to put its candidate in office in a foreign land. The targeted country was none other than Russia.

French legislative elections expose Mélenchon’s political bankruptcy

By Alex Lantier, 14 June 2017

Mass abstention and the anticipated electoral victory of President Macron’s party is the masses’ unanswerable verdict on Mélenchon’s electoral maneuvers.

Mass abstention overshadows Macron victory in French legislative elections

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

Germany: The bankruptcy of the Left Party

By Johannes Stern, 14 June 2017

The congress held by the Left Party last weekend in Hanover confirmed that this party, despite its name, has nothing in common with genuinely left or socialist politics, but instead defends capitalism.

A reply to ANZAC Heroes author, Maria Gill

By Sam Price and Tom Peters, 14 June 2017

Gill objected to the WSWS review of her book and claimed that she was an “anti-war person.”

The Guardian’s Paul Mason advises Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn on how to prepare for government

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 13 June 2017

Hey Bernie! Welcome to the millionaire’s club!

By Tom Hall, 13 June 2017

At “People’s Summit,” Sanders backs Democrats’ anti-Russian warmongering


Attempt at censorship in reaction to New York’s Public Theater production of Julius Caesar

By Fred Mazelis, 14 June 2017

Allusions to Donald Trump in the current production of Shakespeare’s play have been followed by a right-wing campaign of intimidation.

Wonder Woman: Humanity is pretty rotten, but the Germans are the worst of the lot

By David Walsh, 13 June 2017

Roman Polanski’s victim in 1977 makes plea to Los Angeles court to end the case

By Alan Gilman, 12 June 2017

Three intriguing new films that should not disappear unnoticed: Sami Blood, Past Life and Radio Dreams

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Indian authorities seek to imprison more Maruti Suzuki workers on frame-up charges

By Shannon Jones, 13 June 2017

Sri Lankan students demand release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

What we have said:
The World Socialist Web Site and the Maruti Suzuki workers

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 5: Judge Goyal mangles the law to sustain the legal vendetta

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 18 May 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

From the archives of the Revolution
From the Kronstadt Sailors, Soldiers, and Workers—To the Revolutionary People of Petrograd and All Russia

By Leon Trotsky, 13 June 2017

This declaration by the Kronstadt Soviet was written by Trotsky after he met with the Kronstadt sailors in June to discuss how to respond to the many attacks by the Provisional Government and the bourgeois press against the naval base.

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 12-18: Petrograd Congress of Factory Committees endorses Bolshevik resolutions

12 June 2017

Arriving straight from their factory benches, worker-deputies vote overwhelmingly for Bolshevik resolutions. Workers declare that they are ready to rule without the “help” of the capitalists and landlords.

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech at an Emergency Session of the Petrograd Soviet on the Question of Kronstadt

By Leon Trotsky, 10 June 2017

This speech was delivered by Trotsky at an emergency session of the Petrograd Soviet dealing with attacks by the Provisional Government against the increasingly restive sailors at the Kronstadt naval base.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon workers speak out
Amazon forced pregnant woman off the job due to physical, emotional stress

By our reporters, 12 June 2017

Ex-Amazon worker: I was fired for picking too slow

By our reporters, 10 June 2017

California Amazon worker speaks out
“They told us to work harder, promised ‘a cookie’ to fastest worker”

By Marc Wells, Toby Reese and Kevin Martinez, 7 June 2017

Striking German Amazon workers describe grueling conditions and digital surveillance

By Dietmar Henning, 7 June 2017

Socialist Equality Party launches International Amazon Workers Voice newsletter

By the Socialist Equality Party, 24 May 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

The 2017 British Election

British general election delivers seismic political shock

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 9 June 2017

The issues of political principle in the UK general election

Britain’s crisis election and the tasks facing the working class

UK election dominated by growing threat of state repression

More on the British election »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE demands Humboldt University retract its defense of right-wing radical Jorg Baberowski

By the IYSSE at Humboldt University, 9 June 2017

Professor Jörg Baberowski loses on all counts in suit against University of Bremen students

Workers Struggles

Four years since the Rana Plaza disaster
Bangladesh apparel workers still confront appalling conditions

By Sarath Kumara, 13 June 2017

Reject unacceptable workloads and standardised testing! Take a stand for public education!
Vote No to the AEU-Labor government sell-out deal in Victoria!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 9 June 2017


Evolutionary divergence between apes and humans may have occurred in Europe, not Africa

By Philip Guelpa, 8 June 2017

New evidence for life-capable environments on Saturn’s moon Enceladus

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party stands candidates in German election: Against militarism and war! For socialism!

By Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party of Germany), 5 June 2017

Floods in Sri Lanka: Government responsible for another social disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 June 2017

The Flint Water Crisis

State official resigns after using racial slur, expressing contempt for Flint and Detroit workers

By Shannon Jones, 8 June 2017

Poisoned Water: “NOVA” science series broadcasts segment on Flint water crisis

By James Brewer, 3 June 2017

Watch: “If they can poison the people of Flint, they can poison anyone!”

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the WSWS on Facebook.

Watch: Anger erupts at Flint City Council meeting

Three years after the lead poisoning of Flint, residents face water shutoffs, home foreclosures

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »


Political lessons of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in China

By James Cogan, 5 June 2017