- published: 05 Nov 2016
- views: 46535
Dato', or occasionally Datin Sri,Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin DIMP, JSM, SAP, PMP, AAP (Jawi: سيتي نورهاليزا بنت تارودين [ˈsiti nʊrhaˈliza ˈbinti taˈrudɪn]; born 11 January 1979) is a Malaysian singer, songwriter, record producer, television presenter and businesswoman.
Since her debut, she has won a number of international singing competitions. She had been crowned as Voice of Asia in 2002 after winning the Grand Prix Champion title at the Voice of Asia singing competition which was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan. A few years earlier, in 1999 she had won Gold Award in Asia New Singer Competition at Shanghai Asia Music Festival, held in Shanghai, People's Republic of China. Also, in the same year, she had won two awards from 'South Pacific International Song and Singing Competition 1999' held in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
To date, she has garnered more than 200 local awards as well as international awards. She rose to fame as a multiple-platinum selling artist, since her winning of Malaysia's reality show Bintang HMI 1995 when she was only 16 where she was given offers in form of singing contracts from four different international recording companies. Her first single from her debut album, "Jerat Percintaan", won the 11th Anugerah Juara Lagu and another two awards for Best Performance and Best Ballad. The album itself as of 2005, has been sold to a total of more than 800,000 units in Malaysia alone. In her career she has recorded and sung in multiple languages, including Bahasa Malaysia, Basa Jawa, English, Mandarin,Arabic,Hindi and Japanese.
Polda Metro Jaya Masih Periksa 8 Terduga Provokator Aksi Damai - HMI Diduga Jadi Provokator Demo FPI
Lintasan Sejarah HMI
PLC/HMI Training Tutorial Good practices for accessing PLC data & HMI I/O Programming RSLogix 500
Pidato Ketua Umum PB HMI 2013-2015, Muh. Arief Rosyid Hasan Pada Milad 67 Tahun HMI
LK 1 Basic Training HmI Komisariat Ekonomi Universitas Jayabaya
Promotional Video: "Yuk Gabung HMI!"
HMI programming -- motor start/stop system
Lagu Hymne HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam)
Kecam Pernyataan Ahok, Aksi HMI Nyaris Bentrok Dengan Polisi
Siti Nurhaliza at Bintang HMI
Polda Metro Jaya Masih Periksa 8 Terduga Provokator Aksi Damai - HMI Diduga Jadi Provokator Demo FPI Sekitar 8 orang yang diduga sebagai provokator kericuhan saat aksi damai di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta telah diamankan di Mapolda Metro Jaya. Para pelaku masih menjalani pemeriksaan.
www.rohtekautomation.com Rohtek Automation presents a tutorial showing good practices for accessing PLC data and I/O from HMIs, for optimized performance, reliability, maintainability, and portability - using RSLogix 500. www.rohtekautomation.com
Vidio Ini Diabadikan sebagai dokumen sejarah Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Pada Milad ke 67 Tahun. Semoga Pesan yang Terdapat dalam pidato ini dapat menjadi penyemangat kader HMI seluruh nusanrata, Selamat Milad HMI ke 67 Tahun. Yakin Usaha Sampai-
Video Promosi Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Koordinator Komisariat Universitas Indonesia Contact Us: Twitter @HMIKorkomUI Facebook HMI Koordinator Komisariat Universitas Indonesia Website http://www.hmiui.org (dalam pengerjaan) Email hmi.universitasindonesia@gmail.com
Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) didirikan pada tanggal 5 Februari 1947 di Yogyakarta. HMI adalah organisasi mahasiswa Islam tertua di Indonesia.
'Kecam Pernyataan Ahok, Aksi HMI Nyaris Bentrok Dengan Polisi' Aksi unjukrasa mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) nyaris bentrok dengan aparat kepolisian yang mengawal jalannya aksi. Kericuhan diawali, saat polisi coba menghalangi aksi bakar ban yang dilakukan mahasiswa untuk kedua kalinya. Adu mulut dan saling dorong pun tak bisa dihindarkan. Beruntung, kericuhan tersebut tidak sampai meluas. Aksi unjukrasa pun kembali kondusif. Untuk diketahui, demonstrasi mengecam pernyataan Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), digelar di Jalan Cikini Raya, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu 8 Oktober 2016. Aksi yang dimulai sejak pukul 15.10 WIB ini merupakan respon dari perkataan Ahok yang dinilai melecehkan kitab suci Al Quran, yakni surat Al Maidah ayat 51. Dalam ak...
Siti Nurhaliza - Purnama Merindu (1999) LIVE
To commemorate her two decades as one of Malaysia’s most famous songstress, Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza celebrates with a live concert, showcasing duets with Anggun, Afgan, Cakra Khan, Faizal Tahir and Hafiz Suip. She’s backed by a full 47-piece orchestra.
Persembahan penutup Sukan Komanwealth 1998 Kuala Lumpur oleh penyanyi terkenal Malaysia, Siti Nurhaliza Lagu : Cindai Artist: Siti Nurhaliza Album: Cindai Composer: Pak Ngah Lyrics: Hairul Anuar Harun
Berlangsung pada 30 Oktober 1999, Siti Nurhaliza mengorak langkah besar apabila menjayakan konsert pertama beliau yang bertaraf nasional. Konsert ini berlangsung di Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. Konsert yang memakan masa dua jam, Siti mempersembahkan 26 buah lagu, termasuk tribute buat Sudirman. Siti turut menyelitkan beberapa gimik yang cukup berkesan termasuk memainkan instrumen muzik dengan memakai baju bergemerlapan, menggunakan baju fluorescent, dan sebagainya. # Judul 1. Engkau Bagaikan Permata 2. Laguku Dihatimu 3. Jawapan di Persimpangan 4. Antara Waktu dan Usia 5. Wajah Kekasih 6. Kau Kekasihku 7. Sendiri 8. Langkah Di Persada 9. Jerat Percintaan 10. Purnama Merindu 11. Nian Di Hati 12. Dir 13. Pelangi Petang 14. Balik Kampung 15. Basikal Tua 16. Salam Terakhir 17. Usah Ragui 18....
#datositinurhaliza #rapatkansaf #tvalhijjrah
Medley lagu-lagu yang melonjakkan nama Siti Nurhaliza dalam industri muzik
Koleksi Album - 25 Lagu Lagu Balada Terbaik Siti Nurhaliza Pemilihan no lagu atau ranking berdasarkan tahun album atau lagu dikeluarkan 1) Jerat Percintaan 2) Aku Cinta Padamu 3) Wajah Kekasih 4) Kesilapanku Keegoanmu 5) Purnama Merindu 6) Gelora Asmara 7) Nian Di Hati 8) Kau Kekasihku 9) Percayalah 10) Bicara Manis Menghiris Kalbu 11) Bukan Cinta Biasa 12) Janji Kasih 13) Dialah Di Hati 14) Cinta Tak Berganti 15) Biarlah Rahsia 16) Bila Harus Memilih 17) Pastikan 18) Bisakah 19) Cahaya Cinta 20) Melawan Kesepian 21) Mulanya Cinta 22) Ku Percaya Ada Cinta 23) I Cry Out 24) Jaga Dia Untukku 25) Terbaik Bagimu
The Best of Siti Nurhaliza VOL.1 (Himpunan Lagu Lagu Terbaik Sepanjang Zaman) 01) Bukan Cinta Biasa (Dewiq & Siti Nurhaliza) | E.M.A.S 02) Biarlah Rahsia (Melly Goeslaw & Siti Nurhaliza) | Transkripsi 03) Kau Kekasihku (Ajai/Alam Maya) | Pancawarna 04) Purnama Merindu (Azmeer/Lukhman'S) | Adiwarna 05) Jerat Percintaan (Adnan Abu Hassan/Othman Zainuddin) | Siti Nurhaliza 1996 06) Percayalah (Ajai/Siti Nurhaliza) | Safa 07) Bicara Manis Menghiris Kalbu (Aiman/Lukhman'S) | Safa 08) Wajah Kekasih (Adnan Abu Hassan) | Siti Nurhaliza 1997 09) Aku Cinta Padamu (LY/Baiduri) | Siti Nurhaliza 1997 10) Nian Di Hati (Azmeer/Azam Dungun) | Pancawarna 11) Diari Hatimu ( Ferdy Ferdian Khalid NS) | Siti Nurhaliza 1997 12) Dialah Di Hati (Aidit Alfian/Habsah Hassan) | Prasasti Seni
Dato',[1] or occasionally Datin Sri,[2] Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin DIMP, JSM, SAP, PMP, AAP[1] (Jawi: سيتي نورهاليزا بنت تارودين [ˈsiti nʊrhaˈliza ˈbinti taˈrudɪn]; born 11 January 1979) is a Malaysian singer, songwriter, record producer, television presenter and businesswoman.[3] Since her debut, she has won a number of international singing competitions. She had been crowned as Voice of Asia in 2002 after winning the Grand Prix Champion title at the Voice of Asia singing competition which was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.[4][5] A few years earlier, in 1999 she had won Gold Award in Asia New Singer Competition at Shanghai Asia Music Festival, held in Shanghai, People's Republic of China.[6] Also, in the same year, she had won two awards from 'South Pacific International Song and Singing ...
Penyanyi no. 1 Malaysia sedang beraksi di Konsert Royal Albert Hall London 2005
Langgan YouTube Astro Ceria, http://bit.ly/ytceria Layari http://www.astro.com.my/ceria untuk maklumat lanjut.
10 Lagu Pop Etnik Terbaik Dato' Siti Nurhaliza 01) Nirmala ( Pak Ngah/Ce'Kem ) 02) Cindai (Pak Ngah/Hairul Anuar Harun) 03) Balqis (Pak Ngah/Hairul Anuar Harun) 04) Hati Kama (Pak Ngah/Hairul Anuar Harun) 05) Ya Maulai (Pak Ngah/Hairul Anuar Harun) 06) Badarsila (Suflan Faidzal/Lokgha) 07) Kurik Kundi (Pak Ngah/Nurul Asyiqin) 08) Lagu Rindu (Yassin) 09) Di Taman Teman (Fauzi Marzuki/Hairul Anuar Harun) 10) Cinta Ini (Katon Bagaskara)
Koleksi Album 25 lagu lagu balada terbaik Siti Nurhaliza 1) Jawapan Di Persimpangan 2) Bicara Luka 3) Usah Diragui 4) Sendiri 5) Diari Hatimu 6) Demi Kasih Sayang 7) Seribu Kemanisan 8) Kurniaan Dalam Samaran 9) Dalam Taman Syahdu 10) Gelora Kasih 11) Azimat Cinta 12) Kau Ku Sayang 13) Airmata Ibu 14) Pejam Matamu 15) Seindah Biasa 16) Hati 17) Wanita 18) Sekian Lama 19) Tahajjud Cinta 20) Mula & Akhir 21) Membunuh Benci 22) Lebih Indah 23) Mikraj Cinta 24) Engkau 25) Milikmu Selamanya
Dari Dalam Diri Siti Nurhaliza episod 2. Menceritakan kisah pembabitan Siti dalam bidang seni. abbasmacho : Fans Siti
Hello people. This is a Bicara interview I recorded on my computer when it went on air on Suria in June 2007. Just found it recently in some old hard drive. Not in very good quality. But enjoy this anyway. This is Siti Nurhaliza not long (months) after she got married.
Program talk show yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat. ------------------------------------------------------- Official Website - www.netmedia.co.id
www.flyfm.com.my - Malaysia's #1 singer on Fly FM.
4 Jun 2015 - Siti Nurhaliza joins in the studio The 5 Show Mediacorp Singapore to share her personal stories, support for children charities and performs two songs. _____________________________________________________________________ Song : Falling In Love & Jaga Dia Untukku Penyanyi : Dato' Siti Nurhaliza Video : Mediacorp Studio Singapore Dedicated to : Dato' Siti Nurhaliza, Rozi SangDewi & SitiZoners Malaysia
Siti Nurhaliza Interview hLive Promosi Album Fragmen MTV Jaga Dia Untukku Kerjasama antara Atoszone bersama Radio CTFM
Siti Nurhaliza - Bella : Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojgiYASxRYE Siti Nurhaliza - Bella : Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np01iOpDcHg&feature;=related Siti Nurhaliza Interviewed Live On Fly FM : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWiN0CD4M60 Like her page on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Siti-Nurhaliza-Tarudin-Official/126837781389?r... Follow her on Twitter : https://twitter.com/?iid=am-82952056813236875150763564&am;#!/CTNurhaliza11 Visit Siti's Official Website : http://sitizone.com/ Search all about her at Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siti_Nurhaliza
Ini interview Siti Nurhaliza beberapa tahun lepas nih, yang ketika itu Era ialah radio rasmi untuk AIM. Interviewnya berceritakan mengenai AIM dan album barunya ketika itu, E.M.A.S.
Siti Nurhaliza were interviewed by the Production Team for Biography - P RAMLEE - for HISTORY Channel All Videos or Photos belongs to the Contributors. Strictly NO Reproducing or Re-use any Materials without any permission. Radio CTFM : http://www.radioctfm.com Twitter CTFM : http://www.twitter.com/radioctfm FB CTFM : http://www.facebook.com/ctfmonline
Verse 1:
Talking: Ladies, tell us, are ya ready Well, come on, yeah
Eenie, meenie, miney moe
Which one of y'all wanna go with me
To party, on friday, where it be, it's crazy Get funny, spend money, so love,
lean with me
You will see that I'm only tryin' to do my thing
Ain't tryin' to waste no time you see
So, whatcha sayin' to me
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Do you want to party with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say (Hey yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Verse 2:
Everybody here, everybody there
Throw your hands in the air
(Throw your hands up, throw your hands up)
Keep it tight, all night, alright right, ok now
I'm gonna show ya how to get down
(Get down get down, get down get down)
Ain't no half steppin'
People in this place come on, now
Tell me whatcha say
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Oh whatcha say, whatcha say, yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Get down with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(What ya sayin')
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Tell me)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey, hey, whatcha say)
Hey hey whatcha say
(Do you wanna party)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Oh what cha say)
Tonight is the night
When we make it so tight
I'll get down 'till the light
To all the girls and the boys
Now you make some noise
Don't be afraid to join
Oh, sing it
Hey, hey whatcha say
(What you say)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Come on and party with me)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(What ya say, what you say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Uh oh what you say)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Hey, hey yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Oh I want you to say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Come on and party with me)