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Director of WA Liberal Party Andrew Cox quits for 'purely personal' reasons

The director of the Western Australian division of the Liberal Party Andrew Cox has quit after presiding over the party's loss of government in March.

Mr Cox said in an email, seen by Fairfax Media, that he was leaving for "purely personal" reasons and would take up a Canberra-based position in the private sector.

He has only been in the job two years but described that period as busy, having presided over the Canning byelection in 2015, which saw the election of rising conservative star Andrew Hastie, a former SAS soldier. But Mr Cox also oversaw the party's less successful WA election campaign this year.

"Whilst the State Election result was disappointing for the Party, I'm confident that the strength of our people and our beliefs will ensure that we will remain a strong, vibrant and relevant party in the years to come," he said.

"My reasons for leaving are purely personal. I will be taking up a Canberra-based position in the private sector," he added. He will stay in the job to usher in his successor. His announcement came just hours after the Senate was told Chris Back would be retiring from Parliament after seven years in the Senate. It also follows the departure of Tony Nutt as federal director, ahead of the scathing review into last year's federal campaign.

As state director Mr Cox signed off on the disastrous Liberal Party deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation, with both parties suffering as a result and the Labor Party sweeping to power for the first time since 2008. However he was not personally responsible for the preference deal which was pushed by other figures, including the state president Norman Moore and the most influential West Australian in cabinet, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann. 


Senior Liberals said Mr Cox, originally from the Victorian division of the Liberal Party, performed the best he could given the WA organisation's factional divisions and parochialism.

Described as "very good" at his job and a "safe pair of hands," Mr Cox had to deal with a severe collapse in party unity in the WA division following Barry Court's presidency.  He also had to manage a series of damaging factional battles in the lead-up to state preselections.  "A nice bloke with a tough job," was how one WA Liberal summed it up. The WA branch has also suffered a series of leaks exposing tensions between the grassroots in WA and the federal Coalition government.

Fairfax Media revealed that the WA division is being pressured to drop a motion to have the great white shark delisted as a vulnerable species, after the federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg said this would violate international treaties and be impossible to implement.

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Originally published on smh.com.au as 'Director of WA Liberal Party Andrew Cox quits for 'purely personal' reasons'.