08 October 2011

hey draft

its not even fucking January
but i smashed out
a million words already
planted them like little trees
in the ferocious dirt
like acacia acumulata
seedlings, hosts for
the sandalwood
deep and little more
than a bootlength apart
in the thick wet strings of mounds
or the depth of scalps
traversing paddock contours
green sticker swathe struttin
walkin on bones
but betting each other
on rhythmic mist
crazy fuck bows
and cocaine double rainbows
not uncommon triple bows
and in moonlit circles
we roll the barest of joints
cigarettes in the last order
for the actual
this is alpha actual
we have lost contact...

carry on

the entire sky
the swirl of new stars
and stupid clouds
and its not the first time
not the first time
i remembered you
your wet flesh on mine
as the rain spelt our names
on rooves, your voice
bouncing across
this impossible suburb
the time we stole
the Christmas carol
banner with our only
anarchist friend
on the way back from
the bottle shop
with the second carton
this time
not emu fucking export
and i thought
thats what you drank
he said
i don’t drink export
never have but

its wet
its fizzy

and full fucking strength
and we discuss pedantica

the new school getting franticer
and franticer...

31 August 2011

metaphrastic tendencies - DRAFTING

metaphrastic tendencies
just woken up in a broken country 
no new hope for those 
without the funding
without the freedom
the paper nation 
fearing a twisted invasion 
locked up at the gatepost
those on busted boats are shunted

and pardon my metaphrastic tendencies

I'm dragging my knuckles 
on the concrete trees
the neon beer-stains
the lime-flavoured holdens
the fuck off we're full mentality 
- the spasticity 
of these cites
these rural cuntscapes 
under bonnets 
seeking solace in the suspension
the detention of children 
is barely an offence to them

scuse my metaphrastic tendencies
according to the idiotic 
mediocracy, the bent 
and busted idolatry 
of cheap authentic
chinese things

and digital

we eat pills 
and pills 
and pills 
and flourescent
corporate vegetables
and special special beers 
that taste like beer 
that look like beer 
but scanty chicks 
in shiny skin
deliver these

in packs

12 August 2011

Performance poets announced for Fremantle Poets 3 - FREMANTLE PRESS

8th July 2011 - Fremantle Press Poetry Publisher Georgia Richter announced the writers selected for Fremantle Poets 3: Performance Poets today.

Eleven Western Australian performance poets have been chosen for the collection which will be published in Fremantle Poetry Month in July 2012. They are: Allan Boyd (aka the antipoet), Jeremy Balius, Liana Joy Christensen, Gabrielle Everall, Amber Fresh, Afeif Ismail, Janet Jackson, Sam Knee (aka Byron Bard), Dosh Luckwell, Kaitlyn Plyley and John Charles Ryan.

Richter said the poets selected showed the range of voices and styles in Western Australia.

“These poets give a sense of the diverse talent, variety and vigour of our performance poetry scene,” said Richter.

Guest editor and performance poet Scott-Patrick Mitchell said he believed Fremantle Poets 3 was something West Australians would be intrigued by.

Article here:  http://www.fremantlepress.com.au/news/229

11 August 2011

over city

these brittle
tree-bent streets
rubber to go
on lygon, on brunswick
are overloaded nozzles
bleed basic enamel ink
neon lambs to pita
to spray gutters
in suspicion red,
a white-lined black
and pine mulch
in stencil inversion
our tram evasion
speaks to
at 3am

29 May 2011

two new pieces - me and maitland - needs edit

Land cries out in pain shedding tears of blood for the young and old slain
Bones litter the ground like leaves
Channelling each others panic we are,
Wrecked on sweet jesus rhymes, pages on pages
Undone like shoes we stroll in jealous packs
Sounds of gunshots and screams embedded in the earth
Moans of the dying live on in the wind through the trees
she’s telling stories through the trunk
seven sisters bleeding bark
 train station crime
These you don’t hear, these you don’t feel
For they were not taught you in books and school
These wasted tales, unburnt here in this avenue
Those bitumen classics, knees scabbed up
All in lines and lines
Passed on down from mouth to mouth
Old to young
From our land to our soul
We know they are true
Our spinal journeys told in comas
This cellular memory failure
For we are one with the land
We feel what it feels
And remember what it remembers

Twitching muscle jumps spasmodically, rhythmically
Like a finger plucking a double bass
Yr nails in that space again
Where the sky enters my body
Pulling my head back, i’m arching
You can’t control your life
Well to a degree you can
But a lot depends on luck, chance, fate, the will of the gods
In the floodlit sun, goddess
We soak in each other’s skin
Each naked twist n turn thick and turgid
Tall, languid long-limbed
Slips into the room
Graceful arm raises, hand lifts
One long slender finger sensually unfurls
And points
Inside you now its clear
Yr lips at my neck
I’m back in yesterday
I’m at the brink here
I’m brinking brinking
Where do we stand with each other
What do we expect
What do we want
What are we prepared to give

Rhythm up-tempo and silky
Husky sensual sexual rasp keeps the atmosphere alive
Music stroking the vibes
Like a lover caressing your arm

You won’t let me in
this is to intense you say
Opening the door
My fingers slide in
Suddenly it slams
Locking me out
All yr skills spent on me
Wanting me to be in that place
That afternoon moanspace
As if we ever needed anybody else
Nails scrape FLESH
And now I’m not the only thing in this room
In this dark light, under yr expression
It rains