Monday, April 11th, 2016

Monday, April 11th, 2016

ELF Snitch Suzanne Savoie Hosting Pollinator Plant Workshop in Grants Pass, Oregon

from Earth First! Newswire

Savoie with her husband.

Savoie with her husband.

Suzanne Nicole Savoie is a former ELF cell member who gave information about her comrades to the federal government after being charged with an arson at Superior Lumber Co. in Glendale, Oregon. She turned herself into FBI agents in January 2006 and made statements against co-defendants Nathan Block and Joyanna Zacher. You can read her plea agreement here. She was given a sentence only 8 months less than what she was expected to receive if she hadn’t ratted anyone out.

Released in March 2011, Savoie is living with her husband in the Applegate Valley of southern Oregon. On April 16 she is hosting a workshop on creating pollinator habitat at the Living On Your Land Conference in Grants Pass, Oregon. You can find out more about Savoie on the “About us” page of the Klamath-Siskiyou Native Seeds website.

Individuals who have cooperated with or worked for the State in an effort to monitor and/or repress ecological resistance movements can never be trusted again in activist circles or resistance movements.

Increasing pollinator habitat is an important topic, and we hope that people interested in it will seek guidance and teaching from trustworthy individuals to further this work for the wild.

For more information on Savoie and other informants see the Earth First! Informant Tracker.

19 responses to “ELF Snitch Suzanne Savoie Hosting Pollinator Plant Workshop in Grants Pass, Oregon”

  1. eco-worrier says:

    Yep, bit of a acum-bag, but leave her be – the bees need all the help they can get.

    • Onion - EF! Journal Everglades Office says:

      An important part of the informant tracker is to warn folks who they’re getting involved with. If someone wants to work with Suzanne Savoie they have the right to know that she has sent people to prison.

      • Land says:

        I agree that people have the right to be warned – but there are far more sexual abusers in our movement than co-operators. Yet survivors in Earth First! who wish to call out the people who’ve assaulted them do not have access to a central ‘perpetrator tracker’, and are often afraid to come forward because they’ll be attacked and vilified if they do. Those that do wish to speak out are rarely given public platforms to do so.

    • FarYonder says:

      A ‘cumbag’. Are you fucking serious. You call yourself an activist?
      Okay she’s a traitor. Makes you no less than a machist asshole if you’re still using those terms. Land in 2016, please.

      • Bill Arondeus says:

        That was clearly a typo meant to be “scumbag”. Think you’re getting a bit worked up over nothing there.

        • eco-worrier says:

          Thanks Bill – he’s right FarYonder. The lesson for Savoie is ‘never trust a policeman’ – I’m pretty sure she won’t – the whole point of being ‘active’ is accepting consequences and getting due respect. She blew it.

  2. thank you says:

    For the rest of their lives informants live Savoie can be called upon to provide information to the authorities, and they have to do so. It is a standard element of such plea agreements. The least people like Savoie can do is remove themselves from situations in which they can create unsafe spaces for activists.

  3. jennifer Woodruff says:

    It’s so sad that there is so little empathy for those who become subject to the FBI’s well-seasoned game of chess. What white-middle class idealist who gets caught up in wanting to change the world won’t cave at some point? I understand the need to be sure activists are aware of those who caved…but might the EF Journal take a lot more responsibility in what they espouse, who is drawn to it, and then which of them are capable of taking the heat if they are subject to it?

  4. Nazel says:

    as someone who has had friends go to prison because of her, as someone who has been under investigation myself, as someone who lives in the same bioregion as savoie, as someone who has stood up to her (and her collaborator, Luke) and demanded accountability for her actions, as someone who has just wanted her to stay out of our community, move somewhere else, or just stay home, as someone who expects just a little bit of humbleness, honesty, and realistic limits on both of them……and have been shit on for all of it……i have no empathy, sympathy, or patience for savoie and luke’s continued dishonesty, lack of transparency, and arrogance……the bees, the trees, and the siskiyous will be just fine without them…….(im sure the snitch apologists, liberals, bernie supporters, etc, ad nausea……….all those who really just want to play sandbox games to feel good about themselves and their carbon footprint while the world goes to hell and to whom freedom is an abstract concept they learned about in college will have a lot to say about this).

  5. Stand up. Stand down. Or get out of the way. People who snitch in the drug world do it out of fear of prison/ego, have damaged others /confession and forgiveness. This fits catagory one. You cannot do anything in this War half asses. As the saying goes…learn to stand for something or you will fall for anything.

  6. Dave Neil says:

    While I can understand distrust of those who have been turned like she was. However unless you have sat in the place she was in do not be to hard. Anyone can be turned under the right circumstances.

  7. Tim Lewis says:

    so many of these comments are so childish and fostered by folks who see themselves as radicals working for whats wild and free. Your insecurities run deep from your inabilities to create the kind of change you’d like to see so you direct your frustration at easy targets like Suzanne and Luke. I know the both of them, have listened to their stories, will continue to listen, and will continue to find compassion for my friends.

  8. Jim Torrey says:

    Tim Lewis, we all remember you from court. You chose to stand with Suzanne and the other rats.
    You have a problem with people who do not cooperate. That much was obvious from If a Tree Falls where you make all kinds of snide comments about Daniel. Always good to talk shit when someone is in prison, right?
    Hopefully, you are staying away from the drink and not being an abusive asshole anymore.

    • eco-worrier says:

      Divide and fall. Keep it together folks – fighting for the planet needs strong positivity and focus.

    • Tim Lewis says:

      “You have a problem with people who do not cooperate”…No Jim I love people who don’t cooperate and always will, its my true nature. Its people like you I have a problem with and always will. Attacking folks who don’t cooperate with your beliefs & dogma’s helped destroy Eugene. And now it looks like Eugene’s former mayor is bringing that uptight rigid attitude to southern Oregon. Loosen up Mr. Torrey and quit judging and shunning your new neighbors before ya know them. People do change ya know, even you can……

  9. Jeffrey Free Luers says:

    No, Tim, it is people like you and Jennifer that ruined Eugene and helped destroy a vibrant activist community. Don’t be a tattle-tell is one of the first lessons we all learn as children. Savoie and her ilk have demonstrated themselves unequivocally to be selfish, honor-less cowards willing to turn their backs on their principles, their friends, and their community. And even while the very people Savoie helped put in prison are still under federal supervision she is attempting to slink her way back into the activist community by organizing and attending direct actions. But, worse than these traitorous scum are people like you Tim and Jennifer who defend them, you help create a culture in which it is OK to betray the very people you fight along side. People like you are responsible for snitch culture, so Tim you need to get that Tattoo of my name on your arm that you like to crow about covered up you worthless piece of shit.

    • Tim Lewis says:

      wow man this is some crazy shit….don’t become bitter ole men and women ya all….I loved the times we spent together….but those times have passed on…bye, bye and good luck.

  10. Mar Moreno says:

    Fuck yes Jeffrey, it is imperative that anyone who becomes radicalized realize they will be going to jail if they become active, you cannot be afraid of this in any way shape or form, and I would further argue against begging or accepting to be bailed out. If this isn’t something you can accept, stick to your liberal guilt appeasing ways because you’re nothing less than a danger to all.

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