Rugby League

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The NRL has a drug problem, but there is a bigger one

Bloody hell.

Can we Fairfax journalists not turn our back for five minutes, I mean five minutes, without rugby league going completely batshit CRAZY? I mean, we engage in just a little bit of light industrial action between friends, which sees us down tools for a week, and while we were gone – to believe the headlines, the talkback callers, the public hand-wringing – the whole bloody lot of them have turned into druggies!

I'm talking NRL players, representative players, officials, chairmen of clubs! It is everywhere, I tell you, and destroying the league. Druggies are as common as Colombian headphones!

In response to all the damaging headlines, the lead stories, people such as Peter Sterling and Mal Meninga want zero tolerance, while NRL CEO Todd Greenberg has given grave warnings as to the dangers of cocaine, and the fact that if you take cocaine and the like, the game has no place for you.

I get all that. And I equally accept that cocaine is illegal,and very bad for your health. I say, too, quite seriously, to any teenagers now on the edge of the drugs world: have a good look around you, at those who take drugs regularly and those who abstain. Spot the difference? There is no question that the best option is to stay away from drugs entirely.

But there is one thing I don't get. In terms of demonstrable damage done to NRL people – executives, officials, players, fans – does cocaine even BEGIN to compare to the damage done by that other well-known drug called alcohol?


I mean, do we, or do we not, every freaking week in the NRL see alcohol-fuelled atrocities that include: domestic violence, sexual assault, violent assault, dog-molesting, car accidents, verbal abuse, marital and familial breakdown, being photographed drinking your own urine, and so on and so forth, on and on into the ever etcetera.

And cocaine-fuelled atrocities? Well, there was that time that ... actually, no, that was alcohol. Ah, but what about the time that ... no, sorry, that was alcohol, too. Ah, but who can forget when ... no, you're right, that was alcohol, too.

And yes, of course, it is not to say there aren't plenty of atrocities with cocaine at their base. But I ask you this as a serious question. If you were running the NRL's famed Atrocities Generator somewhere in the industrial zone out Botany way, and you had the choice of throwing cocaine or alcohol into the fuel tank to get it up to maximum power, which one would you dinkum throw in, alcohol or cocaine, and ...?

And so let us pause for a moment so the commentators can trot out their obvious line: "But alcohol is legal, you dickhead!"

Thanks, Scoop. You hold the front page, and I'll put the coffee on. I think we're going to pull an all-nighter.

Of course alcohol is legal, while cocaine isn't, but so what?

The NRL, we are constantly told, is a business. And business folk like to talk about "outcomes".

And, legal or not, nothing changes the fact that in terms of outcomes, the drug doing the most damage, by a factor of 1000, is alcohol, and the NRL knows it. We all know it. (And I'm not wagging a moralising finger here, by the way – for I have spilt more grog than you've drunk. I say it as a simple statement of fact.)

So if the NRL is really serious about limiting the damage done to their people, their "brand", then the obvious first step is to stop taking all alcohol sponsorship.


Otherwise it is the equivalent of Rome burning and the NRL sending their fire trucks to one tiny back street called Cocaine, while sending tankers of fuel everywhere else, to make the flames go higher still.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz