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Pauline Hanson abandons case against ABC over secret tapes, forced to pay legal costs

Pauline Hanson will be forced to pay legal costs after abandoning her court bid to stop the ABC airing further secret recordings of One Nation meetings, as she presses ahead with a case against a former party official who leaked the audio.

Senator Hanson took urgent action in the NSW Supreme Court on Thursday after a damaging recording aired on the ABC's flagship 7.30 program raised questions about her party's conduct.

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One Nation investigation

The Australian Electoral Commission reveals it's looking into the purchase of a plane used by One Nation leader Pauline Hanson to campaign.

She had initially sought orders stopping the ABC as well as former One Nation treasurer Ian Nelson, the source of the audio, from releasing further recordings.

But the orders were not pressed against the ABC once the broadcaster told the court it did not have any recordings beyond those already aired.

On Tuesday, Senator Hanson formally dropped the case against the broadcaster and will pay its legal costs.

Supreme Court Justice Francois Kunc extended an existing injunction restraining Mr Nelson from divulging any further secret recordings in his possession. 


The order prevents Mr Nelson "broadcasting, publishing, distributing, copying, using or dealing in any way with any recordings made by him of any telephone conversations which concern the business and affairs of the political party known as Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party".

Mr Nelson's barrister, James Cremin, told the court his client had destroyed all the recordings apart from one in the possession of his solicitor.

In an affidavit filed in court on Tuesday, Mr Nelson said that while he had "publically [sic] stated that I had over 4000 recordings, this figure was embellished and I do not have 4000 recordings of Pauline Hanson or other One Nation conversations with party office bearers".

"I record many conversations on my phone and most are deleted regularly, to free up the memory space on the phone," Mr Nelson said. "The phone slows down if the memory overloads."

Mr Nelson said that to his "current knowledge" he had no other recordings and "if I find any other recordings which I have inadvertently not deleted I will delete them immediately".

Justice Kunc said "the only issue" in dispute between the parties was whether the recordings had in fact been destroyed.

An expert will be appointed to inspect Mr Nelson's electronic devices to determine if and when the recordings were deleted.

The parties will return to court on August 7.

On May 30, 7.30 broadcast a recording of Senator Hanson expressing concern about a news story regarding a $100,000 light plane used by the party for campaigning purposes.

The origin of the plane is being formally investigated by the Australian Electoral Commission following accusations it was donated by property developer Bill McNee and not disclosed properly by the party.

Mr McNee has denied donating the plane and Senator Hanson and One Nation have denied breaching electoral laws.

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'Pauline Hanson abandons case against ABC over secret tapes, forced to pay legal costs'.