

Cardinal review: Louise Milligan's case for the damnation of George Pell

Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell
Louise Milligan
Melbourne University Press, $34.99

A lot of people are gunning for George Pell, and Louise Milligan is chief among those who would have him shot. Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell – its publication brought forward by eight weeks – is a 384-page attempt at a self-fulfilling prophecy. Cardinal does not depict the fall of George Pell though Milligan seems to think it is devoutly to be wished.

She begins with a portrait of "The Kid", who is the source of a new complaint, one which, if upheld, would destroy the cardinal. "The Kid… [has] PTSD eyes… the look of a dog which has been left alone for weeks in a yard which has been concreted over. The PTSD are quick to tears."

The fictionalising technique and the heightened colour are characteristic of this book that follows in the wake of the accusation that Milligan sensationally put to air on the ABC's 7:30 in 2016 but climaxes with the new details of The Kid's story which we have to wait until the end to have revealed.

She proceeds, however, to give a rundown of Pell's career and his track record. We hear about the big handsome young footballer with the glinting blue eyes. We learn he shared a room with a subsequent molesting priest at the seminary. No one there thought he was a "shirtlifter" though there were recurrent suggestions that he was a bully. He studied in Rome and went on to do a D.Phil in theology at Oxford on authority in the early church.

Milligan is keen to point out that even if he dipped his toe into notions of liberty during Vatican II he emerged as an anti-conscience conservative when he rose to episcopal eminence and was the bete noire of the liberal thinking Jesuits such as the former Provincial of Australian Jesuits and current Rector of Newman College at the University of Melbourne, the philosopher Father Bill Uren.


The antagonism between Pell and those urbane worldlings of the Church is certainly true and many people don't realise that Pell was loathed by a lot of Catholic liberals long before he became identified with the abuse issue in the public mind. In fact, the opposition to Pell (which was shared by his predecessor as Archbishop in Melbourne, Sir Frank Little, who seems to have been rather more of an appeaser of sexual offences) was quite marked at the very stage that Pell was making an impact as the most forceful and personable churchman since Daniel Mannix.

Milligan goes to great pains to suggest that when Pell was a consultor in the Ballarat diocese – the place where he at one stage lived with the notorious abuser Gerald Ridsdale – he must have known more about the rumours of abuse than he let on in his 18-hour grilling by the Royal Commission in 2016. In this respect it's worth pondering what constitutes knowledge. Under what circumstances does whatever hypothetical knowledge we may possess – from rumour, suggestion, possibility – constitute a moral obligation to act, more particularly from a position that is not empowered?

Milligan does not give the impression of being very versed either in questions of theology or law. It is scarcely surprising that Pell's testimony to the royal commission (for which he was briefed by Allan Myers QC, now Chancellor of Melbourne University) was guarded, not least in the face of a cross-examination by Counsel Assisting, Gail Furness, which was, as Milligan admits, forensically ferocious.

It seems strange for her to invoke the casuistical Church technique of "mental reservation" outlined by one of the Irish bishops where the cleric lies to his worldly interrogator while telling the truth to God ("There are no Jews here – not for these Nazis, O Lord").

Milligan is herself an Irish-born cradle Catholic and we know that the Irish went from kissing the hem of the garments of their priests to spitting on them in public as a consequence of their own public sex scandal. And Milligan with the fervour of a lapsed Jansenist leaves no stone unturned in her attempt to implicate Pell.

She suggests that the Melbourne Response he initiated which did compensate victims was much less sensitive and generous than other contemporary schemes proposed in the Church. Maybe so, but it's hard not to think that Pell had the power of personality and the administrative drive to bullock things through when the others might still be dithering.

On questions of personal abuse she is relentless. She rehearses in vast detail the accusations of people who allege that as a young priest at a swimming pool in Ballarat, as he hurled boys over his shoulder to their delight, he was in fact touching them intimately. She is utterly undeterred by the fact that some quantity of these people, damaged by other ghastly abuse, went on to lives of addiction and domestic violence.

Yes, she's right that this doesn't necessarily discredit their testimony but nor does it do much to authenticate it. Frank Costigan QC said to Geoffrey Robertson once on one of his Hypotheticals that he would not challenge someone because he was "one of life's unfortunates" but he would if he thought his testimony was coloured by drugs.

And Pell does seem to have been an abiding phantom of predation for a lot of people simply because he's taken to be the embodiment of the arrogance of the Church, a role his self-confessed "wooden" manner suits him for all too well.

The reiterated story of him not rushing to get dressed in a hurry after he'd been surfing with some boys at Torquay, to the puritanical appal of some chap running the club, is absurd. If so, so what?

Then there is the final charge concerning The Kid. Two boys with scholarships to St Kevin's required to sing in the St Patrick's cathedral choir in return. Pell, the Archbishop of Melbourne who has already initiated the Melbourne Response and is destined for the red cap, for Sydney and the Vatican, is supposed to have caught them in a forbidden room in the cathedral and insisted on oral sex.

If the charge were true, this supreme politician for the Lord, the man who awed the media with the words, "I'm here to object to 'Piss Christ'," and who has raged like a wildfire at Vatican financial corruption, would be a madman as well as a criminal. The other boy is now dead (tragically, of an overdose); none of the other choirboys back up the claim.

Louise Milligan's Cardinal has plenty of inaccuracies ranging from St Kevin's uniforms to clerical titles. She is the diametrical opposite of Helen Garner in her famous trial books: instead of presenting herself as an unreliable narrator – full of doubts and flaws – she is a writer of flaming convictions and sensationalist prose who backs her intuitions in the face of any notion of evidence or scruple.

The upshot is a racketing case for the prosecution. One can only hope to God that in the present climate people will be capable of realising this is a case being mounted for a witch trial.