- published: 17 Dec 2016
- views: 27263
NTT DOCOMO, Inc. (株式会社NTTドコモ, Kabushiki Gaisha Enu Ti Ti Dokomo) is the predominant mobile phone operator in Japan. The name is officially an abbreviation of the phrase, "do communications over the mobile network", and is also from a compound word dokomo, meaning "everywhere" in Japanese. Docomo provides phone, video phone (FOMA and Some PHS), i-mode (internet), and mail (i-mode mail, Short Mail, and SMS) services. The company has its headquarters in the Sanno Park Tower, Nagatachō, Chiyoda, Tokyo. At the beginning of 2015, it was the fourth largest public company in Japan when measured by market capitalization.
Docomo was spun off from Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) in August 1991 to take over the mobile cellular operations. It provides 2G (mova) PDC cellular services on the 800 MHz band, and 3G FOMA W-CDMA services on the 2 GHz (UMTS2100) and 800 MHz (UMTS800 (Band VI)) and 1700 MHz (UMTS1700 (Band IX)) bands, and 4G LTE services. Its businesses also included PHS (Paldio), paging, and satellite. Docomo ceased offering a PHS service on January 7, 2008.
HOW TO USE TOILETS in JAPAN. -日本のトイレの使い方-
NTT DOCOMO Vision 2020 Culture Symphony
Arpanet - NTT DoCoMo (Official Video)
Mobile Phones Japan: NTT DoCoMo
Galaxy S3 AU Progre with NTT Docomo Sim and builtin Internet
Hard reset Docomo ntt
NTT Docomo phone iNEX Hyper SIM unlocking / activation procedure (updated)
New Service and Product Presentation 2017 Summer
Yang Kamu WAJIB Tau Dari HP DOCOMO | You Must Know About DOCOMO Smartphone
「3秒クッキング 爆速餃子」篇
People around the world say toilets in Japan are extremely clean and “advanced”. This is a video explaining how to use toilets in Japan. We will introduce correct way of squatting at Japanese-style toilet, how to use bidet function, and most importantly, how to use “toilet paper for smartphone” planned by docomo. 世界中から、清潔かつ"最先端"と言われる日本のトイレ。そんな「日本のトイレの使い方」動画です。 和式便座の正しい座り方、洗浄シャワー及び、ドコモが企画した「スマホ専用トイレットペーパー」のご利用方法を紹介いたします。 What is a “toilet paper for smartphone”? It is a toilet paper made to clean smartphone screens, so that foreign tourists visiting Japan can enjoy their travel hygienically. You can find it at some toilets in Narita Airport, a gateway of Japan from December 16th, 2016 to March 15th, 2017. 【スマホ専用トイレットペーパーとは】 訪日外国人観光客の方に健康で楽しい日本滞在をしていただくために、スマホ画面を綺麗にすることができるトイレットペーパーです。 日...
Taken from Arpanet first album "Wireless Internet", available at http://recordmakers.com Subscribe to our channel : http://bit.ly/1dd3pnN http://facebook.com/recordmakers http://twitter.com/recordmakers http://soundcloud.com/recordmakers
Some of the main japanese mobile phones commercialized by NTT DoCoMo carrier
I am Selling NTT Docomo Pre-Paid Sim Price: 7,000 Yen with 3,000 Yen of Load already Shipment: 350 Yen ( Letter Pack) or meet at Aoto Station ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: Builtin Internet unlimited use for only 60 Yen Daily You can use 3,000 yen of Load for 50 Days You can call and receive calls ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost of Calls: Japan-japan land: ¥3/min Japan-japan cell: ¥10/min You can Reload at Convenience Store ( Just ask the Staff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For FREE CALLS Please use Line, Skype, Facebook and other apps. Contact Number: Viber / Line: 08094491969 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jpol.ola.52 Facebook Gr...
este proceso lo hacemos presionando power mas boton de menu o opciones y el boton atras o back todos al mismo tiempo hasta que entre en recovery en la recuperacion y seleccionamos wipe data factory reset y wipe cache y luego que termine seleccionamos en reboot system now y listo esperamos a que inicie y ya tenemos nuestro movil formateado. subcribete ami canal para mas videos interesantes sobre la reparacion voy a subir todas semanas de reparaciones tanto en hardware como en software si te gusta agradece mi esfuerzo gracias.
This is the procedure for unlocking NTT Docomo handsets that can only be used through iNEX SIM. The video uses genuine iNEX SIM v2.9L, this applies for all other older iNEX SIM versions. 1. Insert your iNEX SIM and SIM card into a mobile 2. You need to make sure that the phone you use to activate the iNEX SIM is switched to GSM mode ONLY 3. If you have previously set the phone to GSM mode, turn the mobile back on 4. Wait for a little while, you should see a white screen pop out with the iNEX SIM version shown, press OK or Cancel 5. Dial out, you might see the white screen again, press OK or Cancel and take out the iNEX SIM and your SIM card 6. Put them into the DOCOMO phone that you wish to use 7. If your DOCOMO phone is set to GSM mode, You should gain reception as shown in the video Di...
NTT DOCOMO "New Services and Products Presentation, 2017 Summer" on 5/24. Japanese version is here. https://youtu.be/AAnyZJos7vw
Video Kreatif Yang Menjelaskan Tentang Apa Itu Docomo Dan Lainya Yang Kamu Harus Tau.. Dibuat dengan S6 Docomo Semoga Video Ini Bermanfaat Jangan Lupa Dukung Chanell ini Agar Bisa Berkembang Dengan Klik SUBSCRIBE Terima Kasih.. Link.. HP apa Saja Yang Berlabel Docomo https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/product/
今日は、3秒餃子です。 果たしてどのようにして仕上げるのでしょうか。 進化した調理スピードにご注目下さい。 「2つの帯域を1つに束ねて、通信速度を向上させる」ということを表現するため、 2つの発射口から射出される具材が混ざり合いながら、爆速で餃子を調理する装置を開発しました。 混ざり合ったひき肉と白菜が飛び出すスピードと、 塩コショウ、ニラ、ニンニク、炎がふき出すタイミングは、 全て綿密な計算と、検証によりプログラミングされています。 この動画でぜひ、国内最速、受信時最大225Mbps*1 の速さをご体感ください! 「PREMIUM 4G」について 詳しくはhttps://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/support/area/premium_4g/index.html をご覧ください。 「3秒クッキング 爆速エビフライ」篇はこちら、 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkaIoH6Um60 *1 2015年2月25日(水曜)現在、日本国内における携帯電話事業者において。自社調べ。 ※「PREMIUM 4G」は、株式会社NTTドコモの商標です。 ※本調理法は危険ですので、絶対にマネしないでください。
There were two men down
And the score tied
In the bottom of the eighth
When the pitcher died
And they laid his spikes
On the pitcher's mound
And his uniform was torn
And his number was left on the ground
then the night turned cold
Colder than the moon
The stars were white as bones
the stadium was old
Older than the screams
Older than the teams
There were three men down
And the season lost
And the tarpaulin was rolled