- published: 11 Jun 2017
- views: 117967
Colorado (i/kɒləˈrædoʊ/, or /kɒləˈrɑːdoʊ/) (Spanish for "ruddy") is a state in the United States encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. Colorado is part of the Western United States, the Southwestern United States, and the Mountain States. Colorado is the 8th most extensive and the 22nd most populous of the 50 United States. The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Colorado was 5,456,574 on July 1, 2015, an increase of 8.50% since the 2010 United States Census.
The state was named for the Colorado River, which Spanish travelers named the Río Colorado for the ruddy (Spanish: colorado) silt the river carried from the mountains. The Territory of Colorado was organized on February 28, 1861, and on August 1, 1876, U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant signed Proclamation 230 admitting Colorado to the Union as the 38th state. Colorado is nicknamed the "Centennial State" because it became a state 28 days after the centennial of the United States Declaration of Independence.
Sector 3, Sector III or variant can refer to:
COLO SONG - Sunt Șefan by MrFreesh [SPECIAL 200K]
Colo feat. J Boy x S Wavey - For The Cash [Music Video] | GRM Daily
Jads & Jadson - Colo part. Victor & Leo (DVD É DIVINO)
Square Ent (Colo X Business) ft Big Tobz - For The Gang | @Square_Ent @Business_SQ @BigTobzSF
►Cea mai speciala piesa facuta de un sustinator puternic pe nume Mr Freesh care sincer imi cutremura tot corpul pe toata durata melodiei! Daca va placut nu uitati sa dati un like si subscribe pentru sefanul meu suprem, Mr Freesh: http://bit.ly/colofresh ►Download : https://soundcloud.com/freesh-music-lab/sunt-sefan-preview ►Song (Young Thug / Rich Gang Type Beat - "Famous" (Prod. By FranyerBeatz)) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnzR3CKZO5k → For Business / Partnership: colo_ab@yahoo.com ►VINDE-TI SKIN-URILE PE BANI REALI: http://bit.ly/opskinscolo ►FAN GIFTs: Nume: Balan Alexandru-Ionel → Oficiul Postal: Nr. 77 si Casuta Postala: Nr. 15 → Localitate: Bucuresti / Sector 3 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► De asemenea, acestea sunt locurile unde ma puteti urmari/contacta: ● Disco...
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Daca ai ceva sa imi trimiti si vrei sa apari in videoclipurile saptamanale de unboxing trimite-mi o creatie / cadou sau colet aici: Nume: Balan Alexandru-Ionel - Oficiul Postal: Nr. 77 si Casuta Postala: Nr. 15 - Localitate: Bucuresti / Sector 3 INFORMATII UTILE (in cazul in care vrei sa trimiti un pachet): - in caz ca vor fi multe pachete voi face un video saptamanal cu lucrurile pe care mi le trimiteti - foarte mare atentie la completare - veti fi nevoiti sa platiti o taxa pentru trimiterea acestora incepand cu 5 LEI/KG si poate ajunge la +10 LEI in functie de greutatea coletului / marime s.a.m.d - coletele care sunt trimise cu plata ramburs NU sunt acceptate. - incercati sa nu folositi foarte mult scoci inutil altfel coletul nu o sa apara in videoclip - limitati-va pe cat de mult posibi...
►GIVEAWAY - KARAMBIT FADE: http://bit.ly/colokarafade Daca ai ceva sa imi trimiti si vrei sa apari in videoclipurile saptamanale de unboxing trimite-mi o creatie / cadou sau colet aici: Nume: Balan Alexandru-Ionel - Oficiul Postal: Nr. 77 si Casuta Postala: Nr. 15 - Localitate: Bucuresti / Sector 3 INFORMATII UTILE (in cazul in care vrei sa trimiti un pachet): - foarte mare atentie la completare - veti fi nevoiti sa platiti o taxa pentru trimiterea acestora incepand cu 5 LEI/KG si poate ajunge la +10 LEI in functie de greutatea coletului / marime s.a.m.d - coletele care sunt trimise cu plata ramburs NU sunt acceptate. - incercati sa nu folositi foarte mult scoci inutil altfel coletul nu o sa apara in videoclip - limitati-va pe cat de mult posibil sa scrieti romane sau Q&A; pentru ca nu o sa...
A Prefeitura de Guamaré afastou os guardas municipais que atenderam a exigência da vereadora Diva e usaram da força física para expulsar de dentro da casa legislativa – dita casa do povo – uma mulher com um bebê nos braços. Veja o vídeo onde a mulher é agredida e tem o filho quase derrubado dos braços. Tudo começou quando Diva (PRB), que é vice-presidente da Câmara, passou a presidir a sessão de ontem enquanto o presidente, vereador Lula, se pronunciava em plenário. A popular lhe fez uma crítica e ela rebateu batendo boca com a mulher que assistia à sessão, e aos gritos, chamando a mulher de ‘vagabunda’, a parlamentar deu ordem para que ela fosse retirada. Há clima de revolta na cidade e a decisão de afastamento dos guardas já foi tomada pela Prefeitura. O vídeo é prova em favor da mulher ...
Daca ai ceva sa imi trimiti si vrei sa apari in videoclipurile saptamanale de unboxing trimite-mi o scrisoare / creatie / cadou sau colet aici: Nume: Balan Alexandru-Ionel - Oficiul Postal: Nr. 77 si Casuta Postala: Nr. 15 - Localitate: Bucuresti / Sector 3 INFORMATII UTILE: - in caz ca vor fi multe pachete voi face un video saptamanal cu lucrurile pe care mi le trimiteti - foarte mare atentie la completare - veti fi nevoiti sa platiti o taxa pentru trimiterea acestora incepand cu 1 LEU si poate ajunge la +10 LEI in functie de greutatea coletului / marime s.a.m.d - coletele care sunt trimise cu plata ramburs NU sunt acceptate. - va sugerez sa nu trimiteti mancare sau lucruri care au o forma de viata deoarece probabil vor expira pana cand le voi deschide eu. → For Business / Partnership: c...
Essa música faz parte do CD e DVD "É Divino". Compre o CD e/ou DVD: http://som.li/1qAQQIs Baixe agora no iTunes: http://som.li/1kOlzkK Ouça na Deezer: http://som.li/1B8PO9X ____________________________________________ LETRA: Colo (part. Victor e Leo) (Leo Chaves/Paulinha Gonçalves) Você pode sentar no meu colo Vou acariciar seus cabelos Você já disse tudo com os olhos Posso te tocar com um beijo Você pode sentar no meu colo O amor vai além dessas nuvens Sei que também consegue sentir Tudo o que esta dentro de mim Deixe o seu coração falar Não se prenda ao medo de amar Eu posso e vou te carregar Não se prenda ao medo Oh oh oohh quero te levar ____________________________________________ Siga a dupla nas redes sociais: ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fanpagejadsejadson ► Twitter...
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Travel video about destination Colorado. Colorado is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a land of remote valleys and high mountains.Denver is the state capital and is located on a sunny high plateau sixteen hundred metres above sea level where the local inhabitants enjoy more sunshine throughout the year than in California’s San Diego or even Honolulu. Skyscrapers between the prairie and the Rockies, a somewhat surreal city in which various power industry companies are to be found. The 16th Street Mall is the city’s pride and a splendid avenue that boasts the longest pedestrianised area in the USA plus a free bus service! It contains several shopping malls, restaurants and all kinds of shops with products from all over the world. The shining red rocks on the outskirts of Colorad...
http://www.expedia.com/Denver.d178254.Destination-Travel-Guides Come play with us in the “Mile-High City” and discover some of the best Denver tours. Denver is a scenic city surrounded by majestic mountains in Colorado. Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the state capital has a rich mining history that dates back to 1858. To get to know this charming city, kickstart your getaway with a romp around the Golden Triangle. Take a walking tour and gaze at the photogenic architecture and public art installations situtated all around the neighborhood. Next, venture inside the Denver Art Museum, explore the History Colorado Center, and visit the Capitol Building. During your Denver sightseeing, don’t forget to soak up the sun and scenery. Mosey around the Denver Botanic Gardens, and v...
► Please Remember to Subscribe! ► https://goo.gl/P5ZUPk ► Follow me on Twitter: https://goo.gl/el5pYm ► Facebook: https://goo.gl/XflDvj --------------------------------------------- 10 Best Places to Visit in Colorado Split down the middle by the vast Rocky Mountains and jam-packed with national parks and wilderness areas, Colorado is an ideal travel destination for outdoor pursuits in every season. From skiing and whitewater rafting to hiking, biking and camping, outdoor activities are a way of life in the Centennial State. The state’s fun-loving culture attracts visitors looking for a laidback vacation too. After all, Colorado produces more beer than any other state and is one of only two states in the Union that has legalized marijuana for recreational use. Rich in historical and cul...
This film was shot in Telluride, Downtown Fort Collins, New Belgium Brewery, Bridal Veil Falls, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Dunton Hot Springs and high mountain passes all over the state. Together, they paint a portrait of Colorado in the summertime -- warm, vibrant, surprising and exhilarating. Plan your vacation and get your free guide at http://www.colorado.com/.
The signs of Denver's economic high times and progressiveness can be found in the city's innovative art, nightlife, food and shopping scenes. Produced by: Fritzie Andrade Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/15ufGm0 Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nytvideo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nytimes/ Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the...
This one was a little shorter than the rest but we were only here for a weekend for our friends wedding. We love taking you along so I hope you enjoyed it :) Where should we travel next?! OPEN FOR ALL INFO AND LINKS SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter- https://twitter.com/tesschristine Instagram-http://instagram.com/tesschristinexo Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pages/TessCh.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shot by: https://instagram.com/moderngypsymedia Huge thank you to our friend Justin Bradley for the help with filming. Follow is instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/justinbradleyy/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Watch more of our travel vlogs here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9pKsQS2vlA&list;=PLiE_YqbLhFK0...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Colorado Springs - Travel Guide: American Numismatic Association Money Museum, Bear Creek Nature Center, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum, Downtown Colorado Springs, North Cheyenne Canon Park, Palmer Park, Peterson Air and Space Museum, Western Museum of Mining and Industry, U.S. Olympic Complex Training Center,
Travel video about destination Denver in the United States of America. Denver is the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado and is located at 1,600 metres above sea level, on a sunny high plateau on the edge of the Rocky Mountains. A number of brave pioneers once believed that Denver would be an ideal centre of trade and despite Indian hostilities and various other hazards, they decided to build a town in this region. The 16th Street Mall is the city's pride. Inaugurated in 1982, it is a splendid avenue that boasts the longest pedestrianised area in the U.S.A. Trees, fountains and sculptures adorn the street as well as horses and carriages. On Arapahoe Street, close to 16th Street ,is the Daniels And Fisher Tower. In 1911, William Cooke Daniels ordered the construction of a bell tower ab...
Travel video about nature park Rocky Mountains in the USA. The Rocky Mountains National Park is one of the most unique and impressive natural paradises in the United States Of America. It covers an area of a thousand square kilometres and was inaugurated in 1915.The picturesque Bear Lake lies within a forested area and is one of the most popular tourist destinations of the park. At high altitude, several paths such as the Nature Trail lead through the lake’s natural landscape. The idyllic beauty is truly spellbinding and it is not surprising that Bear Lake is the most popular photo shot of the entire park. It was discovered that twelve thousand years ago prehistoric Indians hunted within the Rocky Mountains. The legendary culture of the Nasazi Indians originated around two thousand years a...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Denver (Colorado) - Travel Guide: 16th Street Mall, Civic Center Park, Colorado State Capitol, Coors Field, Denver Art Museum, Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Denver Public Library, Denver Zoo, Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art, Larimer Square, Mount Evans, United States Mint, Downtown
Rising from the western edge of America's High Plains, and shadowed by the Rocky Mountains, is Colorado's capital, Denver. An easy walk from Denver's downtown is the Golden Triangle, an area filled with civic architecture, museums and public art. Visit the Denver Art Museum, which celebrates the region's landscapes and peoples. Discover the region's prehistoric past at the Denver Museum of Science and Nature. then follow the Triceratops Trail at Dinosaur Ridge. At the historic mining town of Golden, visit the Buffalo Bill Museum, Clear Creek History Park, and the Colorado Railroad Museum. Tour the Coors Brewery, then end the day with a show at the Red Rocks natural outdoor amphitheater. Denver is surrounded by places of incredible beauty. Explore the ancient sandstone formations at...
Nestled deep in the heart of Texas, along the Colorado River, Austin is where the ranches of the Texas Hill Country meet the prairies of the coastal plain. The university city attracts the young and the talented and has a distinct bohemian feel. Austinites make a point of Keeping Austin Weird. Explore the quirky shops on South Congress Avenue to encounter uncommon objects and carnivalesque zebras while you shop for vintage clothes, designer shirts or a pair of iconic Texas boots. Visit the city zoo and see the longhorns, long a symbol for Texas. Or, for a modern take on Austin’s cattle history, browse the contemporary Blanton Museum Of Art. Enjoy one of the many outdoor activities in Zilker Park or head to McKinney Falls, and cool off by the streams. As the self-proclaime...
Let RIDE GUIDE take you to the peak of adventure sports as our hosts and guest pros share their mountain travel stories from skiing, snowboarding and mountain biking locations throughout the world. RIDE GUIDE: Bike White-knuckle downhills. Extreme peaks. Rough trails. Through stunts, swift riding and hard falls, our travelling cast of troubadours in ‘RIDE GUIDE: Bike’ will take viewers on mountain biking adventures through Colorado, British Columbia, Peru, Japan, France, Italy, Norway, Wales and Cyprus. RIDE GUIDE: Snow Remote locations. Untouched runs. Big air. Epic lines. Deep snow. Spectacular scenery. ‘RIDE GUIDE: Snow’ takes the viewer to the world’s best heliski and catski operations to ski some of the world’s best powder. Locations include British Columbia, China, Switzerland, Chi...
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I've heard a lot of people say, if there's one thing you should do, it's take a road trip across the country because it will change your life forever. I wanted to know why, so I packed a van, invited a friend, and drove from Connecticut to California. Using GPS as our map and the internet as our tour guide, in each episode we explore a new city including Cleveland, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Colorado Springs, Albuquerque, and the Grand Canyon. Follow Me http://facebook.com/benjchurchill http://twitter.com/benjchurchill http://instagram.com/benjchurchill http://youtube.com/RadioTripPictures http://benchurchill.com Follow John Fazio Jr. http://twitter.com/JohnFazioJr http://instagram.com/JohnFazioJr http://youtube.com/JohnFazioJr ------ MUSIC "Fahey" by Red Shirt Beats "Misery" by Crystal...
Bonacca tells the story of a few Honduran fly fishing guides from the Bay Island of Guanaja. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch ravaged Guanaja, and the natives were stripped of nearly everything, including almost 95% of their mangrove population which was a vital habitat to their fishery. In Mitch's wake, an already struggling economy found it difficult to rebuild. When now head fishing guide Rankin Jackson was on the mainland working as a rafting guide he met Colorado trout bum Steve Brown and the two quickly shared a bond over fishing. Rankin invited Brown to Guanaja to explore the fishery with him, and it was then that the story unfolded. Jobs were close to none and still are, but Rankin and his brothers looked to their ancestral past as fishermen and quickly learned how to become fly fishing ...
Like this? See more engaging local stories at http://www.metroseen.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/metroseendotcom Twitter http://twitter.com/metroseen Metroseen | The Reel Story. Engaging Local Video Spots! Metroseen is the place where you'll find the best local businesses telling their unique stories on video! These are extraordinary videos telling extraordinary stories. As you discover each place through these vignettes, you'll find that you're discovering your community as well! This video was shot on a Canon 7D Neptune Mountaineering 633 South Broadway #A Boulder, CO 80305 (888) 499-8866
Join Nashville recording artist Logan Mize for a tour of his home state of Kansas. With stunning beauty, unique attractions and unexpected wonders, There's No Place Like Kansas for a getaway! Visit www.TravelKS.com to plan your getaway and download Travel Guide. Visit TravelKS.com/LoganMize for a free download of the song from the video. Filmed/ Edited by: jones huyett partners - www.jhpadv.com Aerial Filming by: Altitude Filmworks - www.altitudefilmworks.com Music: "Sunflowers" by Logan Mize - www.loganmize.com
Ryan Ross takes us on a tour through Douglas County. In this episode he takes us on a road trip from Louviers to Roxborough. Check out other episodes for more interesting things to do in Douglas County Colorado.
I just hung up the phone
I was talking to you
We said good bye
I sat down and cry
Coz' I remembered the things
That we've done
When we were sitting together
And our love has begun
For more and more
I want to go back in time
I'll always love you
I hope you know
But on and on
I need to wait
7 1/2 years that was our pact
7 1/2 years there is no turning back
7 1/2 years till I get to see you again
I am looking at the pictures
Of me and you
Both of us were smiling
For this damn photo-shoot
That was the day when it all began
But all I want to now
Is to see you again
For more and more
I want to go back in time
I'll always love you
I hope you know
But on and on
I need to wait